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Indians to be king makers in next UK elections

The article is misleading....

Have a look at the title and the small print i..e the facts.

Pakistanis make up the largest BME group in 36 constituencies where the overall BME population is over 20% of the total population. Indians are second with the largest BME group in 34 such seats and Bangladeshi's in four. That means South Asian groups are the dominant BME communities in 74 seats.

I would say that the article should have headlined with "South Asians are the kingmakers".

Anyway it's good to see the South Asian community wielding such political clout.
Hahaha and not Pakistanis?

Nope , they live in mansions near military academies...;)

You guys are only 2.5% of the population, and they have already tired of you. They are desperate to close the borders.

Troll. Indians are more productive than Chinese in every immigrant population in the world. Take the US for example, you are a sorry second compared to Indian immigrants. Your loud talking, spiting community here is despised. even your own govt has to tell you to behave outside of china.

Even in Hong Kong they call you guys Locust
The article is misleading....

Have a look at the title and the small print i..e the facts.

Pakistanis make up the largest BME group in 36 constituencies where the overall BME population is over 20% of the total population. Indians are second with the largest BME group in 34 such seats and Bangladeshi's in four. That means South Asian groups are the dominant BME communities in 74 seats.

I would say that the article should have headlined with "South Asians are the kingmakers".

Anyway it's good to see the South Asian community wielding such political clout.

Agree with you.
The article is misleading....

Have a look at the title and the small print i..e the facts.

Pakistanis make up the largest BME group in 36 constituencies where the overall BME population is over 20% of the total population. Indians are second with the largest BME group in 34 such seats and Bangladeshi's in four. That means South Asian groups are the dominant BME communities in 74 seats.

I would say that the article should have headlined with "South Asians are the kingmakers".

Anyway it's good to see the South Asian community wielding such political clout.
Actually there are more Indians but the Pakistani community is more clustered together whereas the Indian community is more spread out. That's why Pakistanis have more constituencies.

From your article (which comes from a far-left newspaper, which of course loves all kinds of immigration):

Lmao if you have been following recent events then you would have seen UKIPs recent gaffe. And anyways that still doesn't take away from the fact that UKIP are only against EU immigration.
But... but... but...

I thought all the BJP supporters here didn't like "vote bank" politics!

(Reminder: democracy in action, or vote bank politics -- it all depends on your perspective).
95% of Indians live in India, and what a right slum it is. The best sample size of the average Indian's productivity is nowhere else other than your homeland.

Also, Chinese do not have to migrate all over the world in search of better countries in the same way that Indians are. You are even coming to Singapore, an ethnically Chinese society, where you continue to commit crimes at double the rate of the native population.

Lastly, the people of Hong Kong are ethnically Chinese. It's an internal matter, unlike the Indians desperate to find a nation that they have not yet made a sh!thole out of.

The chinese diaspora is much bigger than Indian. But Indian diaspora is more educated and economically better off than chinese.
95% of Indians live in India, and what a right slum it is. The best sample size of the average Indian's productivity is nowhere else other than your homeland.

Also, Chinese do not have to migrate all over the world in search of better countries in the same way that Indians are. You are even coming to Singapore, an ethnically Chinese society, where you continue to commit crimes at double the rate of the native population.

Lastly, the people of Hong Kong are ethnically Chinese. It's an internal matter, unlike the Indians desperate to find a nation that they have not yet made a sh!thole out of.

fact that UKIP are only against EU immigration.


Chinese have migrated in drones in many countries and now we get all your corrupt after they stole money from you coming w/ it to our countries. The Chinese contribution are houses of ill repute, welfare hounds and wait staff.

This ad from Hk'ers summarizes what the world thinks of you! and they know you best!

The chinese diaspora is much bigger than Indian. But Indian diaspora is more educated and economically better off than chinese.

Chinese diaspora came from the lower or middle class rungs of society. Look at what they have accomplished.

India, on the other hand, has experienced the largest brain drain in modern history. You are trying to compare the average Chinese with the top 0.5% of Indians, and you perform marginally better. Congratulations.
This ad from Hk'ers summarizes what the world thinks of you! and they know you best!


People from Hong Kong are ethnically Chinese. I am from Shenzhen, right across from them. Half my family is from Hong Kong.

Same race, same people. Different levels of development due to unfortunate circumstances.

Chinese have migrated in drones in many countries and now we get all your corrupt after they stole money from you coming w/ it to our countries. The Chinese contribution are houses of ill repute, welfare hounds and wait staff.

This ad from Hk'ers summarizes what the world thinks of you! and they know you best!

This should give you a better understanding.

India's *richest* province is poorer than the Chinese *average*.

China's *poorest* province is richer than the Indian *average*.
People from Hong Kong are ethnically Chinese. I am from Shenzhen, right across from them. Half my family is from Hong Kong.

Same race, same people. Different levels of development due to unfortunate circumstances.

This should give you a better understanding.

India's *richest* province is poorer than the Chinese *average*.

China's *poorest* province is richer than the Indian *average*.

They know you best have articulated you people perfectly AKA Locust who preys on social welfare programs You have 7 trill fudged if at GDP. one should expect you to be higher. however, if you indeed have high GDP then it is pitiful that your averages are lower than many countries who have lesser- what is worse compared to them , who are " developed" countries, while you, even with 2nd largest GDP, are still called a 3rd world country!

if you can't handle the heat why start trolling Indians here first.
95% of Indians live in India, and what a right slum it is. The best sample size of the average Indian's productivity is nowhere else other than your homeland.

Also, Chinese do not have to migrate all over the world in search of better countries in the same way that Indians are. You are even coming to Singapore, an ethnically Chinese society, where you continue to commit crimes at double the rate of the native population.

Lastly, the people of Hong Kong are ethnically Chinese. It's an internal matter, unlike the Indians desperate to find a nation that they have not yet made a sh!thole out of.

fact that UKIP are only against EU immigration.


Looks like Indians have so totally deluded themselves that they are accepted as white, so they are claiming a right wing nationalist party like the UKIP supports Indian immigration. :lol: looks like a lot more skin whitening cream and white donors for IVF are necessary.
Looks like Indians have so totally deluded themselves that they are accepted as white, so they are claiming a right wing nationalist party like the UKIP supports Indian immigration. :lol: looks like a lot more skin whitening cream and white donors for IVF are necessary.

Chinese don't even get a mention because the lot are stuck in Chinatown trying to figure out how to vote in English. They figured all their plastic surgery to change facial features might make them white on day. Your fella Chinese just called you a low class dimwit below:lol:

Chinese diaspora came from the lower or middle class rungs of society. Look at what they have accomplished.

India, on the other hand, has experienced the largest brain drain in modern history. You are trying to compare the average Chinese with the top 0.5% of Indians, and you perform marginally better. Congratulations.
Okay - we get confirmation from a Chinese- that his fella Chinese are dimwits in other countries... :rofl:
Looks like Indians have so totally deluded themselves that they are accepted as white, so they are claiming a right wing nationalist party like the UKIP supports Indian immigration. :lol: looks like a lot more skin whitening cream and white donors for IVF are necessary.

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Chinese don't even get a mention because the lot are stuck in Chinatown trying to figure out how to vote in English. They figured all their plastic surgery to change facial features might make them white on day. Your fella Chinese just called you a low class dimwit below:lol:

Okay - we get confirmation from a Chinese- that his fella Chinese are dimwits in other countries... :rofl:

50% of Chinese were born with these "facial features" (double eyelids) which "might make them white" naturally, and when the other 50% have surgery to look like them, certain westerners and Indians were deluded into flattering themselves and thinking that they are having surgery to look caucasian.
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