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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

1. Feel good stories, anonymous sources are one sided always. If I saw a flaw in such claims, should I wholeheartedly accept it given PAF has track record of lying? and how come it becomes a motive or an agenda? Thinking of feel good stories, JF-17 crash was declared a bird strike by anonymous sources. We know how it turned out later

2. Where did I say or gives a hint that PAF do daily public press releases? "Sawal Chana Jawab Gandum". Our whole argument about is about the claim anon sources made and how it is incompatible in future warfare but you are making irrelevant assumptions.

3. Was Erieye a state secret that it needs to be coverup?? No, but PAF did it why? To hide it.

Now I think we are moving in circles. I rest my case.

Don't you think some disclosures, or lack thereof, are strategic? I quite literally fail to understand the benefit that you, I or the next common man would have gained with that particular knowledge. On the other hand, such knowledge just may be a gold chest to the neighbours.
ZDK-03 Cockpit.

ZDK-03control consoles_jp.png
ZDK-03 Airborne Controllers Panel
Who told you PAF is not satisfied? And which AEWC is better for PAF if not SAAB 2000?? There are around 5-6 display units. Erieye can direct 20-30 aircraft, have a search capability of 450 KM with 300 Degree tracking capability. Aircraft endurance is 8 hours. Electronic Intelligence equipments is one of the best on Erieye. Which AEWC can top such stats ?

SAAB-2000 is bang for bucks if you know what it means.
Pakistan never got the electronic intelligence suit with Erieye. All were plain simple AWACS. The ELINT/SIGINT sensor suit is added extra.Either Pakistan didn't get it due to financial restrains or couldn't get it due to US/Indian pressure on Sweden
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Pakistan never got the electronic intelligence suit with Erieye. All were plain simple AWACS. The ELING/SIGINT sensor suit is added extra.Either Pakistan didn't get it due to financial restrains or couldn't get it due to US/Indian pressure on Sweden
Pakistan never got the electronic intelligence suit with Erieye. All were plain simple AWACS. The ELINT/SIGINT sensor suit is added extra.Either Pakistan didn't get it due to financial restrains or couldn't get it due to US/Indian pressure on Sweden
bhai before posting any comments it is better to study whole topic
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bhai before posting any comments it is better to study whole topic
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but there is no ELINT/SIGINT in any of Pakistan's erieye. HES-21 on Pakistan's erieye are also washed down versions.
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Well sir i have seen some posts which claims that an ereiye was destroyed in kamra attack. Is this true?

Nope, thats Orion aircraft, they are used to detecting submerged submarine, they are not awacs. BTW, they are destroyed in Mehran, dont know about Kamra.

BTW, dont call me sir, I am just 20 yr old kid.
Nope, thats Orion aircraft, they are used to detecting submerged submarine, they are not awacs. BTW, they are destroyed in Mehran, dont know about Kamra.

BTW, dont call me sir, I am just 20 yr old kid.

And I am 18 year old
Well sir i have seen some posts which claims that an ereiye was destroyed in kamra attack. Is this true?
Actually it is true if you read the relevant threads you would come to know that the planes were destroyed contrary to the government version of story.Proof:show me one picture of erieye after attack on Kamra.
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