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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

Icing on the cake would be to inform you that 6yrs long of F-Solas MLU and P-3C's upgrade schemes of INDO-ZION's are to buy time and to use PAK nation to its peril. The sooner you understand and get out of the Mula/Carrot, better you would be, thanks.

Dear, we are already have shifted our focus ...

We have chosen FC1 + FC20 as future work horse of airforce, selected Chinese AWACS for induction, and preffered to inducted chinese Copters for Sea operation, inducted radars from non-US manufactureres, inducted SAMs from many many countries etc etc ... this is only a hint of things to come.

But we simply cannot discard our F16s and PC3s like junk, they are indeed a great investment, and we intend to use them to their fullest capacity, for as long as we can.
Dear, we are already have shifted our focus ...

But we simply cannot discard our F16s and PC3s like junk, they are indeed a great investment, and we intend to use them to their fullest capacity, for as long as we can.

yes, it is true, F16s and PC3s are by no mean junk. Pakistan can use them to their fullest capability, that I am sure.:cheers:
But we simply cannot discard our F16s and PC3s like junk, they are indeed a great investment, and we intend to use them to their fullest capacity, for as long as we can.
When Bushist (Sorry for my language because I can't use anything better for a conscious baby, innocent Muslim-elder killers throughout the world) shoved $5.1 B deal through Mush's throat, I foresaw the current scenario and warned many in different sites; especially knowing that his mentors (INDO-ZION) were just throwing baits to hook GOP to take a long ride in order to decimate Muslims throughout the world. How did I know it? I would just say about hearing Cheney telling PAK-Mil would be required to win this INDO-ZION's murderous game.

Trust me that was the worst of all investment, if it was investment at all. I lived in U.S and wanted betterment for its people than those murderous Bushits Mo fos, went to anti-war protests to show how much I cared for the humanity just not to waste any body's time here. Your so-called defeatists Army top brass, politician and bureaucrats sold the country just for money, loan waiver and thieveries. If you don't believe then check the list of NRO to see how many religious scholars’ names were there, thanks.
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4 ZDK03 will be purchased from China i.e. customized KJ-200. As far as Erieye is concerned please have patient they will be here before end of year, Inshallah.

the number is not confirmed in any contract as yet.....

The below pictures which recently surfaced and were posted by our dear friend wangrong a few pages before in this thread speaks volume about the system PAF is gonna have. If we go by this model, it means we are not getting a linear shaped radar on the Chinese platform, rather a dome version. And the aircraft which came to Chaklala was also a dome version not the linear shaped one, so both these things give credibility to the notion that we will not be getting a KJ200 system, but a miniature version of the radar or AEW&C being used on the Chinese KJ2000 (IL76/78).

So PAF most probably would be using the 4 Saab 2000 platform Erieye Linear Shaped Radar AEW&C systems and 4 dome shaped radar Chinese AEW&C on a Chinese Y-8 platform & not the Linear shaped KJ200.

well brother i dont know about this plane but one thing is for sure that it is not going to be a KJ2000. it is a big system and is caried by the much heavier Ilyushin Il-76 aircraft. the pics you have mentioned in you post show a Y8 aircraft carrying a dome shaped radar. one thing that comes to my mind is that may be this is the modification done to the KJ200 that we have been listening about that PAF have also participated in. i think like so as PAF after induction of a liner shaped AWE&C in form of erieye may have opted to go a dome shaped system to get better 360 degree coverage and for this reason this system that in shown in pic came into being. it may have basci specs quite similar to the original KJ200 but will gice a complete 360 degree coverage. as the general specs will be more or less same as the KJ200 so it wont get as expensive as the originally dome shaped KJ2000.
for me this is a good possibility, PAF modifying the KJ200 to a dome shape radar to get better all around situational awareness.
anyhow friends for the time being it isonly my personal opinion so any one may disagree with it. however i will try to check it with som of my sources.

I myself find it amazing that even after these pictures were pasted, people still talk that PAF will get linear shaped version.

If we are getting one linear shaped version, doesn't implies that we have to get the other system also a linear shaped one.

This pic clearly gives a msg that PAF will be getting the dome version.

well it is not that people said that PAF will go for liner shaped version it is only that many people beleived that PAF is going for KJ200 (and that is liner in shape) and so was reported by various PAF officials on various occasion but they always added that PAF is developing or modifying it according to our requirments. so this make me say that this is what they called the modification,, the same KJ200 is a new shape with better coverage.
anyway Tamim what do you think about this possibility that i have mentioned in previous post. i will like to have your views on it bro..

This thread create more confusion, look pages still exists. When I said PAF is getting dome version from China, someone said no, it is Linear shaped version (KJ200). Other member said no, it is dome version (KJ2000). Who care, just look at the picture#1324.... It is enough proof.

bro let me clear one thing, it is really wrong to say that PAF is going for a dome or a liner version,, the thing is that are we getting the KJ200 or the KJ2000. it was reported that PAF is getting KJ200 modified version and that is the reason that people beleived that it is going to be a liner shaped version. no one could have thought that the modification PAF talked about may well be actually changing the shape of the KJ200!!
i am a strong beleiver that whether it come in a liner or a dome sshape, the basic specs and price will be in range of the KJ200 and not with the much bigger and heavier KJ2000.
i hope you understand the point...

Pakistan gets first AWACS aircraft from Sweden
Updated at: 1923 PST, Tuesday, December 08, 2009
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has acquired its first Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft ‘SAB 2000’ from Sweden today (Tuesday).

According to the Pakistan Air Force (PAF), the sophisticated AWACS aircraft has been bought from Sweden. The aircraft will be used for aerial surveillance.

The aircraft will also enhance the operational capabilities of Pakistan’s air force.

Pakistan gets first AWACS aircraft from Sweden - GEO.tv
well the pics indicated that it do not have the erieye system installed....
these pics are of the training aircraft which has been in pakistan for some time.
the crew have been getting flying practise.
Something like this!

---------- Post added at 03:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:05 AM ----------

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