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Pakistan's minorities minister Shahbaz Bhatti assassinated

That's what i was actually thinking. Though this murder certainly has a connection to Blasphemy law but the real motive is something else. I think that they are following their old strategy of targetting minorities to create sectarian and inter-religious violence. Taliban thrives in violence. They first started targetting Ahmedis. Then they turned towards shias and now Christians.

@ Mehru ji,
IMHO, you are pointing in the right direction. And the question now arises; next WHO ?
they have a field day.

anyway how its different than killing of other ministers of Pakistan by terrorists ???

No dear, you read me wrong, there can never be a good terrorist. Period.
Thanks i understand "Gustakhe Rasool" but i am not agree with you that there is any connection. Read my previous posts, may it will clear you some thing and give you options to think from different aspects.

His opposition to blasphemy law made him more conspicuous than others. So here blasphemy law played its part. However taliban attacked him not for blasphemy. In my opinion, this attack is similar to their attack on other minorities like Ahmedis and shias.
How you differentiate Mullah & Mufti? Mullah itself educated term but if you use it in other meanings then you can't bring every religious educated man into this circle. Interesting scenario, Mufti with "DARHI" called as Mullah & Mufi with "Shaved" called religious scholar.

Extremism is political term, use ideas for particular interests.

Any idiot can call himself a Mufti or Mullah, in Pakistan there is no restriction or pathway to become one. Most poor families just send their rotten child to become a mullah and he goes through limited learning in a madrassa, after which he becomes a Mullah.

The distinction is based on actual undertaking of education, not some political affiliation or through the help of others.
With the loss of support from the Pakistani masses, the TTP or the Punjabi Taliban might be using the issue of the 'Blasphemy Law' to garner support from the masses. They might try to justify their killings of anyone blaspheming by claiming to be 'protecting the dignity of the Holy Prophet(S)', when in reality, they're indiscriminately killing everyone, the same thing they were doing when they lost the support of the masses. It is an 'intelligent' way to gain the support of the naive people of Pakistan, talking about the Prophet(S). This approach also 'kills 3 birds with 1 stone', as it creates hatred for the person killed (Taseer, Bhatti) & what they stood for, love for the person 'protecting the integrity of the Prophet(S)', & incites violence b/w different sects/religions resulting in chaos & a headache for the government. All these things only make the TTP/Punjabi Taliban stronger.
With the loss of support from the Pakistani masses, the TTP or the Punjab Taliban might be using the issue of the 'Blasphemy Law' to garner support from the masses. They might try to justify their killings of anyone blaspheming by claiming to be 'protecting the dignity of the Holy Prophet(S)', when in reality, they are killing indiscriminately, the same thing they were doing when they lost the support of the masses. It is an 'intelligent' way to gain the support of the naive people of Pakistan.

A very good observation. In my opinion they did this to incite some inter-religious fight but what you are saying is definitely more plausible. Yeah they are in dire of support.
"Truly! To Allah we belong and truly, to Him we shall return.""
inna lillahi wa innâ ilay-hi raji'oon"

To the cowards Aka devil worshipers that killed an innocnet man hidding your face might save you from the justice in this world but as Muslim i belive you will pay for your sin and i hope to Almighty you pay for eternity and burn in hell.
A very good observation. In my opinion they did this to incite some inter-religious fight but what you are saying is definitely more plausible.

please check some of the additions i have made to my post. thanks
In my opinion they did this to incite some inter-religious fight

There aren't enough Ahmedis or Christians to put up a "inter-religious fight", although I agree that's their reason for targetting shias.
situation in islamabad and kabul is same after this news. wow at least we are no=1 in some thing . its much better that every liberal leave pakistan and go somewhere else. pakistan is most dangerous country of the world

I am afraid you cant over take us in these issues. You come second to us. Situation in Kabul, Herat, Mazar and Jalalabad is not bad, but when you go to rural areas, you see the ugly face of mullahism in full. The constitution of the country have this blasphemy law and some other stupid things, many people have been targeted in the past and present for changing their religion and even some peopole have been charged to translate the quran into farsi, the is in jail now-he was a very respected journalist.
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Amr:

The Prophet said, "Whoever killed a Mu'ahid (a person who lives under the protection of the Muslims) shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).
(Volume 9, Book 83, Number 49 : Sahih Bukhari)
leave the kid and kill the bigoted mullah.

Killing the bigoted Mullahs in the Lal Masjid Operation July 2007, resulted in the formation of the TTP in December 2007. A lot of people lost faith in the government after the Lal Masjid operation. You know what has happened since the TTP has been formed. Interestingly, the TTP lost the support of the Pakistani masses when they indiscriminately started killing people, similar to the loss of support for Musharraf's government post Lal Masjid. So Pakistan needs to handle this with extreme care. The perpetrator has to be brought to justice. The law needs to be scrapped off, but I believe the indiscriminate killing by the proponents of the Blasphemy Law will ensure that it happens soon enough, the Pakistani government might not even need to do it. The government scrapping off the law might increase the support for the Taliban, as they will be seen as the 'protectors of the dignity of the Prophet(S)'. Which is why the law is here to stay for now, but hopefully not in the future.
Any idiot can call himself a Mufti or Mullah, in Pakistan there is no restriction or pathway to become one. Most poor families just send their rotten child to become a mullah and he goes through limited learning in a madrassa, after which he becomes a Mullah.

The distinction is based on actual undertaking of education, not some political affiliation or through the help of others.

Its an injustice to abuse the word mullah. we also call an imam of a mosque as Mulvi or mullah who has nothing to do with any bigotry and only give imamat for prayers. so please dont abuse the word by using it for everyone.

call those as extremists who are spreading extremism.

and NO one can call himself a Mufti as its not a title based on his liking but the title is given when he receives the educational certificate based on criteria set for that rank by religious institution which btw are not ignorant ones at higher level
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