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Pakistanis of Greeks and Macedonians Descent

300 wasn't made by Greeks. They were from United States.

You know, there is no coincidence government/judicial buildings in western world look a lot like Greek temples and palaces. Deduce from that what i meant with my answer.
@Atanz ,is this for real ?what is your assessment on this .I always had a feeling that people from northern areas might have a European connection or something .
It's funny when that a person from Andhra Pradesh or wherever the hell you're from claim to be "scion of Indus". It's like a Pakistani from Karachi naming himself "scion of Oxus". What does Indus have to do with most of you people is beyond me..
People from Kashmir to srilanka,Gujarat to Nepal are all scions of Indus and its legacy.
I thought I'd never see the day when not only Indians, but also greeks and Macedonians would try to claim people of Pakistan as one of their own. The greek influence in terms of genetics of the people of that region is minuscule. They are mostly native to that region, just like the majority of the people of Pakistan.

As for Indians on this thread, some of them have always been desperate to connect themselves to our history, I don't really know what they are doing on this thread. "Porus" was a Punjabi, the only Indians who can claim him are the Indian Punjabis. I have no problem with them doing so.

@Atanz ,is this for real ?what is your assessment on this .I always had a feeling that people from northern areas might have a European connection or something .

They are not European. They are no where near genetically related to any greeks or macedonians. DNA has proven it, all those who claim otherwise are inventing fairy tales.
Have you ever been to Karachi, I know many Pakistani, with their great grand parents who have lived in Bhagalpur, Bijnor, Amritsar, Bhopal, Gaya, etc. Most of them are now high ranking officers in Foreign service of Pakistan, Pakistan administrative services, Army, etc

From which angle you think General Musharraf was Greek? Or Zardari is greek? Pervaiz Musharraf is a proud Pakistani. But he never calls himself a greek or aryan or something wannabe .

This division as led to gang wars in Karachi. That's why this MQM threatened others.

Apart from Amritsar never heard the names of these exotic places ever before. In Kiranchi every one has either come from Lacknow or Delhi.

Musharraf is definitely not a Greek wannabe, but a Syed wannabe he is. I think these days Syed ancestry is more enhancing in Pakistan than that of corrupt south Europeans.

The wars Alexander waged in southern Punjab indicate that he had defeated Porus in the previous war. During the siege of Multan he was fatally wounded when an arrow pierced through his lungs. Apparently he never recuperated from that wound and consequently perished.
They are not European. They are no where near genetically related to any greeks or macedonians. DNA has proven it, all those who claim otherwise are inventing fairy tales.
Check first post for further details .
People from Kashmir to srilanka,Gujarat to Nepal are all scions of Indus and its legacy.

Kashmir; yes. Sri Lanka? What are you smoking lol? Gujrat and Nepal; no thanks. Indus is in a land far far away, thousands of miles away from your home. You have almost no genetic or cultural links with them.
Check first post for further details .

A small amount of admixture means nothing.
Apart from Amritsar never heard the names of these exotic places ever before. In Kiranchi every one has either come from Lacknow or Delhi.

Musharraf is definitely not a Greek wannabe, but a Syed wannabe he is. I think these days Syed ancestry is more enhancing in Pakistan than that of corrupt south Europeans.

The wars Alexander waged in southern Punjab indicate that he had defeated Porus in the previous war. During the siege of Multan he was fatally wounded when an arrow pierced through his lungs. Apparently he never recuperated from that wound and consequently perished.

This is a serious threat. The cause of current situation in Pakistan, we should accept that we are going through identity crisis. People of Pakistan are stuck and do not know who they are actually. By saying we are Muslims that's all, it is not a satisfactory answer. That's why thread like these emerge out of nowhere. Porus won or lost will never be known. Because sources are not reliable.
Kashmir; yes. Sri Lanka? What are you smoking lol? Gujrat and Nepal; no thanks. Indus is in a land far far away, thousands of miles away from your home. You have almost no genetic or cultural links with them.
You don't have any cultural links...your religion is in no way related to our IVC culture.People of IVC were dravidians. So we have full right over them.
This is a serious threat. The cause of current situation in Pakistan, we should accept that we are going through identity crisis. People of Pakistan are stuck and do not know who they are actually. By saying we are Muslims that's all, it is not a satisfactory answer. That's why thread like these emerge out of nowhere.

Identity crisis? I have yet to meet a Pakistani in real life who is suffering from this problem, notwithstanding all the propaganda regularly spewed by our qomi filasfar aw daneshwar Hasan Nisar and his ilk on different TV programmes.

Porus won or lost will never be known. Because sources are not reliable

Oh, then what have you been arguing the whole time?

May be Pashtun believe that their ancestors were greeks or what soever. That region has been invaded by many empires from all sides. Tomorrow they will become Mongols and later they will call them selves turks, or iranians as all look alike.

@Atanz didn't say that. He said that most of the Pashtuns may pass off as Greeks, which is not far from the truth.
Identity crisis? I have yet to meet a Pakistani in real life who is suffering from this problem, notwithstanding all the propaganda regularly spewed by our qomi filasfar aw daneshwar Hasan Nisar and his ilk on different TV programmes.

Oh, then what have you been arguing the whole time?

@Atanz didn't say that. He said that most of the Pashtuns may pass off as Greeks, which is not far from the truth.

Then there was no need of this thread in a DEFENCE FORUM . Why and What is the use of this thread? First tell me that. People who are suffering from Identity crisis come up with such Idea and those who favor this are more infected.

What has Greeks to do with current situation of Pakistan. Or being close to greeks in genetics will help you any where?

What is there to be happy about if some one is close to greek looks? I don't understand the logic at all. :hitwall:

1) they are close to greek looks but they are Pakistani
2) they have light skin so they are Pakistanis
3) Pakistan is different from India because in India its Ganga Hindu Baniya and In Pakistan its Jhelum Indus, and Mohenjodaro, and greek looking people?

Well I am a Pakistani too and on streets of Lahore I can show you so many who have ancestry in India.

Why did @Atanz say that these Pakistanis are close to greek looks? I mean why? Genetic diversity is in every part of the world.

Note: Having greek ancestry is to be felt proud. Having Indian, bangladeshi ancestry is inferior? Hats Off guys hats off *claps*

Koi sar pair hi nai hai!!
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Anybody knows about their y haplogroup. This could give some insight. I thought they were L3*
Anybody knows about their y haplogroup. This could give some insight. I thought they were L3*
Maternal Line: H11a

Paternal Line: E1b1b1a2*
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