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Pakistani U.N. peacekeepers sentenced in Haiti rape case

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They raped a fourteen year old kid. Anything less than a life sentence for rapist pedophiliacs is lenient and unacceptable.

I agree

it should have been 14 years. an extremely offensive crime and that too while representing a country under the UN flag.
no excuses at all. the punishment should be so exemplary that it even a thought of such heinous crime will send shivers among the guys while abroad or in the country.
That's what I am asking you.

he is talking nonsense

any one with a lot of testosterone and inability to control his genitals is susceptible to commit such crime if he thinks he can get a way with it. race, religion or custom has nothing to do with that. blaming it on one particular ethnicity is not only rude but also ill informed and gross generalisation.

if his statement were true then there shouldnt be any rape cases blamed on Northern Alliance in Afghanistan. every community has its share of mentally sick people. who cant control themselves.
One year sentence for raping a 14 year old girl, that does not sound right. If the action was planned before hand than anything less than a life sentence is unacceptable in my opinion. The CO also needs to face the music as he is ultimately responsible for the actions of his man.
There is nothing to discus, Army men are human beings and not Gods Left hand, they do make mistakes when they can not control their overflowing harmons. and there is no need to implicate PAKISTAN here, there has been incidents that INDIAN forces in peace keeping missions in Congo have brought bad name to INDIA with thier misconduct with women of Congo.
One year sentence for raping a 14 year old girl, that does not sound right. If the action was planned before hand than anything less than a life sentence is unacceptable in my opinion. The CO also needs to face the music as he is ultimately responsible for the actions of his man.

What makes this crime even more unacceptable is the fact these soldiers were supposed to be protecting the kid. Disgraceful behavior. I think after they serve the sentance they should be put on display for the public in Pakistan to know what they did. Let them decide the punishment. I dont believe in capital punishment but for crimes like this its an exception.
To be trusted, to serve and protect, yet do this? Unfit to live - just my opinion
they deserve to be punished for their crimes, and for giving bad name to an otherwise spot-free and internationally celebrated and appreciated Pakistani peace-keeping force; Pakistan being the 2nd largest contributor towards the UN Peacekeeping missions.

this should help bring closure to this incident, and to the affectees. I also do agree that 1 year was a far too lenient sentence.
Rape = Capital Punishment or Life Sentence in my book.
Seriously, rapist can't be offered help, and they can't "change". If you rape once, chances are you'll rape again if you think you'll remain unscathed. That's how it works, believe it or not. So it's dangerous to let these people roam free.
this thread should be closed now as there is nothing to discuss here other than condemnation. some trollers can misuse this thread.
Why does Haiti have laws against rape? Why do they think it is something they need to prevent?

Now let's give them a trial and punishment once they're back here, including making them pay damages to the person raped. WE should have laws against rape, not necessarily Haiti!
this thread should be closed now as there is nothing to discuss here other than condemnation. some trollers can misuse this thread.

Trolls Misuse the thread is Good..... The worry arises when Trolls USE THE THREAD.....

strict actions should be taken those pakistani soldiers.

Any soldier around the world who commit crime must be punished..... Dont you agree?
I'm afraid 1 year jailing is going to look like a case of brushing under the carpet from the viewpoint of Haitians and other countries who host UN peacekeeping forces.

An opportunity to do the right thing missed IMO.
Well a military tribunal always gets the sentence and judgment right, so in this case, I think the law has some grey area or something because one year seems a little bit too less to me.

And is this UN immunity kind of like diplomatic immunity.?
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