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Pakistan's Airborne Early Warning and Control Aircrafts

then better consult an eye specialist :blink: because it already have light gray body with a little dark gray bottom. it looks cool then the normal.



n you should better consult a psychiatric to control your temper ,i was referring to this one

Does anybody know which country other than Pakistan using the saab 2000 AEW&C
it seems like zdk03 is better than saab2000 from this article.
????: http://www.fyjs.cn/bbs/htm_data/27/1101/302097.html

Its anybody's guess right now ,there would surely had been an input from PAF as they are operating erieye.but untill some official statement comes out we can only base our facts on rumors floating around. after formal induction of ZDK-03 in PAF it will be lot clearer for PAF to judge which one is better
thanx for pics one question is this awacs has similar capabilities as american 737 has o indian phalcon has and why paksiatn choos this aircraft as a platform aacs dont look good to me A 310 or IL 78 would have been better choice to me
thanx for pics one question is this awacs has similar capabilities as american 737 has o indian phalcon has and why paksiatn choos this aircraft as a platform aacs dont look good to me A 310 or IL 78 would have been better choice to me

sir for your kind information we got AWACS for air borne surveillance not for FTV show.china has short numbers of il-76s and we even dont have complete numbers . as you know its very costly to use IL-76 or A-310 we select Shaanxi Y-8 the same air craft which china use in large numbers for many roles. and its cost effective easy to maintain and very easy to got. so forget abut looking and look the range of radar and coverage of AESA radar 360 degree coverage with data link to jf-17 and j-10.
Its anybody's guess right now ,there would surely had been an input from PAF as they are operating erieye.but untill some official statement comes out we can only base our facts on rumors floating around. after formal induction of ZDK-03 in PAF it will be lot clearer for PAF to judge which one is better
the man to be interviewed is chinese AWACs deputy chief designer
google translate this article(pic to chiese txt by software)
China's early-warning aircraft exported to PakistanOne by one type of early warning aircraft to visit a domestic research fellow, deputy chief designer Chen CaoRover reporter mouth
Recently, early warning aircraft to Pakistan on China a lot of news, study its source, in addition to a Pakistani military generalsAnd one carrying the "disk" group photo radar aircraft, as well as chief of staff of Pakistan Air Force air show interview that China hasPakistan to deliver an early warning aircraft. However, this news is true or false in the end? China's exports to Pakistan, background and significance of early warningHow? How its performance and features? To this end, reporter requested the current deputy chief designer of a certain type of early warning researchers Cao ChenFor you to interpret. Cao has successively been the total China Electronics Technology Group Corporation Grand Prize and the National Defense Science and Technology Progress Prize of Science and Technology.
To export early warning aircraft, the tableAWACS technology has been living out of China known to the worldSector in the forefront
Q: Hello, General Cao, recently out on ChinaPakistan news of a new early warning aircraft mouth PutianCover, the areas of technology as a domestic AWACSExperts, whether you think this news really?
A: Actually, on this early-warningMachine had reported as early as 2006, and onlineAlso spread some transport planes carrying aircraft -8 "smallDisc "early warning aircraft pictures, the then StateForeign media reports, this type of early warning aircraft flew overMore than 7000 meters above sea level the Karakoram Mountains, arrivedPakistan conducted a test flight, and this isEarly warning aircraft for the first time in history fly out of the country, manyReaders probably have all seen the photos and phaseRelated news. The reason why the most recent on ChinaPakistan's export of new information such as appropriate early warningMore study its root cause is a published Pakistan PakistanStein photo of members of the delegation according to the new early warning aircraftFilm. As for the news is true, I thinkIs credible, mainly from two aspectsJudgments: First, where the photo was taken inFrom http://www.shuxiaoxiao.comThe airport, so after completing the flight should be a combinedVideo pictures, the higher the credibility of the photo itself. AnotherOutside the one hand, Pakistan is an Air Force Brigadier GeneralAirshow China in Zhuhai to accept media interviewsChina's exports to Pakistan Foreign confirm pre-Police machine.
Q: 60th anniversary parade, myDeveloped by the two types of early warning flashes associated fieldThis time I re-open around the export-oriented early warning lightPhase, how do you evaluate the significance of this incident?
A: It should be said, we see this reportRoad, to see our country has developed a new pre-Ordnance Technology / 2011/01 * 23
The above picture shows the two circulated on the Internet before the operation-s "disk" early warning aircraft photos, it now appears that time should be expected in the test ZDK03Dim Machine "disc" antennaPolice machine, very excited. This shows that our early warningDrive the development of thriving, truly goneA series development. And military flightMachine has always been higher in our already masteredLevel of technology, only exports, moreMoreover, early warning aircraft, this "combat power multiplier", andHas always been the secret of the countries do not pass can be outsideExports, shows that China's early-warning technology hasLiving in the world.
Q: Many friends of Pakistan known as the Kan"Iron bar", this time we drive out of the skull f】 correct policeArthraxon Pakistan Sri Lanka small, small is another proof r IOld Sri Lanka and Pakistan Mi L i.iilx] ironclad friendship?
A: Yes. China allows early warning aircraftThis cutting-edge information technology weapons and equipment exports, whichIs the first time in history, certainly afterThe main leaders of the Central Military Commission and state specialApproved, and, also received state and military Pakistan* 24. Ordnance Technology / 2011/01Senior leaders of great concern and progress. ThisIn the maintenance of regional peace, to expand China's politicalAnd in some areas of the maintenance of a favorableChina's military posture, has important significance.
Q: This f ¨ l allegedly】, shoes were ordered AWACSPrivate) UZIJK03, Gai Ke What is the meaning name} ¨ 57
A: The view from the current publicly reported,ZDK03 AWACS is set by the China Electronics TechnologyGroup company signed with the Palestinians. "ZDK" may be"CLP subjects," the phonetic abbreviation, as. 03 "Should be represented is China's second air marshal 2000, air marshals
200 after the independent development of the third type of early warning aircraft.Two types of domestic development of early warning aircraft, using a doubleChief architect of the system, from China's General Electric Division GroupElectronic System Integration Designer is responsible for the task, fromThe chief architect responsible for the Air China Group as set conversions.In the export-oriented early warning aircraft, the total was 9 single currency,Bureau chief architect of electricity from China.
Heavy "test", the long journey
Name: early warning aircraft from the F line to cross to the userPay, have to do what I: for?
A: The early-warning aircraft to be delivered from off the assembly line afterBefore the general to go through flight, adjust the flight,Identification test, user acceptance testing of several flightStages. These phases, it should be said and the generalThe same plane.
The purpose of flight, primarily the initial validationThe plane was safe enough, whether God canGod illustrated the power system and pneumatic aircraftShape, and the corresponding control system is basicallyNo big problem, as more detailed requirementsTo wait until the follow-up test to test. And upThe ability to secure down the landing gear systemWhen the system is able to withstand the tremendous impact of landingPower brake system in a specified time and distance canFrom the airplane to stop and so on.
Then a certain vehicles to be adjustedTest, some similar to our participation in large-scaleSports warm-up match before the game or simulation test,Through these adjustments sorties, the aircraft's basicState parameters and functions get a clear idea of the changesChanges, the adjustment of the adjustment, the plane graduallyAdjusted to the best state to do technology for the identification testTechnical preparation.
And adjustments are made first flight test development of a singleBit to the Lord Tuan, is "self test himself." KamTest flight is scheduled by an authority through aNumber of flight movements to be formal and comprehensiveEvaluation function and performance of aircraft such thatMeet the requirements of the contract is "third-party testTheir own. "The so-called third-party, is neither a researchSystem of units, not the user.
Identification test is complete, then the user's homeSome support for the acceptance flight test sorties,Determine the requirements to the contract, the JiuzhengType delivery. This is the "user test yourself."
These are all aircraft must go throughTypical process, but the machine plus AWACSSystems with complex tasks, so there is notThe same place.
Q: early warning aircraft, and general trial b processMachine iH E ratio, which specific small place with?
A: The basic process of the two-phase testThe same, the biggest difference is the focus of flight orContent is not the same. As installed on AWACSFrom http://www.shuxiaoxiao.com● Expert Coptis a _Task (early warning) system because the task of integrating a large number of electronic devices. So the need for complex debugging. ShownU.S. E-3 AWACS is the task of system debuggingTechnical level, that is, in addition to exploration of early warning systemsThe ability to measure and identify targets, there is aImportant indicator is the function of its allegations, itWith other combat aircraft and ground command postCooperative Engagement Capability, including with the Palestinian side is installedSaab -2000 prepared to fit to fly AWACSLine, to see whether the two work together, mutual advantageFill. These test flights in the country is impossible, andYou can not let him fight in PakistanCome fly to the Chinese fleet, and Pakistan on the groundCommand post is impossible to move over, soThis part of the test is certain to go to Pakistan to testThe.
As the number of transmission lines AWACS coatSystem, mainly depends on the Palestinian side of the aircraft or itsHe was able to conduct coordinated operations with the AWACS weaponsAnd equipment installed in the end the Chinese side on the radio alsoWestern station. If the Chinese side the station,Domestic flight data can be carried out, such asIf the Western radio stations, depends on these stations isNo embargo on China, if the embargo, thenAWACS development phase, is to not China,Only to the Palestinian side to try.
Therefore, compared to domestic equipment, itIn addition to export-oriented early warning device to solve theThe performance of the body in place, but also into the foreign isSome weapons and equipment system, which will be more middleNumber of technical risk, design team will facePro more challenges, it can be said, early warning aircraft from theExports to the true fighting capacity is a long signProcess.
26. Working with technology / 2 011 / 0
8 can also be shipped back for a "plate"
Q: The export-oriented early warning aircraft which SichuanShall set PC platforms?
A: The picture from the news analysis, we can seeThis early warning aircraft to the carrier aircraft with slender machineHead, driving the shape of the window, 6 composite spiral leafPaddle and other features, a comprehensive analysis should be three types of Y-8Platform.
Q: turbofan aircraft flight speed, noise, etc.Indicators are excellent J: turboprop b machine, machine operatorDing will be more comfortable working environment, to extend the port JThe duty H-r, the flash of this Pakistan side and completely tluTown to adopt U.Y / Jl / M I3 145, A 310 or Boken
737 and the like to small or medium sized civil aircraftMachine to do it, why choose Win 87 infants
A: In theory, civilian aircraft are indeedThe best conversion AWACS aircraft, as civilianAircraft airframe life, the engine can be maintained, As well as economy are better than military aircraft,And the internal environment is much more comfortable. ButIt is important for civil aircraft converted into a military aircraft, toBy the end user license limit. You importsMan machine if only for civilian, may notPossession, once converted to military use, the exporting country, there can beCan limit you.
For Pakistan, the students themselves and notProduction of civil aircraft, civil aircraft modified with a warning soMachine, then we first have to buy the aircraft over, and thenAnd then sent to China to modification, first to fly abroad, regardless ofMachine manufacturer allows you to such a change, the domesticIt can not be modified in time, becauseChanges to such a large amount of body junction involvesStructure, strength and dynamics, etc, due toHere, time and cost of conversion will be more.
Lai Y-8 three platforms for select carrier aircraft,To simpler, because the operation of this type of carrier aircraft 8Platform, early warning aircraft after the air marshals -200With authentication, combined with the use of force appearsThe question changes, the overall performance has beenAfter a very mature, you can select it as a carrier aircraft sectionSave lots of development time and costs. In addition,Three types of platform is transported -8 localization of fully
Since Pakistan is equipped with a large number of US-made fighter jets and the rule of law, so ZDK03 flight future tasks will be to the system bus adapterSide to fly, photo equipment, Pakistan Air Force F-16 fighter jetsDateFrom http://www.shuxiaoxiao, comCan be satisfied, but certainly someImprovement requirements, which will certainly include the middle of the aircraftPlatform improvements. In fact, some of the military in ChinaMachine really too old, compared with foreign advanced aircraftRatio, as grandparents car, therefore, needTo combine the latest technology improvements. From the photosChip analysis, when the aircraft platform is transported eightF-400 or the equivalent military timeWith the type of Y-8C, and this platform is not my-8 Series aircraft have transported the latest. Moreover,As the procurement of Pakistan U.S. C -130, becauseThis, transport -8 and C-130 as the same levelMedium-range transport aircraft, I think Pakistan will certainly participate inAccording to C-130 improved the op -8 requestSo, the other way round, shipped eight new level of existingTaiwan's performance is not lower than C -130, but also byY-8 in the latest improvements to take advantage of the currentTechnology, some even exceed the performanceC-130.
Set machine to adapt to changes in radarChanges
Ugly】: Win 8, F units from carrying "balancing"Changed to carry the "small network disk", the bound willDynamic performance of the whole machine 2 e impact, the city machine requiredWhich island to improve the 4 'to meet the L line, down toRequirements?
A: Whether equipped with "balance beam" or"Little Disk", the aerodynamic performance of the machine are containedWill be affected, mainly in carrying mineOf the antenna, the load resistance increases machine, manipulationAnd stability worse. "Balance beam" on the setAerodynamic Performance of machines to be smaller, the mainIf the resistance increases small. And equipped with "small roundPlate ", though" plate "can increase a certain▲ V up and down through the comparison of two early warning aircraft. Can be found ZDK-03 early warning aircraft glass cockpit, composite leaf spiral 6Paddle, flat end plates and the tip of the antenna cover and other characteristics of the same early warning aircraft and air eagle -200. Which can determine the ZDK-03 early warning aircraft carrierMachine is also used three types of Ln-S platformLift, but the resistance increases more, and "driveChild "on the tail of a greater aerodynamic efficiency. RootAccording to China had modified "l No air marshals" early warning aircraftData, Figure 4 contains the machine platform plus a "plate"Later, the whole machine a 30% increase aerodynamic drag toOn.
Therefore, carrier aircraft will certainly be changes for certainForward, to improve early warning aircraft flight performance, this sideY-8 platform the surface itself is modified early warningOn-board machine, in optimizing the aerodynamic shape, improving flightAnd handling performance have made many improvements.For example, drag reduction, the need for the aircraft empennageModification, the need for electronic systems in the body form the taskSurface appearance and layout of the antenna designedNeed to adopt more powerful engine and more. AnotherIn addition, the back of the "balance beam" or "plate" after theAirflow from front to back may affect flightFrom http://www.shuxiaoxiao.comMachine tail, reducing handling and stability, theTo the need to increase horizontal tail ends of two sideBoard to increase the stability of the original vertical tail can maintain operationsForce.
Q: The temperate climate of the different r,Most of Pakistan to the tropical desert r k subordinates' iHou, Gang Shí the Palestinian side to have any special carrier aircraftNeeds?
A: Because the Pakistan high temperature, longBetween the high-temperature environment will reduce the engineThe efficiency of the engine so the heat resistance and highTemperature characteristics have higher requirements. In addition, we mustTo enhance electronic equipment stored at high temperatureAnd work performance. And the cooling system on the machineSystem is also put forward higher requirements, including cabinEnvironment and mission equipment, the cooling of electronic systemsAnd so on.Ordnance Technology / 2011/01 * 27
From the "balance beam" to "small roundPlate ", reflects our radar technologyProgress
Q: We see ZDK03 AWACS miningPolice are using a similar air early warning aircraft in 2000"Disc"-shaped radar, but slightly smaller size, thatWhy, this "little disk" radar (as opposed to emptyPolice 2000 "big disk" radar terms) isIs designed for the u and developed? Or just onlyIs the air marshal 2000 "big disk" reduced radarVersion?
A: This radar is designed for exportDevelopment, or that there is no equipment that domesticRadar section, there is no public reports. IThere are also a personal hope, because those who want toSell weapons abroad, the domestic militaryArms and equipment in the book, is the best advertising, there areHelp to secure more exports.
As to whether the reduction of radar air marshal 2000Small version, is also uncertain, because they can not doRecognize this "small disc" standard is relative to the radarPhased array system or mechanical scanning system.If the phased array system, since we canDeveloped a large radar antenna can be naturallyDeveloped small.
Q: Academician Wang Mo accept my TV interviewWhen he said, air marshals 2000 "disc" early warningE3's radar than the United States also advanced, this advancedWhether the technology will be on the radar was export-orientedTo the application? Pakistan's exports of whether to use early warningThis technology?
A: I think yes. I remember the 60thAnniversary parade, the air marshal air marshal in 2000 and 200 in the sameDebuts, media said, marking the countrySeries has been toward the development of early warning aircraft. This time outAWACS appearance of liters of mouth, we should say ourAWACS series and move forward the development of aStep. As a series of early warning capacityProducts, the emergence of new models, is certainly technicallyTo inherit the existing models, will be into the sameStep, and air marshal in 2000 the development of early warning radarIn the accumulation of some mature experience will certainly beApplied to the new radar above.
Q: From the "balance beam" to "little disk", youHow to evaluate this change in appearance?
A: The significance of this change should be said that re-Large. Various types of early warning aircraft in the world today, the radar-dayLine and the antenna cover in the form of the layout of the aircraft,There are three main, first, balance beam shape, such as SwedenSaab -2000, E-737 and the air in ChinaPolice 200; second round backpack cover, such as E-2,E-3, A-50 and the air marshal 2000; third is the dayLine and radome attached to the body surface, namely, "totalForm ", such as" Sea Eagle "." Balance beam "type and"Conformal" type can not be rotated for phasePhased array radar; and backpack in the antenna cover roundEither a phased array, such as IL-76 "feeKang "in the disk array in the layout of the threeSurface, each scan 120 degrees front to achieve 360Degree of coverage; it can be rotated, such as E-2,E-3 and A-50, only the layout of an antenna arraySurface, by rotating the antenna to achieve 360-degree sweepScan coverage. The layout of these three forms, the carryingRound cover-type is the most comprehensive to guarantee a balanced explorationMeasuring performance.
From the "balance beam" to "small disk", whichMeans to obtain the overall design of the early warningTremendous progress. Before. We are on the Y-8Back "balance beam", which is a development riskLess choice, because the balance beam on the load machineLittle influence. Now, we know that in theEight can be shipped back "plate 2, is admitted at aStep. This export-oriented early warning aircraft aerodynamic shape,The significance of the main operation is the first demonstration of eight also
In the current technical conditions, only the use of bear-style "disc" early-warning radar to achieve a true seamless 360-degree scan, is most likely to become airborne early warning radar, command post standard, and itsRemaining Whether it is "conformal" or "balance beam" mode. The scan range has some defects. The picture shows a "disc"-shaped radar of large U.S. E-3 AWACS- 28. Ordnance Technology / 2011/01From http://www.shuxiaoxiao.com
As air marshals -200 pre-set dim machine machine. Yun-s three platforms already technically very mature and can not change too muchZDK-03 early warning aircraft to meet the requirements, can greatly reduce the development of the export-oriented early warning time and money, reduce development risk. AndFrom the back "balancing act 'to the" plate ", also reflects the overall design of the development of early warning aircraftTo the back plate, and found a transport -8 toBack much of the plate, and in one of this sizeA plate, not only can do such as E-2, E-3 andA-50 as rotation of the antenna, it can be done asIL-76 "Feier Kang," that does not rotate the daysLine, which for the subsequent upward mobility in a Y-8 aircraftFurther promote the development of early warning aircraft and laidImportant technical foundation.
Q: Single disc layout - Block radar antennaArray origin of the rotation, and the layout of the block front i do not spinTurn, the difference between the difference?
A: The farther the radar to see the antenna surfaceProduct must be greater. "Disc" If only the layout within theAn antenna, the antenna to be deployed in diameterPlace, but if you want to layout three fronts, asEnsure consistent barrier detection performance orientation, three arraysSurfaces must be as large, that is, equilateral triangleShaped place, the side length of equilateral triangles are certainly higher thanSmaller diameter. This is just the length of the antenna sideComparison to just one. On the other hand,We call the disc is essentially an ellipsoidBall; the height direction, if only to put one dayLine, this antenna is placed at the ellipsoid center,Maximum thickness, so the direction of the antenna at a height ofThe larger, if you want to become an equilateral trianglePlace, three antennas will not blunt and then in an ellipsoidCentral Office, must rely on outside, and the more by the ellipsoidOutside the more "flat" or more "thin", so,The direction of the antenna size in height but also bySmall. In other words, using three plane array technologyRadar antenna size is less than with single spinAntenna size.To more radar wave energy receivedMore energy, radar, and can definitely seeFarther, it is like human ears sounds the same asTop view air marshals -2000 AWACS, radar antenna from the back cast to see its three radar antenna installation method and location of
The picture shows the structure of the U.S. E-3 AWACS schematic diagram radome from the perspective can see that the aircraft used in early warning antenna rotaryInstallation, the antenna uses a single block, it can be installed in diameter radome position, and thus the larger the antennaFrom http://www.shuxiaoxiao.comOrdnance Technology / 2011/01 * 29Wangzhuzhulan _If the other party's voice is stronger, I could hear the distanceAway from the more far away.
Q: You mentioned back ruin style "mock disk"Just reached is the best guarantee "all parties are now squeak his radar coverCover scan ,".}£ stealing water, "the way we knowIK is the exploration of Africa, fH is the "conformal." SideDefects in T-type boron Ⅳ it?
A: Although the "conformal" array technology hasAerodynamic Performance of a small set of advantages, butIn order to achieve full coverage, must be in the nose,Both sides of the fuselage and tail are equipped with radar-dayLine. Because both sides of the body surface area should be largeSome, so you can install larger-dayLine, equivalent to the "balance beam" radar is split intoTwo and a half, installed in the fuselage on both sides, so you canEnsure that its detection range. The nose and tailSpace is relatively small, which limits the installation ofThe size of the radar antenna, thereby affecting the before and after twoDetection range of directions. For example, the Boeing 707Type "Feier Kang," early-warning aircraft, the fuselage on both sidesRadome is a rectangular area 10 meters by 2Meters, and the nose radome is circular with a diameter of only
2 meters, the area of difference between 6 times.Thus, while to achieve full coverageHowever, the performance is uneven, in the nose andWorse some of the tail direction, the corresponding, radar detectionDistance will close some. Of course, strictly speaking, the dayLine performance is not only dependent on the antenna area, also takingDepends on the wavelength, the antenna size is smallerUnder the radar can work in a shorter wavelengthTo make up; so, Israel G550 "Sea Eagle" in theHead tail radar, the wavelength of 10 cmAround the fuselage on both sides of the radar load, the operating wavelength
25 cm or so, but even if it is stillHowever, the balance is difficult to ensure comprehensive detection.
But from a development point of view, "conformal"Although antenna technology can not replace the "disc"Antenna, it is the most development potential. WhySay that, because as technology advances, futureEarly warning radar will eventually be true with the carrier aircraftCommon form, just like some advanced communication-dayLine can be laid in the skin on, the future of pre-Police radar antenna will be completely hidden in the wings andThe surface of the body, you will not see the radar, communications or surveillancePolice equipment, antenna, eliminating the antenna on the aircraftAdversely affect the aerodynamic performance.
Q: Do you ... only | Well scratch, the foot is the umbrella pay BackpackPosition covered overflow, ¨ Scotia Office of the cover bands, than the} Kui LuEquilibrium; were able to achieve full array Tong Fang ft coverageLun Qiu J / fWtnE small balance; and "in the title of technique", JournalThe 0i of the small towel off line. Ll nail song block, Xu H does notCan be very forward, so do the small bit of cash to cover squeakCover, then the "balance beam" 『compensate for this, such as fnSide of divination ililj.ll) d '?
A: Currently the world, E-737 radarRadome is also the balance beam in the form, but itBalance beam close to the top added a "top hat"Antennas, to achieve the full coverage. This dayLine and the balance beam on both sides of array antenna is dividedKind, called "end-fire" antenna, while the balance beamArray antenna on both sides of the traditional "side of the radio" daysLine. Take E-737, the balance beam 2 daysFront line in any piece, the emittedWave antenna is perpendicular to the antenna Cambodia median planeHeart, towards the wingspan direction, both in the bodySide of the scan range of 120 degrees inside the capEnd-fire antenna beam towards the nose andTail direction, the equivalent plane parallel to the antenna can beTo the nose and tail of each position within the sweep of 60 degreesDescription. We can see that the "top hat" isLength, length and balance beam antenna rather, therefore,The performance of almost two antennas, detection performanceMore consistent. In addition to the antenna end-fire way to increaseIn addition, like the Boeing 707 can also be "Feier Kang" and"Sea Eagle", as in the nose and tail plus a round
Israel, like the figure G550 "Sea Eagle" early warning radar used is the "conformal" approach, the current approach, while more than "balance beam" approach is better, but the equilibrium in terms of detection range stillWorse than "disk" approach. However, radar and the body "conformal" is the direction of early warning aircraft, the future will be a complete body and radar operators were pre-shaped machine
30. Ordnance Technology, 2011/01From http://www.shuxiaoxiao.comWong ■ expert interviews
Use of "end-fire" E-737 AWACS antenna, radio antenna in the side because the upper and adding a "top hat" antenna (shown in red circleThus achieving a seamless 360-degree scanSpherical radome, but its diameter is too small, mostAlso about 2 meters, while the "balance beam" in lengthUsually more than 9 meters, the antenna size relative to the correspondingToo bad, so performance is not all-round coverageVery consistent. Should be noted that, to complement the radarBlind, make blind is not possible to install the radar antennaBoth ends of the wing, because space is too small, allowingXu installed antenna size is too small.
Functions over the pre-Saab -2000Police Machine
Q: As far as we know, Pakistan hasThe purchase of the six Swedish Saab 2000 "Love LiEyes "they enjoy the pre-machine system, but also has arrived r
4, why then China's pre-purchasePolice machine?
A: Sweden has been the use of early warningMachine, then, has chosen China's early warning aircraft, thatPi can be sure China's early-warning aircraft than in SwedenAdvanced. Pakistan, although he can not be developedEarly warning aircraft, but the Pakistan Air Force access to early warningTime is not short, or know what's what.
Q: Is it because of pre-Saab 2000Police machine both sides of the array technology used, notThere is only blind spot detection, and can not be measured with high becauseThe command post can not do the heavy air, thereThere is no reason for this? Loading the next ZDK03Equipment, how will early warning aircraft and Saab 2000With the work?
A: Yes, this is the key point. FromEarly warning radar in terms of pre-Saab -2000Police machine "Erieye" the existence of a certainBlind, and Xiao-up on the parasites in the IFFControl there will still blind, it would certainly severely limitTheir operational use. Also like you said, "EricssonEye "radar altimeter can not get the target positionOnly the distance and orientation information of two-dimensional, not three sittingTarget. The early-warning aircraft as adopted in China ZDK03Using a backpack, "disc" radar antenna, regardless ofMechanical scanning or phased array systems, can beCover the range of 360-degree scan, blind scan does not existArea, and the size of the radar antenna is also big, "LoveLi eye ", so detection range farther, and can measureHigh.
Machine from the side containing said modified platform shipped -8Take-off weight of more than 60 tons, much higher than the Saab-2000, Therefore, the task of installing electronic machineSystem more comprehensive. The real set of early warning aircraft toDetection, command, communications, confrontation in one, to beTo more devices, but also need more space,-8 Can provide better transport conditions.
Overall, the Saab 2000 is notFull sense of the early warning command and control aircraft, can only be consideredThe air intelligence station. Of course, because of its carrier aircraftSmall, the use of low cost, stand in times of peaceSentry post is good. The functions and ZDK03Will have comprehensive, multi-energy future will be PakistanEarly warning system in Tanzania in the main position, andSaab -2000 AWACS constitute mix of high and lowSystem. In fact, for many small countries,The peacetime and wartime, with the early warning levelSystem is more appropriate.
Q: under the radar such as the Saab 2000Institutional constraints, with the blind areas of early warningIf the two-aircraft formation, a certain degree in theI: complement each other blind. But if the single flight,It can be like a warship, "the" shapeAs anti-submarine routes to make up for lack of self-explorationDepression?
A: The early warning aircraft like the Saab 2000Blind spot detection of early-warning aircraft had indeed can passOver route changes, click "s" shaped flight routesLine of the scan area undetectable to indemnityMake detection of defects in its own, but to note thatEvery change routes often take several minutesClock time, in this period of time, the enemy flying
The picture shows the inner workings of early warning aircraft cabin Saab -2000, by the load and the limited space inside the machine, installed after the cabinet task. Not furnished enoughEnough number of tasks console, severely limits the ability to command and control aircraftFrom http://www.shuxiaoxiao.comOrdnance Technology / 2011/01 * 31Machine will not be able to master the movements, or even be lostRoute changes to the target before the scan.If the normal patrols a few minutesNot a big issue, but in wartime, these few minutesTime is likely to have adverse consequences.
Also, you mentioned the two-aircraft formation with each otherMake blind problem, is a surveillance aircraftIs precisely the scope of the blind spot of another aircraft. However, the actualWhen it is difficult to implement, if the twoAWACS only see each other just do not see the situationReported in this easy to handle, through the exchange of data link toCan complement each other. But the problem is that the sameMay be a target while two AWACSSee, it is necessary to determine a target for a purposeStandard instead of two goals, time synchronization, theIn data transmission and in post-processing of informationOn, it is not so simple, and this alsoThere is a lot of problems to solve.
Q: Do you team for Pakistan in terms of"Little Disk," What may be raised early warning radarWhat kind of request? And the U.S. E-2 and E - 3The "network disk" early warning radar compared to properties such asWhat?
Dad: the user's tactical weapons and equipmentTechnical indicators, which are very confidential, the generalWill not be made public. But you can say for sure, because PakistanThe domestic side are generally high-end weapons and equipment procurementThe major military powers from the West, so see more knowledgeCanton is in the affirmative. And, because the Palestinian side the country has beenSince the war relatively more pressure to counter-terrorismBig, so good at tactics used. We are engaged in domestic militaryTrade and exports are also a lot of people think that the Palestinian side, as withHouseholds, is very professional but also very demanding, thisPoint from the Palestinian side and I co-developed by our K-8 CoachMachine and the "Fierce Dragon" fighter aircraft are similar inLeader can be seen. So I think PakistanThe "small disc" will not lower the requirements of the radar.
As with the E-2 and E-3 comparison, I think,"Little Disk" early warning radar certainly look better than E-2Too far. Because the Y-8 E-2 platform than most, and can beTo provide more power and installing more daysLine, so the detection range will definitely be more than E - 2C,As for other features, certainly higher than the E-2 to completeMore, because the E-2 did not so much space for BryanMore tasks loaded cabinet. Compared with the E-3, althoughHowever, a number of smaller carrier aircraft (E-3 Boeing 707 carrier machineMaximum takeoff weight of 150 tons), but byIn that we can use the most modern electronic technologyNew achievements in the electronic system of radar and other tasksComprehensive performance system with the E-3 close to or overThrough E-3, can be technicallyThe.
"Disc" radar technology in the futureOr applied to the carrier-based early warning on
Q: The world's only carrier-based fixedThat is, fixed-wing AWACS E-2 U.S. carrier pre-Police machine is used with ZDK03 similar"Little Disk" early warning radar, then ZDK03Can the ship early warning aircraft, as carrier pre-Police machine use?
A: So far, the United States is the world'sThe only fixed-wing carrier-based early warning development and equipmentMachine state, but also has the world's largest tonnageAircraft carrier. E-2 to the maximum take-off weight of only
26 tons, and its folding wings, fuselage backRotation of antenna cover and stand height can be reducedLow performance, only Kankan ****** home in the United StatesOn the landing, but the biggest AWACS from ZDK03
Saab -2000 Pakistan has equipped early warning aircraft type, aircraft pre-dim the radar a "balancing" system, so there are blind spot detection, but also by the load and the machine can not be as space constraints +ZDK03 pre-installed blind machine as the task of a comprehensive electronic equipment, it can only be regarded as air intelligence station
32. Ordnance Technology / 2 011 / 0From http://www.shuxiaoxiao.com
CKS catapult take-off circle for E-2C early warning aircraft of the United States. Is only a fixed-wing carrier-based early warning aircraft, but the future of China if the right platform ZDK03 'small disc "warning LeiOf technology transfer in the past, the performance can be best developed early warning aircraft carrierFlying weight of 60 tons or more, so much to flyMachine, is not on the ship, at least not yetWhich can withstand such a large aircraft carrier landing weightVolume.
If you mean ZDK03 warningMachine using the "disc" ship radar technology, whichDoes have a possible, if a suitable carrierMachine, may not be able to develop the E-2 that as aKind of excellent early warning aircraft carrier.
Q: Speaking of carrier-based early warning aircraft, which the aboveAWACS radar and ground-based radar has evenWhy the difference? With a demand for early warning radar| Against, is a good deal with the ground or sea clutterClutter good deal?
A: The difference between the two larger. Carrier Pre-Police Radar work in over the sea, sea-noise ratioMuch weaker ground clutter, so early warning mineOf detection range over the sea than on landAway a lot of ground. In order to better adapt radarIn the long-distance transmission, so early warning mine carrierOf the need to work in the longer wavelength wavesParagraph (UHF band), such as meter or nearMeter. The work of ground-based early warning radar waveUsually 10 cm long (S-band) to 25 cm(L band). Roughly speaking, the shorter the wavelength,Anti-clutter the better. By the ground-based early warning radarThe need for anti-clutter, so the wavelength is usuallyShort. In addition, the longer the wavelength, the corresponding antenna,Oh transmitting and receiving equipment to do less, whichBeneficial in the ship.
In addition, the carrier-based AWACS aircraft carrier takeoffs and landings by weightRestrictions on the amount and use of space, so the antenna andRadome design will be limited, to be able toAnd set out to match the size of machine, not too large, tooWeight. The size of land-based aspects of the radar early warning aircraftLimit is relatively small, because the aircraft is not loaded, I can change to larger aircraft loaded.
ZDK03 early warning aircraft to be incorporated into PakistanCombat system interface issues must be addressed
Q: As an early-warning aircraft, in addition to early warning,Warning functions, the most important functions that should be the number ofCommand, control, and we know that "Erieye" early warningMachine in the allegations of weak performance, then"Little Disk" early warning aircraft will enhance thisFeatures to make up Pakistan's command in the airDisadvantages? Example, a similar increase in U.S. military link - 16 NumberAccording to chain and other equipment.
A: This is in the affirmative, the data chain can be saidIs to achieve the most important means of the combat, withFrom http://www.shuxiaoxiao.comInformation transfer, arms control, navigation, identification andCommand guidance, and other functions, and canOperations in the region and the various command and control systemsCombat platforms together into a comprehensive tactical dataTransfer / exchange and information processing network, forCommanding officers and various tactical battle platform phaseRelevant data and complete battlefield information.For example, an action on early warningMembers, do not pass through the data link and data link,Can guide the fighter may be a difference of 10Times. Enhance command and control functions, certainlyZDK03 Jiu than "Erieye" early warning of aA significant advantage.
Q: As any modern air force for airThe core services and equipment, early warning aircraft need to 'j controlVJ range of many machine communication and data daggerExchange. {B} the history of the original Taipa, Pakistan homeMilitary equipment is more complicated, both by NATOStandard III I7 16 and Mirage fighters, but alsoRussian Il-78 tanker, also in ChinaThe J-7, and Pakistan jointly developed the JF 17 warFighting machine, Z D K03, such as pre-i A police unit will be PaulCommunication card connection with these complex Ll compatible?
A: ZDK03 early warning aircraft in the communications,Indeed, the integration of various equipment will be faced with the problem.Ordnance Technology / 2011/01 * 33In fact, in addition to communication problems, early warning aircraft exportsAfter parasitic enemy AWACS radar identificationDo not control the Palestinian side must also achieve the same platform for existing operationsIFF is installed on a compatible, otherwiseCan not even identify the enemy is, let alone command operationsThe. The radio communication, IFF compatibleProblem, not just these types of fighters, but alsoIncluding Pakistan, for a variety of ground and surfaceCombat units, involving many aspects.
In addition to aircraft and ships, etc. and forWarfare platform links, the early warning needed accessTheater command center by ground command, therefore, pre-Police intelligence unit in the floor through the ground data link, It needs to be able to convert the ground command postUnderstanding of the format and other issues, will be ZDK03Early warning aircraft, combat systems integration into the Palestinian side key.Interface issues are not well, ZDK03 AWACSCan not be a real air command post.Comfort is the combatRiver: ... Ji cranial hip hunger l | 0 Special rf, discrimination"Da 2 Jm Yue K, when compared with infants Cruise l River. Such asj ∽:: System 'l;. ii edge R Yao Ding nearly l () ll-tl'l small spoon; Soup at no call n1J. Nine ttiiD dagger K = fJ spoon called fiiiiii, a! if ¨ rfL"LI.1.": People bj 『: 'i effect, £ r} Shu Tong J has g fF ServicesFresh off ¨?
A: The design of the modern early-warning aircraft, no doubtShould be people-oriented, attached great importance to ergonomics,Convenience in the operation of equipment and working environment comfortableAdaptive, etc., must be great effort, especially in pre-Mission systems on the police machine operators, need to keepPaul Special sober and calm, so as to timely identifyThe most threatening targets, and guide one's own battleMachine attack. Therefore, the comfortable operational environment,Conducive to maintaining its operational effectiveness, can be comfortableOf that combat. Previously, we have been moreEmphasis fearless tired, would be to miss the filmSurface. Therefore, human engineering, need to correctUnderstanding needs to be Changed
In the human environment can be said that civilian passengerConversions early warning aircraft have inherent advantages, weEarly warning aircraft cabin photos from abroad can also be seen,The compartments are relatively high-end interior decoration, ShuComfortable, more relaxed space, complete living facilitiesEquipment. Eight of our aircraft is a military transport aircraft,The Palestinian side has purchased the Saab 2000 is a businessAircraft, both in the work environment of comfort sideDifference is relatively large surface, including toilet,Kitchen and other living facilities, and noise and so on. IsMaybe even more than military transport aircraft are not equipped with toiletsEquipment, not to mention the kitchen. But the transport modificationAfter the early warning aircraft, this does not. TheSo, I think, on the one hand, with reference to PakistanSaab 2000 device configuration and comfort to theChina put forward higher requirements on the other hand, weDesigners should also change their ideas, in the human mechanicProcess improvements made relatively large, saySubdivision through the rational layout, installation of sound absorption bySeismic wall, and the resistance of the installation of equipment cabinNigeria devices ways to reduce the shock of work spacesAction and noise.
Fortunately, domestic equipment, air marshals
200 early warning aircraft have also been arranged inside the kitchen
Early warning aircraft, the core task is to command and control of other aircraft in combat ashamed, so maintain a seamless link to other essential operational platforms, photo shows the U.S. E-3 Pre-blind machine Command F-16 fighter jetsOPERATIONS
34. Ordnance Technology / 2011/01From http://www.shuxiaoxiao.comOne expert interviewsThe prince Yu-right circle for the E-767 AWACS spacious working space than the left shows the E-2 pre-bud machine narrow, crowded work spaces of the human environment is much betterToilet rooms and lounges and other living facilities, whichShould certainly be adding to the exportZDK03 early warning aircraft, the result of the said, through theKinds of efforts, our early warning aircraft in the man-machineEnvironmental early warning aircraft will not be lost to foreign countries.
l Police are also likely to export 200
M: the current boundaries can spit I】 cranial Hill Police "LRan home which are H-Ⅱ ÷?
A: The first early warning aircraft exporting countries are the United States, Exporting models include the E-2, E-3, twoSpecies radome (radar antenna mounted on the daysLine of the hood) are disk-based, and areRotation, and later exported to Australia, soilTurkey and South Korea's E-737, is in the "balanceWood "on and added a" top hat ", be made up"Balance Beam" blind scan. Followed by SwitzerlandCode and Israel, Sweden, is the "balance beam" RayOf Israel is a "big nose" of the conformalArray radar antenna mounted on a large mushroom is no longer withinIncluding early changes in the Boeing 707 on the "FairHealth ", and now the" Sea Eagle. "Chinese andIsrael to interrupt, Israel, BYAWACS program was proposed by side, that is in IraqSeoul -76 on the back of a "large disk" radar, soldIndia. In my opinion, China can to IsraelCollect royalties. China is the world's fourthCountries able to export early warning aircraft. Although RussiaHowever, developed the A-50, but did not formallyExports. Of course, I said here early warning aircraft, currencyIncluding early warning helicopters.
Q: The Zhuhai Air to I:, narrow Police 200Electrical and were warning the public, "Yin claw foot shed is called to playAir Police also infant River 200 l I j'IIJj /?
A: The world of aviation product manufacturers,To participate in exhibitions is an important objective is toThe products sell out. And under normal circumstances _ 'used"Disc" system of early warning aircraft than the use of "balancedWood, "the early warning system in the technology, tactics to be moreTo improve, but also more complex. That is,Since the "disc" early warning aircraft can export, then export"Balance Beam" early warning aircraft are also not impossible.
So, I personally think that the air marshals 200Exhibitors should have this meaning. In fact, since the 21st centuryCentury on the international market after the early warning aircraft, from the number ofPoint of view, "balance beam" the configuration is the largest,This is because at present we all want to early warning aircraftProcurement, use and maintenance costs down, while theAnd many medium and small countries, is neither necessary norThere is a corresponding financial resources to buy those expensive, technologyTechnical and complex and not necessarily buy the large pre-Police machine, and tend to buy the small aircraftPlatform modified for the "balance beam" early warning aircraft. AsSwedes the "balance beam" were installed in the Saab
340, Saab -2000 and ERJ-145 and other smallPassenger aircraft, selling nearly 20; Americans "flatHeng Wood "mounted on the Boeing 737, there are also 10 toOn the order. 200 for air marshals to the international marketField, but also on the "disk" configuration of the export-oriented pre-Police unit to add.
Sichuan: l flu shot. JV. 0 ¨ i {he door Amman SongAssociation! I2
Field for the U.S. E-3 AWACS rest compartment. Figure in addition to spacious lounge chairs to see, but also furnished with toilet, hangersWater heaters, food cabinets and beds, called facilitiesFrom http://www.shuxiaoxiao.comOrdnance Technology / 2011/01 * 35
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Article seems to imply that the ZDK-03 system will be compatible with link-16.. and if that is the case..then apparently the idea of only interfacing on the GCI level had been scrubbed for a more comprehensive AWACS capability.
it seems like zdk03 is better than saab2000 from this article.
????: http://www.fyjs.cn/bbs/htm_data/27/1101/302097.html

oh man this site contains humongous virus, i opened this site last night and then my PC got stuck by viruses and i was unable to do any work last night ,i kept trying for 3 hours as i was not in mood to install new window but unfortunately it didn't work out.so early in the morning the first thing i did was to format hard disk and install new window and in process i lost all of my important data and projects :cry:

you bad man:frown:

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