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Pakistani U.N. peacekeepers sentenced in Haiti rape case

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strict actions should be taken those pakistani soldiers.

I want you to make the comment again, keeping in mind what that rascal soldier in Afgan did with sleeping children.

(P.S. I do agree with the comment tho, soldiers represent countries in foreign lands not politicians.)
Now that we are past the unanimous condemnation fo the brutal act
lets move on the discussion little further

forgive me for missing the obvious but I have few questions which are not mentioned in the report.

1. how did the incident come to light?
2. did the victim raise the alarm after the act? or someone witnessed it and reported it?
3. was the witness/ whistle blower a local or one of the members of the peacekeepers?
4. where did the incident take place? in the UN peacekeepers compound or some secluded place where the culprits cornered the boy?
5. was the rape confirmed through medical examination? were the culprits connected to the rape through DNA sample?
6. was there any bribe or threat involved to keep the boy quiet?

normally under such civil crimes after dishonorable discharge the culprits are handed over to the civil authorities. its not sure where these guys will send their time because army doesnt keep any conventional jails. there are temporary cells at quarter guards normally for soldiers committing minor offenses like brawls or arriving late from their vacation etc

since the culprits are no longer in the army, I think any civilian judge can score some Brownie points by taking a suo motu due to a small sentence.

only someone with the knowledge of military and civil law can tell me what supersedes what in this case. if the detailed verdict of the military court can be available then we might know on what bases this decision was made. sometimes the original sentence requested by the prosecution is reduced due to so many reasons. without much knowledge of the case and its details I am in no position to suggest that maybe some questions were raised prompting the judges not to give maximum sentence.
Do Pakistan have only one year punishment for rape??? :angry:

Why only one year and that too in their own country?

1 year is not enuff... they should have been booked for at least 10 years each with hard labor...

One year punishment is big joke of Justice.

1 year? Thats sad. Should be more much more.

One year...are you f**king kidding me ? They should have been castrated before being hanged !

only one year for sodomy and rape?:what:

1 year for rape of a boy? It should attract more punishment because he is minor.

1 year only for raping a 14 year old boy? sht they should have been castrated with a rusty knife then thrown away in the hole for life.

Hi guys I have taken the liberty of merging your one liners regarding your objection to 1 year punishment. the same thing was said 9 times by 9 different people.
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