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Pakistani U.N. peacekeepers sentenced in Haiti rape case

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May 12, 2009
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Pakistani U.N. peacekeepers sentenced in Haiti rape case

Joseph Guyler Delva
10:38 p.m. CDT, March 12, 2012

PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - Two U.N. peacekeepers from Pakistan have been sentenced to a year in prison for raping a 14-year-old Haitian boy after being convicted in a Pakistani military trial in Haiti, authorities said on Monday.

U.N. spokeswoman Sylvie Van Den Wildenberg said judges from a Pakistani military tribunal came to the impoverished Caribbean nation to hold the trial that resulted in the conviction last week of the peacekeepers. They were found guilty in the rape of the boy in the northern city of Gonaives on January 20.

The two soldiers, who have not been identified by name, were summarily discharged from the military and sentenced to a year behind bars in their homeland, the U.N. spokeswoman said.

"The U.N. was informed last week by the Pakistani officials about the verdict, but MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti) did not have any involvement in the military judicial process that was led by military judges from Pakistan," she added.

It was the first time that members of the U.N. military on deployment in Haiti have been tried and sentenced within its borders.

The U.N. peacekeeping mission has faced a growing image problem in Haiti, with some of its members accused of responsibility for introducing a deadly cholera epidemic in earthquake-stricken country in 2010.

Several peacekeepers have also been accused of rape, in addition to the Pakistanis, in cases that have fueled public protests and demands that members of the U.N. force be stripped of their immunity and face trial in Haitian courts.

Haitian Justice Minister, Michel Brunache called the verdict for the two Pakistanis a "small" step in the right direction.

"We expected more from the U.N. and the Pakistani government, but now we want to focus on the proper reparation that the victim deserves," Brunache said.

Haitian government authorities were given no advance notice of the military tribunal, he said.

(Editing By Tom Brown and Will Dunham)

Pakistani U.N. peacekeepers sentenced in Haiti rape case - chicagotribune.com
Good job by the military tribunal. The guilty have to be punished, more so when these troops were there to protect the people. That goes for all troops, irrespective of the country they belong to.
They raped a fourteen year old kid. Anything less than a life sentence for rapist pedophiliacs is lenient and unacceptable.

True. But at least they were brought to book, that alone may have some deterrent effect.
Most of all, while this was an aberration by individuals; the system reacted positively. It was not swept below the carpet.
One year sentencing is a joke.

What do the UN peacekeeping laws state? The crime was against a Haitian in Haiti. The decision should have been made by the Haitian justice system.

Unfortunately under the UN peacekeeping mandate, the deputed forces have some form of diplomatic immunity. Hence they are allowed to be tried only under the laws of the deputing country. This is somewhat of a grey area.
Unfortunately under the UN peacekeeping mandate, the deputed forces have some form of diplomatic immunity. Hence they are allowed to be tried only under the laws of the deputing country. This is somewhat of a grey area.

In that case Pakistan should have voluntarily handed them over to the Haitians.

Our people won't learn unless they are threatened with dire consequences.
In that case Pakistan should have voluntarily handed them over to the Haitians.

Our people won't learn unless they are threatened with dire consequences.

If its clear that mistake is in their part,i agree with you!
Do Pakistan have only one year punishment for rape??? :angry:

Why only one year and that too in their own country?

1 year is not enuff... they should have been booked for at least 10 years each with hard labor...

One year punishment is big joke of Justice.

1 year? Thats sad. Should be more much more.

One year...are you f**king kidding me ? They should have been castrated before being hanged !

only one year for sodomy and rape?:what:

1 year for rape of a boy? It should attract more punishment because he is minor.

1 year only for raping a 14 year old boy? sht they should have been castrated with a rusty knife then thrown away in the hole for life.
The chain of command in the Army is hierarchical.

In this case I feel the Commanding Officer to should have got a rap internally within the Army.

If a soldier commits a civil offense while on duty, it speaks of poor leadership and lack of command & control.If the CO takes the accolades ( and promotion ) for what his junior leaders do he must also collect the rap for their misdeeds.

This I may add should apply apply to the IA in equal measure.
^Uruguay is actually a pretty racist country against dark skinned people, AFAIK it's pretty socially acceptable to mistreat them...
Is it known that the two Pak soldiers in question are from KP Province? It is indeed strange why a boy was allegedly raped in this particular case, clearly they do what they were doing...

That's what I am asking you.
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