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Pakistan's navy interested in Chinese submarines and advance naval ships

There is no code name such as 041 of Chinese submarines.

The actual code names are:
039, 039G, 039G1 as posted by wangrong. Here the letter G means Change in Chinese. There are called the Song Class by NATO, but not their original Chinese type name.

039A. Though the type name is similar to 039, but they are totally different classes. The same thing happens between destroyer 052 and 052C.

The nick name of 039A called by NATO is Yuan Class , also not it's original Chinese name.

Another prove of the fact that the code name 041 does not exist is:
In Chinese code names the second number stands for its type.
Examples are :
051,051B,051C,052,052B,052C,053,054,054A The second number 5 stands for surface ships.
039,039G,039G1,039A The second number 3 stands for conventional submarines.
091,092,093,094 The second number 9 stands for nuclear submarines.
As listed above, the code name of Yuan Class must be 03X, for it's code name for submarines.

I'm not familiar with military words in English, hope you could understand words above.

Best wishes.
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A comparison of the Chinese Type 054A with other advanced ships of Asia:





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i think PN needs huge destroyers we are sick of small frigates and destroyers can carry more anti sub helicopter anti aircraft sam systems
i don't like this sub even our agosta 90b is a lot better this one

Muft main mil rahi hai , tu nakre kiya kerna?, Le letein hain

Keep it coming

3 Agosta
3 Merlin
3 U214
6 Chinese Subs

Yes this would be a minimum - must for a navy ...

I think time is right to really say YES to every one and no to no one

Don't keep all apples in one basket as the popular saying goes

And its not a beauti pagent , Ms Submarine contest - its what it can launch under water
Muft main mil rahi hai , tu nakre kiya kerna?, Le letein hain

Keep it coming

3 Agosta
3 Merlin
3 U214
6 Chinese Subs

Yes this would be a minimum - must for a navy ...

I think time is right to really say YES to every one and no to no one

Don't keep all apples in one basket as the popular saying goes

And its not a beauti pagent , Ms Submarine contest - its what it can launch under water

it will be a lot better to stick to ferwer options rather then getting threee of every class available,,,,:disagree:
currently we are operating three Agostas and now if PN eventually do go forward with the U214 deal three of this class plus an additional two of either agostas or U214 as the funds allow will do good foor PN future.
Chines subs may only come into play once we have gained enough knowledge of westren subs in shape of U214z and agostas and then can use it to modify the chines subs according to requirments!!!

China is beginning work on a new strategic submarine that will be targeted against U.S. nuclear forces and carry missiles with small warheads similar to American weapons, The Washington Times has learned.

The People's Liberation Army Navy will start construction in the next several weeks on its first Type 094 missile submarine, according to Pentagon and other administration officials with access to intelligence reports.

Preparations for the construction were detected by U.S. spy agencies and reported to senior Pentagon officials late last month. The submarine will carry a smaller underwater variant of China's new DF-31 -- Continued from Front Page -- intercontinental ballistic missile, which was flight-tested in August.

The JL-2 submarine-launched missile to be deployed on the Type 094 and the DF-31 are the first strategic systems that will contain stolen U.S. warhead and missile secrets, the officials, speaking on the condition of anonymity, told The Times.

That view contradicts claims of other administration officials who believe there is no evidence so far that Chinese strategic weapons will be copied from U.S. systems.

According to the intelligence officials, the new Type 094 is being built to provide "a strategic deterrent" to the United States. Both the JL-2 and the first Type 094 are expected to be deployed around 2005 or 2006. The JL-2 also is known as the Julang-2 and will have a range of about 7,400 miles. Julang means Great Wave in Chinese.

"These missiles will be able to hit any place in the United States, not just the Western states," said one official. "That's a significant new capability." The Type 094 will carry 12 or 16 JL-2 submarine-launched ballistic missiles that were described in one intelligence report as a smaller version of the DF-31.

U.S. intelligence agencies in mid-November also spotted a Chinese Golf-class missile submarine that is being used as a test bed for the JL-2. The submarine sailed from Zhenjiang to Lushung. The transit was a sign the Chinese are preparing for the first sea-launch test of the JL-2.

The missile also is expected by Pentagon officials to carry China's newest small warhead that is believed to be copied from the U.S. W-88 warhead deployed on U.S. Trident D-5 submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

China obtained design information on the W-88 warhead in the 1980s and a Chinese official disclosed the loss to the CIA in 1995. An investigation of the warhead compromise is focused on Wen Ho Lee, a computer scientist who was dismissed from his job at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico and who is suspected of passing warhead secrets to China. He has denied the charge.

According to a congressional report on Chinese technology theft released earlier this year, the new Type 094 submarine will provide the People's Republic of China (PRC) with new strategic nuclear capabilities that will increase the threat to the United States.

The report by the special panel headed by Rep. Christopher Cox, California Republican, stated that the JL-2's 7,400-mile range allows it "to be launched from the PRC's territorial waters and to strike targets throughout the United States." "This range will allow a significant change in the operation and tactics of the PRC's nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines," the report, based on classified intelligence reports, stated.

"Instead of venturing into the open ocean to attack the United States, the Type 094-class submarines could remain near PRC waters, protected by the PLA Navy and Air Force."

The Cox committee report also said the submarines are part of a new Chinese nuclear strategy of developing weapons that are more "survivable" against U.S. nuclear missiles. The submarines provide such survivability because they are hard to detect. China has deployed one Xia-class nuclear missile submarine but defense officials said it rarely leaves ports and appears to be in disrepair.

The Type 094 will replace that Xia-class submarine and provide much more advanced capabilities than a second Xia submarine still under construction.

In addition to the new missile submarines, China also is building a new attack submarine known as the Type O93 that will be equipped with underwater-fired cruise missiles.

Defense officials said U.S. intelligence agencies based their assessment of the new submarine on sensitive intelligence gathered from U.S. spy satellites. The Pentagon is closely watching China's strategic nuclear force buildup, they said.

The trade publication Jane's Defense Weekly reported in August that China had begun construction of a new nuclear-powered submarine at the Huludao shipyard on the Bohai Gulf northeast of Beijing. The magazine said it is not known if it is the new missile submarine or the first of China's new class of attack submarines.

The intelligence report last week stated that China already is building the first of its new attack submarines -- Type 093 -- and is in the process of completing construction of the last Xia-class missile submarine. The new Xia submarine is being modified so it can launch the new longer-range JL-2s. Those submarines currently carry shorter-range missiles than the JL-2.

A senior U.S. intelligence official said in April that stolen U.S. nuclear warhead secrets will be built into new Chinese missiles in a "matter of years." The official said some W-88 warhead data obtained by the Chinese "could only have been obtained from espionage."

The senior intelligence official said that the stolen U.S. nuclear data means "future Chinese weapons will look more like ours." The official spoke to reporters on the outcome of a classified CIA damage assessment of Chinese nuclear spying.

However, retired Air Force Gen. Eugene Habiger, the new security chief at the Energy Department, told reporters Wednesday "the jury is still out" on whether China's new strategic weapons will contain stolen U.S. nuclear weapons secrets. The retired general was formerly the U.S. Strategic Command leader and has disagreed in the past with CIA estimates.

The Chinese submarine missile development highlights the need for deploying a national missile defense, said a congressional defense specialist. "This is evidence that China is moving rapidly toward the deployment of a modern, survivable long-range missile force at a time when it faces no threat whatsoever," the aide said.

Pentagon and State Department spokesmen in the past have dismissed China's strategic nuclear weapons development as non-threatening and a normal process of military modernization.

In addition to stolen U.S. technology, the new missile submarine also is expected to contain technology provided by Russia, including advanced nuclear reactors and special propellers that will make the submarines harder to detect underwater.
Washington Times: U.S. secrets aboard latest Chinese sub
Muft main mil rahi hai , tu nakre kiya kerna?, Le letein hain

Keep it coming

3 Agosta
3 Merlin
3 U214
6 Chinese Subs

Yes this would be a minimum - must for a navy ...

I think time is right to really say YES to every one and no to no one

Don't keep all apples in one basket as the popular saying goes

And its not a beauti pagent , Ms Submarine contest - its what it can launch under water

According to you buying 12 subs and that too 3 merlin and 3 u214 subs will cost you approx 4-5 billion$ and 6 more chinese subs .........
who will pay for these
Muft main mil rahi hai , tu nakre kiya kerna?, Le letein hain

Keep it coming

3 Agosta
3 Merlin
3 U214
6 Chinese Subs

Yes this would be a minimum - must for a navy ...

I think time is right to really say YES to every one and no to no one

Don't keep all apples in one basket as the popular saying goes

And its not a beauti pagent , Ms Submarine contest - its what it can launch under water

navy walon ko iske paise kon daiga
bhaiyaa ji!!!!
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