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Pakistani leaders call for strong Iran-Pakistan relationship

You know most Indians have left this thread but there is always one baigherat who lives in denial

Iranians have told you here they love and are happy with Pakistan

Pakistanis have told you they love and are happy with Iran

WTF do you Indian want??

Ohh hoo according to Hindutva every muslim/christian is evil & it should be eliminated, Iran being a muslim country takes the Indian threat seriously makes sense.

mate if you want more rubbish from some Indians regarding their Israel affiliation:

You know most Indians have left this thread but there is always one baigherat who lives in denial

Iranians have told you here they love and are happy with Pakistan

Pakistanis have told you they love and are happy with Iran

WTF do you Indian want??

lolz..That begahirat shown u mirror :rofl:
ASk ur heart,my post was correct or not..

ur past is not good and now dont try to hide it..;)
so do first complete that pipeline then show ur ghairat..:lol:

This time i hope you wont do switching but old habits die hard :rofl:
:tup: :tup:


Long Live the two Islamic Republics Burn the enemies of the Islamic Republics (indian that's for you)
The difference is that Pakistanis want stability in the region, while Indians are just obsessed with destruction of Pakistan. India wants to use Iran against Pakistan.

I'll tell you Indians something right now, even if you get every nation against us, we will still conquer you.


Rzapak's daily verbal.

mate do not get excited about the possibilities of America hitting on Pakistan. Our nukes will take India down as well

You dont have the Tatte for that.
Dont trust pakistanis a bit.They change allies with in minutes.Earlier they supported U.S,fought two war for them but now they want to be in arms of russia.Now every paksitani is supporting russia and iran.They used to be against iran and in favor of saudis but many paksitanis are ditiching saudis even:lol:. once paksitanis get better deal from U.S,They will drop iran is b/w ;)

so rest is ur choice..i told u nature of paksitanis ad paksitani state.

india had good relations with russia,iran and now have even with U.S but dint leave iran and russia behind;)
Our friend list always increased not decreased ever.Even with U.S sanctions,india is getting ur oil and investing with in iran.

Now our enemies will tell our nature to Iranians :rofl: ...

Try to enlighten me who voted against Iran in the UN whilst the Pakistan supported Iran's nuclear program for peaceful purposes ? :azn: Bringing the US in the Soviet War was important because they were later planning to attack Pakistan for their " access to warm waters " So we did what was in our interest ? What was so wrong with that ?

Yeah , about the US better deal than the Iranians part , just to enlighten you Saudis and Americans have offered us a better deal in the form of domestic shale oil and TAPI but we have still taken the Iran route which is almost complete ?

I cant simply fathom what problem have the Indians got with developing Iran-Pakistan relationship ? Care to enlighten me ? :azn:
Suddenly Russia has become friends to few Chinese and Pak members. Wonder how this happened :D

Actions have spoken louder than words , I think ? :azn:

You see? You don't even bother to criticize my analyses, just me personally through the world-view of sectarian prejudice. Do I take it you agree with me 100%, or is this just another example of the animal reflexive response you urged earlier?

Your analysis are criticism made " for the sake of criticism " which aren't even worthy of responding ... Rest assured , I am always here to assist you :lol:
India is abide with Un resolutions against iran.

so indians purchase of oil and standing against west is not +ve :lol:

Just because Iran is sanctioned at the moment , you are getting oil on discounted prices which goes in your favor ...

It is not like you are helping Iran in any way , if you do not buy that oil , somebody else will :azn:

Sure , continue abiding by the UN resolution !

so do first complete that pipeline then show ur ghairat..:lol:

This time i hope you wont do switching but old habits die hard :rofl:

Sorry to disappoint you , young man but that pipeline is almost complete ... :azn:
Iran supplies electricity to Gwadar from the same electricity plant that was built with Indian money at Chah bahar ! :rofl:

i will suggest every iranian to read my post.

Dont trust pakistanis a bit.They change allies with in minutes.Earlier they supported U.S,fought two war for them but now they want to be in arms of russia.Now every paksitani is supporting russia and iran.They used to be against iran and in favor of saudis but many paksitanis are ditiching saudis even:lol:.
now those who switch with in minutes ;)..u know better.

once paksitanis get better deal from U.S,They will drop iran is b/w ;)

so rest is ur choice..i told u nature of paksitanis ad paksitani state.

india had good relations with russia,iran and now have even with U.S but dint leave iran and russia behind;)
Our friend list always increased not decreased ever.Even with U.S sanctions,india is getting ur oil and investing with in iran.


I cannot stop laughing at your desperation Sunnny boy .....:rofl:

I think the Iranian people can discern the difference between their True Pakistani friends and well wishers and Fake Indians pretending to be Iran's friend on the surface but backstabbing Iran privately behind the scenes in cahoots with the Israel and the USA.

give it up sunny boy.. :rofl:
Long Live the two Islamic Republics Burn the enemies of the Islamic Republics (indian that's for you)

One is shia state other is sunni state, Daily/Weekly or monthly torture of shias in Pakistan wont create harmony btwn Pak and Iran.
indians are pro U.S and pro israel but not indian foreign policy.
Dont give lecture on unity,you have habit of switching ;)
and you should be proud of keeping that standard:rofl:

Those who brought nato and U.S in regions
Those who sent terrorist in kashmir to fight
Those who started 65,kargil like wars.
Those who trained terrorist from all over world and sent to a-stan.

talking about stability of region :rofl:

Conquer you??

We will open one more consulate..

To conquer you :lol:

One is shia state other is sunni state, Daily/Weekly or monthly torture of shias in Pakistan wont create harmony btwn Pak and Iran.

The second larget shia state.. whose president is also a shia... which had several shia COAS and presidents...
Now our enemies will tell our nature to Iranians :rofl: ...

Try to enlighten me who voted against Iran in the UN whilst the Pakistan supported Iran's nuclear program for peaceful purposes ? :azn: Bringing the US in the Soviet War was important because they were later planning to attack Pakistan for their " access to warm waters " So we did what was in our interest ? What was so wrong with that ?

Yeah , about the US better deal than the Iranians part , just to enlighten you Saudis and Americans have offered us a better deal in the form of domestic shale oil and TAPI but we have still taken the Iran route which is almost complete ?

I cant simply fathom what problem have the Indians got with developing Iran-Pakistan relationship ? Care to enlighten me ? :azn:

you are fully delusional not partially.

1)So who is purchasing their oil now??who is investing in them now??who is highest oil purchaser now??whose banks are financing trade now???:lol:

2)Its myth that Soviets were occupying the paksitan so paksitan had to jump.You are working for dollars since starting:lol:.
Soviets were invited by afganistan to fight with local groups.Paksitan has no link with it.

3)Tapi is far from existence and u need oil and if u dont side with iran then u will make it enemy for ever.and u r already surrounded with unstable a-stan and india

i have nothing against iran but m answering just to iranians :)

Pakistan is here a looser in any case and india is in win win situation. :)

coz out of two,one is going to be attacked till 2014 ;)
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