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Pakistan's Internet censorship

Its a right decision , its nothing wrong !!!
We all know that some people in PAKISTAN use YOUTUBE for dirty stuff !
I know not all people use it for these stuff but the decision is not wrong !
We should appreciate it!!

it's not the states business to control what we can or can't watch even if they want to ban just ban the offending pages not the whole thing.Youtube is a good video library for information and even used as a medium for good causes when gaza was bombed there was a huge campaign on youtube for gaza with pro-palestine videos it's a very bad move and will only isolate the country further and deny pakistanis a good information and media source.I really hope gop comes to it's senses and lifts it soon.
U know how much fb generates from Pakistan?
revenue generated=461765066.16 rs
thts 2.39$ per user.
Everything is fine!!
they just want to pressure google network - facebook is owned by the google

its all temporary though


who told u that????????????

Google has Orkut the rival of facebook.

Don't mislead people here.
wiki is still working... flickr gone though

WHy flickr is blocked? It's amazing.

BTW, today I'm thinking what would happen if we were the same country. I mean, BD will never ban these sites but PK is doing that.

Okay FaceBook is blocked for some reasons but why other sites too? There must be a conflict between BD and PK if we would be the same country, and if PK would try to establish those rule on BD.
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