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Pakistanis of Greeks and Macedonians Descent

Pakistani's: This guy Shan-e-ibrahim is Indian and please regard him as such/ignore/treat his comments accordingly.

@Porus Very well said. Look forward to more contribution from you.

@WAJsal As humans we are all connected. We all belong to the same species. Non of us in Pakistan are European. That does not make us Indian's either. Was there some genetic contribution by Greeks? Yes, there was. However 2,000 years later you can't call any single person 'European' in Pakistan. That is frankly ridicalous. If you went to Norway and married there after 2,000 years people would hardly call your decendancts 'Pakistani'. Whatever Pakistani contribution would exist would be so small like a drop of milk in Tarbela Lake. You know it is there but you can't very well call the water milk or hope to see any signs of milk.

However as a lay observation the fact is average mode of northern Pakistan population or Pashtun's for that matter is nearer to European populations then say Telagu, Tamil, Orrisan, Malayalm and all the other heroes from India. That is subjective obsevation. I have a family member in Greece and sometimes I go over to Greece for holiday.

There are Pashtun's, Hindkho speakers from Hazara, Azad Kashmiri and Punjabi from Jhelum, Sarai Alamgir area in large numbers. In the order I have shown here many are almost indistinguishable from many of the local Greeks.This does not make them Greek or European. Even some of those Bollywood actors would blend in Greece. Clearly they are more similar to the Greeks then heroes from Talagu. It is just plain common sense. Even Bollywood directors know this .....

And why oh why does everybody want make connections to land of Pakistan. Like @Pakistani Exile said we have Greeks, Macedonians, Indian heroes ( my term for non Punjabi Indian's ) Sri Lankans all wanting to take a bite on our land? Then even more absurdly some of these wannabe Indus people claim that we the Indus people came from Mars in 1947 thus wish us away.

And yes I expect Fijians, Micronesians and Pacific Samoans to land here soon and make tall claims of being 'scions of Indus'.

Should we Pakistani's be flattered by this or annoyed ?

Crazy ...
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Anybody knows about their y haplogroup. This could give some insight. I thought they were L3*

"Genetic analysis of Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) by Firasat et al. (2007) on Kalash individuals found high and diverse frequencies of these Y-DNA Haplogroups: L3a (22.7%), H1* (20.5%), R1a (18.2%), G (18.2%), J2 (9.1%), R* (6.8%), R1* (2.3%), and L* (2.3%).[38] Haplogroup L and Haplogroup H are thought to have originated from prehistoric South Asia.[39]"

"Genetic analysis of Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) by Quintana-Murci et al. (2004) stated that "the western Eurasian presence in the Kalash population reaches a frequency of 100%" with the most prevalent mtDNA Haplogroups being U4 (34%), R0 (23%), U2e (16%), and J2 (9%)."

So paternal Y-DNA is mostly similar to other Pakistanis but maternal mtDNA is 100% west euroasian which is rather interesting.
E1b is mostly mediteranian?
I think hitler had similar haplogroup :o:
I don't think he got E1b. E1b is not E1b1b1a2*. From historical people that got E1b are amongst others: Ramesses III, Einstein, Napoleon, people from Europe and North-Africa. It is very wide.
Shan-i-Ibrahim is Indian

* He is doing everuthing to make Pakistan a shadow of India.
* He is doing everyhing to undo the 1947 as in 'bhai, bhai' we are all same. 1947 was mistake. Bla blah..

I for one will never accept India ....
"Genetic analysis of Y-chromosome DNA (Y-DNA) by Firasat et al. (2007) on Kalash individuals found high and diverse frequencies of these Y-DNA Haplogroups: L3a (22.7%), H1* (20.5%), R1a (18.2%), G (18.2%), J2 (9.1%), R* (6.8%), R1* (2.3%), and L* (2.3%).[38] Haplogroup L and Haplogroup H are thought to have originated from prehistoric South Asia.[39]"

"Genetic analysis of Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) by Quintana-Murci et al. (2004) stated that "the western Eurasian presence in the Kalash population reaches a frequency of 100%" with the most prevalent mtDNA Haplogroups being U4 (34%), R0 (23%), U2e (16%), and J2 (9%)."

So paternal Y-DNA is mostly similar to other Pakistanis but maternal mtDNA is 100% west euroasian which is rather interesting.
That is very interesting, U2 and U4 are also present in jatts. My cousin who is Virk has U4 maternal haplogroup.
Shan-i-Ibrahim is Indian

* He is doing everuthing to make Pakistan a shadow of India.
* He is doing everyhing to undo the 1947 as in 'bhai, bhai' we are all same. 1947 was mistake. Bla blah..

I for one will never accept India ....

If Musharraf is born in Daryaganj, Delhi and is Urdu speaking, does he become Indian, Or their Advani born in Karachi, where Mohejodaro is, becomes Pakistani? Hats off Janab!!

Try to differentiate between empires, civilisation, religion, nations and state.
Any mention by any Pakistani's that diverges from the Indian heroes like Tamils, Malayalam, Telagu and Indian as*ss will catch fire like F-16 jet fighter kicking in with after burners ....

Suddenly you will have million heads wobbling in frenzy including wannabe Pakistani's like Ibrahim aka Shan-i-India ...
. .
Shan-i-Ibrahim is Indian

* He is doing everuthing to make Pakistan a shadow of India.
* He is doing everyhing to undo the 1947 as in 'bhai, bhai' we are all same. 1947 was mistake. Bla blah..

I for one will never accept India ....
Report to moderators to take action on him for using false flag..it is nice to see there are Pakistanis who don't have any problem in saying their ancestors are from the subcontinent. People like you are minority in pak..
@Atanz ,is this for real ?what is your assessment on this .I always had a feeling that people from northern areas might have a European connection or something .

Brother read this study:

Poster 533 - Investigation of the Greek ancestry of northern Pakistani ethnic groups using Y chromosomal DNA variation

The people of GB do have "European" genes but these probably reflect older migrations. The haplogroup in common will probably be Haplogroup R-M420 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Want to know what and who are Pakistani's? Apprently the expert on us are the Indians.
So I will let Shan-i-Ibrahim a Indian explain to me who I am .......
Pathetic ....
Want to know what and who are Pakistani's? Apprently the expert on us are the Indians.
So I will let Shan-i-Ibrahim a Indian explain to me who I am .......
Pathetic ....

I undoubtedly accept what our ex DG ISI said. Pakistan is a different entity. Pakistani is not only meant for Pakistanis, it is for Humanity. It is written in our constitution. Riyasat e Madina is our Model!
It does not matter, if you are Urdu, speaking, Punjabi, from Indian ancestry , from Arab ancentry, or Sindhi, what so ever. We are under one constitution, That's all!!
Genome-wide genotype and sequence-based reconstruction of the 140,000 year history of modern human ancestry

Scientific Reports


05 March 2014

28 July 2014

13 August 2014

We investigated ancestry of 3,528 modern humans from 163 samples. We identified 19 ancestral components, with 94.4% of individuals showing mixed ancestry. After using whole genome sequences to correct for ascertainment biases in genome-wide genotype data, we dated the oldest divergence event to 140,000 years ago. We detected an Out-of-Africa migration 100,000–87,000 years ago, leading to peoples of the Americas, east and north Asia, and Oceania, followed by another migration 61,000–44,000 years ago, leading to peoples of the Caucasus, Europe, the Middle East, and south Asia. We dated eight divergence events to 33,000–20,000 years ago, coincident with the Last Glacial Maximum. We refined understanding of the ancestry of several ethno-linguistic groups, including African Americans, Ethiopians, the Kalash, Latin Americans, Mozabites, Pygmies, and Uygurs, as well as the CEU sample. Ubiquity of mixed ancestry emphasizes the importance of accounting for ancestry in history, forensics, and health.


We collected genome-wide genotype data on autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from publicly available human genomic diversity projects. The global data set included 916 individuals from the Human Genome Diversity Project, 1,092 individuals from the 1000 Genomes Project, 222 individuals from east Africa, 268 individuals from the Singapore Genome Variation Project, 75 individuals from Lebanon, 145 individuals from north Africa and the Basque Country, 323 individuals from south Africa, 18 Arabs from Qatar, 106 individuals from west and central Africa, 133 Maasai from the International HapMap Project, and 462 individuals from a study of the Jewish Diaspora. Data management and quality control were performed using PLINK version 1.07. Graphics were generated using R. Maps were drawn using the R libraries maps and plotrix.

Individuals or markers with genotyping call rates < 95% were excluded. We also removed individuals identified as identical samples, 1st degree relatives, or 2nd degree relatives. After quality control, the global data set comprised 3,528 individuals from 163 samples. The mutual intersection of all data sets yielded 19,372 diallelic, autosomal SNPs with experimentally determined genotypes (i.e., no imputation of missing genotypes was performed). The genotyping call rate in the remaining individuals was 99.8%. The average distance between markers was 142.8 kb (135.4 kb excluding centromeres). Due to very small sample sizes for some samples, no additional pruning of markers based on linkage disequilibrium was performed.



This was published in nature last year...

The study did statistical analysis on already available data.....

Another statistical analysis published in Science this year

The Kalash Genetic Isolate: Ancient Divergence, Drift, and Selection
  • 1 Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridgeshire CB10 1SA, UK
  • 2 Institute for Maternal and Child Health, IRCCS Burlo Garofolo, University of Trieste, 34137 Trieste, Italy
  • 3 Division of Biological Anthropology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge CB2 1QH, UK
  • 4 Section of Biochemistry, Shifa College of Medicine, Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, Sector H-8/4, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan
  • 5 Department of Human Genetics & Molecular Biology, University of Health Sciences, Lahore 54000, Pakistan
  • 6 Centre for Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation, Karachi, 74200, Pakistan

Received 9 February 2015, Accepted 26 March 2015, Available online 30 April 2015
The Kalash represent an enigmatic isolated population of Indo-European speakers who have been living for centuries in the Hindu Kush mountain ranges of present-day Pakistan. Previous Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA markers provided no support for their claimed Greek descent following Alexander III of Macedon's invasion of this region, and analysis of autosomal loci provided evidence of a strong genetic bottleneck. To understand their origins and demography further, we genotyped 23 unrelated Kalash samples on the Illumina HumanOmni2.5M-8 BeadChip and sequenced one male individual at high coverage on an Illumina HiSeq 2000. Comparison with published data from ancient hunter-gatherers and European farmers showed that the Kalash share genetic drift with the Paleolithic Siberian hunter-gatherers and might represent an extremely drifted ancient northern Eurasian population that also contributed to European and Near Eastern ancestry. Since the split from other South Asian populations, the Kalash have maintained a low long-term effective population size (2,319–2,603) and experienced no detectable gene flow from their geographic neighbors in Pakistan or from other extant Eurasian populations. The mean time of divergence between the Kalash and other populations currently residing in this region was estimated to be 11,800 (95% confidence interval = 10,600−12,600) years ago, and thus they represent present-day descendants of some of the earliest migrants into the Indian sub-continent from West Asia.

Material and Methods
DNA Samples and Genotyping
The Kalash samples were collected from three valleys in the Hindu Kush mountain ranges in northwest Pakistan (Figure 1A). In accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki, the samples were collected after informed consent was obtained, and the study was approved by all relevant institutional ethics committees. Lymphoblastoid cell lines were established from all collected blood samples, and some (n = 25) were deposited with CEPH; these latter samples form part of the South and Central Asian collection of the HGDP-CEPH cell-line panel. We used 10 of these and an additional 13 samples that are not in the collection for our analysis. All of these unrelated (n = 23) Kalash males were genotyped on the Illumina HumanOmni2.5M-8 BeadChip with 200 ng of DNA (26 ng/μl) prepared from these lymphoblastoid cell lines. Genotyping calls and quality control (QC) were performed with GenoSNP9 by the Sanger Institute’s core genotyping facility. Genotypes were called only for samples passing Sequenom genetic fingerprinting and gender concordance. These were run through the standard QC pipeline. All 23 samples passed a call-rate threshold of 95% and were used in the downstream analysis. Genotyping quality was assessed by comparison of 178,072 SNPs that overlapped the Illumina 650,000 K SNP chip. Ten of the Kalash samples analyzed in this study had also been genotyped on this platform, and the sample genotype concordance was 99.999%. Comparative data were obtained from 35 populations representing Africa, Europe, Caucasus, and West, Central, East, and South Asia (Table S1)


The Kalash Are a Genetic Isolate
PCA using only Eurasian and South Asian populations separated the populations from Europe, Caucasus, and West Asia from East Asians in the first component and from South and Central Asians in the second component; Central Asians lay closer to the Sherpa from Nepal and CHB from East Asia. The Kalash samples clustered together as an outlier population to the other South Asian samples from India and Pakistan (Figure 1B). The Kalash genetic isolation was also supported by the ADMIXTURE plot (Figure 1C), in which the lowest cross-validation error was achieved with seven ancestry components. In this analysis, the Kalash were characterized mainly by a unique genetic component (dark green), although many samples shared a proportion of their ancestry with their neighbors in Pakistan (light orange and light blue). This light-blue component was also shared among many diverse populations from West, Central, and South Asia.
Anyway you Indian's just f* off. What differance does it make to you if we think we are Chinese or Martians ?
Frankly this is non of your business anyway including that wannabe be Pakistani Shan-i-Ibrahim.

Shall I tell you how I know he is Indian? The Indian's will always play down our differances in a attempt to undo 1947 or reduce it. It begins by saying we are one, we are all brothers then moves forward to we all belong to 'Mother India' then 'Britishers' divided us and next thing why you even have Pakistan?

Let Bharata Mata take you into her fold .............

The answer from this Pak***
is go to f* hell


Have you found your 'smoking gun' your golden nugget or something? Go back to to your Ganges Swamp ...
Why are you killing yourself to prove we are Indian?

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