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Pakistan's navy interested in Chinese submarines and advance naval ships

We should first acquire HDW U214s.

They are still the most advanced, and would meet our requirements (at least in my opinion)

apart from that, on the naval front we must work closely with not just Chinese but also Republic of Turkey. We are having close cooperation with these countries in this regard.
PN desperately need U214, No other submarines is valuable.

No need for Chinese Sub at the moment but yes PN can work on joint production…..PN already have experience of Submarines manufacturing on Augusta 70B, PN can work on joint production for Nuclear submarine with China.

Pakistan is probably want to start Nuclear sub project with China.
We should first acquire HDW U214s.

They are still the most advanced, and would meet our requirements (at least in my opinion)

apart from that, on the naval front we must work closely with not just Chinese but also Republic of Turkey. We are having close cooperation with these countries in this regard.

I think a cooperation in Submarine development in Future between Turkey and Pakistan is possible. Turkish Firms have developed some components for Submarines like Sonar, Periscope, Torpedo Decoys and there are also turkish Torpedo in development. Turkey has Experience in Building Submarines under License. Now, I mean the next Year Turkey should Focus on MILGEM and the development of some Submarine related Components for U-214 TN. When this Steps are finished i would highly enjoy a joint-Development of Submarines.
I think a cooperation in Submarine development in Future between Turkey and Pakistan is possible. Turkish Firms have developed some components for Submarines like Sonar, Periscope, Torpedo Decoys and there are also turkish Torpedo in development. Turkey has Experience in Building Submarines under License. Now, I mean the next Year Turkey should Focus on MILGEM and the development of some Submarine related Components for U-214 TN. When this Steps are finished i would highly enjoy a joint-Development of Submarines.

I believe Pakistan in future will get into multi projects with turkey in defence fields, submarine one of them being.

But problem is we need at this time and in 3-4 years time 3-5 submarines to keep up a force capable enough to counter the superior IN which would be having latest subs and ships in few years time.
Yuan Class:






Most Chinese hardware are third rate knock-offs of soviet era bungling inefficient and infective weaponry.

all respect to the Chinese military and it’s modern supreme weaponry and debit of gratitude for aide of pakistan in many endeavours

We need to get nuclear subs( nuclear subs require less maintenance and we already have the know-how of nuke science and we need channel it to the appropriate product)

Some European countries would be willing to help us, such as France, or lease it like our enemy is about to do and we will borrow the tech as well

last certainly not least. please for god sake get one air craft carrier (america is churning them out like hot potatoes) surely we could get one. First nuclear muslim power. First muslim country to operate an aircraft carrier.... pakistan is the most allied of allies, fighting terrorism and protecting the american people against terrorist attacks by brunting them upon itself..... what are friends for if they can't lent us one crummy little aircraft carrier, ( we might even build them their pipeline which they've been yearning for......

I certainly can guarantee that our arch rival nemesis will probably obtain american subs or air craft carrier in the next few year or at-least an agreement will be signed
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Most Chinese hardware are knock-offs of third rate soviet era bungling inefficient and infective weaponry.

Emotional poster, with no idea of what he is talking about. What do you know about chinese hard ware??? and would like to explain the inefficient and inefective chinese weaponry??

all respect to the Chinese military and it’s modern supreme weaponry and debit of gratitude for aide of pakistan in many endeavours

no need for that,Your opening statement explains your gratitude.
We need to get nuclear subs( nuclear subs require less maintenance and we already have the know-how of nuke science and we need channel it to the appropriate product)

who said that nuclear subs require less maintenance?? the second part of this statement is even more rediculous, where does our nuclear know how exactly stand???wouldnt it be more appropriate to use that emence know how to over come enenrgy crisis??
Some European countries would be willing to help us, such as France, or lease it like our enemy is about to do and we will borrow the tech as well

again shooting out of the mist, which european country is willing to help you ???? and y would the lease you their nuclear subs??
last certainly not least. please for god sake get one air craft carrier (america is churning them out like hot potatoes) surely we could get one. First nuclear muslim power. First muslim country to operate an aircraft carrier.... pakistan is the most allied of allies, fighting terrorism and protecting the american people against terrorist attacks by brunting them upon itself..... what are friends for if they can't lent us one crummy little aircraft carrier, ( we might even build them their pipeline which they've been yearning for......

i can only feal sorry for your wet dreams. firstly we dont need an aircraft carrier,secondly nither we have the money for buying nor maintaining a battle group, thridly we dont have the infrastucture to induct an AC, and lastly why would america sell u an AC?? when they were even reluctant to give you the F-16s latest blocks, wat was the need for making JF-17s if we were so chumies?? wake up>reality check:hitwall:
I certainly can guarantee that our arch rival nemesis will probably obtain american subs or air craft carrier in the next few year or at-least an agreement will be signed

thats possible but your speculations dont guarantee any thing, infact your whole post is a joke, showing your naive thoughts.


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Zhai Dequan, deputy director of China Arms Control and Disarmament Association said that Pakistan's proposal in submarine cooperation is likely aimed at its sea border protection.

"The initiative may invite concerns from its neighboring countries. But the doubts are unnecessary." Zhai said it is normal for an independent country such as Pakistan to actively seek military defense, and meanwhile India also has large projects with the US and Russia. "India's aircraft carrier has already cost it billions of US dollars." He added.

China Daily[/QUOTE]

1. 'sea border protection' something short range like a small coastal submarine?

2.'concerns from its neighboring countries'? Some thing really high tech and significant?

3."India's aircraft carrier has already cost it billions of US dollars." He added.
Some thing expensive?

I believe that a nuclear powered submarine is out of the question; china has signed the NPT and this would be a violation. China never supplied Pakistan with missiles that broke the NPT.
Definitly China is a great Super Power peaceful nation that has great trade, and its people are innovative and smart

I think if Pakistan donates 500 engineers , to project it would be great to cooperate building new lines of Submarines with Chinese cooperation
Song class,Type-039

Yuan class,Type-039A(AIP)

I could be wrong but my understanding is the following:

Type 039 submarine class, code name Song, has 3 versions: 039, 039G and Type 039A

Type 041 submarine class, code name Yuan. (a new variation 041A may be undergoing R&D)
I could be wrong but my understanding is the following:

Type 039 submarine class, code name Song, has 3 versions: 039, 039G and Type 039A

Type 041 submarine class, code name Yuan. (a new variation 041A may be undergoing R&D)

Song, has 3 versions: 039, 039G and 039G1
yuan, has 1 versions:039A
nuclear subs are not for sale . the can only be leased because china has signed the nuclear agreement that's why india is making its own nuclear sub

he never said anything about the sale of a nuclear sub, he just wanted to to clarify the earlier poster about the operational costs of a nuclear-sub, which are much higher then a conventional sub.:what:

Yes, we will receive the FIRST 4,000 long tons from US, USS McInerney (FFG-8). The 32 year old frigate will be upgraded on refurbishment with cost 65 million dollar. It will transfer to Pakistan on August 2010.


That picture would be an Arleigh Burke class destroyer (flight 2A variant), not a Perry class frigate (which is less than half the displacement of an AB-F2A).

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