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Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up

He's a conservative politician (i did a quick research on his background) many of them thrive off creating differences especially related to immigrant communities

records show he apologized for this emotional outburst......fact of the matter is - there is plenty enough "corruption" in UK.

One in 20 people in Britain say they have paid a bribe for services - up from just one in 100 in 2010.

UK corruption getting worse, poll finds, as one in 20 Britons admit to bribing public service officials | Daily Mail Online
Questions for you @Oscar and @Jungibaaz .

1.Is it a British Govt task force? Or a task force by the Pakistani community themselves for self reform?

2. Secondly, I understand that you mean the Mirpuri's here. Tons of Pakistani's on the forum have bad mouthed them. However arent the majority of Pakistani's in UK, mirpuris? If so then they are the majority community of Pakistani's in UK and defacto representatives of Pakistan there.

3. Thirdly, I can understand that the first generation immigrants are not productive, use benefits and/or remain limited to low wage jobs. But why are their children not succeeding? All this trash about 'sharia zones' and what not showed clearly that its the youth who is indulging in all this.
Why is the Pakistani youth like this?
Why are they not succeeding in school(another thread shows that their school average is even below the natives there), like the other immigrant communities there?

The first generation were the most productive as there ever could be. These people worked in foundries & factories taking up hard jobs working 24 hours shifts. Go to any Asian family & u ll listen to stories of some one coming here & working so hard that factory managers asked them to bring in other people who would work as hard as they did.
Also keep in mind that these fists generation folks came in late 50 & 60's when Unions were so strong that if a foreman in a foundry asked a labourer to move in to another line or machine due to some other employees absence there would be strikes by the unions.

Every one feels it right to bash the Mirpuri community without realising that these folks originated from a part of Kashmir where education was a luxury. Where schools were unknown places. What these people have is a strong sense of community. Go to any of their funerals and You will realise what I am taking about. Coming from such a disadvantaged back ground these people have done pretty well. Before the first generation began bringing in their children over to the UK, the concept of private ownership of a house was an alien concept in UK. As most if not all houses were developed by the council or for the council by wealthy property developers. Now go to Derby, Birmingham, Bradford or any of the city in the UK with Asian back ground & you would find out that they are the biggest property owners.
An old chap from Kharian use to tell me a story about his relatives from Mirpur how he took them to the side of a rail track & nearly all of them fainted with shock at seeing the train go pass so close to them seeing his sense of ridicule & amusement, I asked him that Ur father was an army engineer in Second World War, u lived next to cantt area & all ur elder brothers & cousins including you went to schools & colleges did ur relatives had similar luxuries of education & a social exposure outside there village ? His answer was a clear No.
& when I asked him when was the last time you saw ur brother the old man had to think hard to remember ?

Fact of the matter is that this community began the race with other Asian communities who were at advantage with education & professional qualifications but that gap is closing now as the third & fourth generation lads & girls are going to universities and becoming professionals while they already inherit their own properties & businesses. Keeping all that in mind they have done pretty well to move up the social ladder with MP's and councillors elected in decent numbers.
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He's a conservative politician (i did a quick research on his background) many of them thrive off creating differences especially related to immigrant communities

records show he apologized for this emotional outburst......fact of the matter is - there is plenty enough "corruption" in UK.

One in 20 people in Britain say they have paid a bribe for services - up from just one in 100 in 2010.

UK corruption getting worse, poll finds, as one in 20 Britons admit to bribing public service officials | Daily Mail Online

It's a case of the Pot calling the kettle black. Would this gentleman or members from his party utter a few words about all the worlds black money being laundered in London ?
The answer is No.
Majority of the British Pakistanis vote for labour since they began their lives in UK in foundries & factories & hence their involvement with the labour unions. Mirpuri & Kashmiri community has a great sense of community, the villages & families have relocated over here in to same neighbourhoods in UK. Therefor election campaigns are different due to a different social culture. Voters tend to vote in groups of families.
& besides Pakistani community is an easy & an exciting target. You can say whatever you like with out the fear of any kind of reply coming back. You can accuse Pakistanis of terrorism while you facilitate & house people in UK who are conducting terrorism in Pakistan. You can force pakistan in to NRO's & impose corrupt individuals & governments on the Pakistani populace & then accuse Pakistanis of corruption. You can break into Pakistani high commissions & consulates & spy on them & accuse ISI of everything & anything.
It's a case of the Pot calling the kettle black. Would this gentleman or members from his party utter a few words about all the worlds black money being laundered in London ?
The answer is No.
Majority of the British Pakistanis vote for labour since they began their lives in UK in foundries & factories & hence their involvement with the labour unions. Mirpuri & Kashmiri community has a great sense of community, the villages & families have relocated over here in to same neighbourhoods in UK. Therefor election campaigns are different due to a different social culture. Voters tend to vote in groups of families.
& besides Pakistani community is an easy & an exciting target. You can say whatever you like with out the fear of any kind of reply coming back. You can accuse Pakistanis of terrorism while you facilitate & house people in UK who are conducting terrorism in Pakistan. You can force pakistan in to NRO's & impose corrupt individuals & governments on the Pakistani populace & then accuse Pakistanis of corruption. You can break into Pakistani high commissions & consulates & spy on them & accuse ISI of everything & anything.

Can I quote this sometime? Nicely stated.

By the way I have British friends and I like the UK but like in all countries even ours there are xenophobic bigots who hide behind political parties or groups and try to stir up class and other types of warfare to suit their agendas and votebanks.
Can I quote this sometime? Nicely stated.

By the way I have British friends and I like the UK but like in all countries even ours there are xenophobic bigots who hide behind political parties or groups and try to stir up class and other types of warfare to suit their agendas and votebanks.

Yes off course feel free to quote it.

Fact of the matter is every society has its contradictions. It's just that the mute ones like ours pay a price for not standing up & countering the arguments.
The system in the sub comtinent including pakistan is the one left by Great Britain & if it's corrupt it's not in isolation.
Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up' to the threat posed by minority communities

Read more: Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up' to the threat posed by minority communities | Mail Online
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Dominic Grieve made the remarks in a newspaper interview
He said minority communities have 'endemic' corruption
The senior law officer said that the authorities should take action to combat electoral fraud in areas with high migrant populations

Corruption is rife in Britain’s Pakistani community, the country’s most senior law officer has warned.
Dominic Grieve said politicians needed to ‘wake up’ to the threat of corruption posed by minority communities using a ‘favour culture’.
In remarks that will inflame already sensitive diplomatic relations with Pakistan, the attorney general said he was referring to ‘mainly the Pakistani community’.
David Cameron sparked outrage earlier in his premiership when he accused Pakistan of ‘exporting terrorism’ while on a visit to India.
Mr Grieve told the Daily Telegraph that corruption could also be found in the ‘white Anglo-Saxon community’ as well as among other groups.
But he said the rise of corruption was ‘because we have minority communities in this country which come from backgrounds where corruption is endemic. It is something we as politicians have to wake to up to’.
He said electoral corruption was a problem in constituencies such as Slough in Berkshire. Tory councillor Eshaq Khan was found guilty of fraud involving postal ballots in 2008.
The Electoral Commission is planning to introduce tougher identity checks at the ballot box in Tower Hamlets in East London, another area that has suffered from electoral fraud.
Baroness Warsi, the Foreign Office minister, has previously said the Conservatives lost three seats at the general election because of voter fraud in the Asian community.


Warning: Dominic Grieve, the country's most senior law officer, said minority communities have brought with them 'endemic' corruption

Mr Grieve, whose Beaconsfield constituency in Buckinghamshire has a sizeable Asian community, said: ‘I can see many of them have come because of the opportunities that they get.
‘But they also come from societies where they have been brought up to believe you can only get certain things through a favour culture.
‘One of the things you have to make absolutely clear is that that is not the case and it’s not acceptable.’


Inflammatory: David Cameron sparked outrage on a previous visit to India by suggesting Pakistan was 'exporting terrorism'
Asked if he was referring to the Pakistani community, Mr Grieve said: ‘Yes, it’s mainly the Pakistani community, not the Indian community. I wouldn’t draw it down to one. I’d be wary of saying it’s just a Pakistani problem.’
He added: ‘I happen to be very optimistic about the future of the UK. We have managed integration of minority communities better than most countries in Europe.’
Mr Grieve also admitted that the ‘volume’ of potential immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria next year when movement controls were lifted ‘may pose serious infrastructure problems’.

Pakistanis in UK fuelling corruption, says law chief: Attorney General warns politicians to 'wake up' to the threat posed by minority communities | Mail Online
Pakistanis taking their bad habits abroad. Of, not all Pakistanis.
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