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Pakistan's Internet censorship

So few decades back ur dress code was islamic and now it contradicts basic human rights?
LOL even USA hasnt banned it?
I dont know types of abuse...but abuse is an abuse.
Ur freedom of speech and action ends where my ego or my feelings start.
Why isnt denial of halucaust considered freedom of speech in europe?

I think you have a confused view of what freedom of speech is. But first let me refer to the headscarf issue. This is Turkey. We operate differently and don't integrate religion into our country or government. That is the difference between us and certain other countries in the ME. At the same time we are also not the U.S. If you have a problem against it then too bad go and protest it.

Abuse isn't abuse. An example if you cruse at me and i punch you i go to jail and you don't that is how it works in the U.S. and in Turkey. Freedom of speech and action doesn't end where your feelings and ego starts. If you feel so bad about the FB page protest it or don't go to it no one is forcing their views on you. The second you start hurting the makers you cross the line where them making the page don't. When you force your views of disagreement on someone by hurting or killing them you cross the line.

If it works differently in Pakistan i suggest you stay there. All places have different laws but when a government speaks about religious issues by banning sites i don't agree with that.
Oh by the way if Google.com goes down then Gmail will also go down..as gmail proper address is mail.google.com So i think even if they banned Google it will be unblocked soon.


is Restricted

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FB cartoonist moly noris apologizes for conducting drawing................and condemns its.
B....h comes to her senses
How much will you be charging general, I will provide a better deal, he will charge in dollars, I will charge in rupees.

Beat that.
after getting cheap publicity? :tdown:

Anyway - i hope this matter is solved soon and all bans are lifted again

And i hope this idiot stays alive and not anybody kills him anytime soon
this cartoon thingy is outrageous ,
but usama and mulla umar and co will surely receive loads of applications and more recruitment and moral ground in the muslims world,and west think's they will be able to suppress the resistance when they themselves are providing fuel to fire,good luck westerners 1 more decade worth supply of fighters for afghansitan and iraq i suppose maybe even with in there own countries,u did'nt just offend the terrorists hell they! i don't think 95percent of terrorists use the internet even,and those terrorists are just one percent of whole muslim world's popullation,what they have done is provoked us all muslims our honour and integrity some of us may resort to forgiveness some might take matters into their own hands u know wxactly what i mean,so ALLAH help us all and give us patience ,:sniper:
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after getting cheap publicity? :tdown:

Anyway - i hope this matter is solved soon and all bans are lifted again

And i hope this idiot stays alive and not anybody kills him anytime soon

not really she actually apologised a while ago and distanced herself from the fb group when they started it she infact even joined the rival group against muhammed day.

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