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Pakistani Hindus | All Discussions

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Its just funny to me that a "secular" nation that has committed atrocities like gujarat, 1984, Orissa is "worried" about Hindus in Pakistan.

Just yesterday some party burned down the house of a dalit. Go "worry" about that

(standard indian reply) but we are secular, Pakistan minority hate blah blah, we are indians we love everybody, thousands of Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Dalits killed is small amount.......one Pakistani Hindu killed means all Pakistanis anti-minority,,,,,,,etc etc.

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I see the thread made sticky *Finally*

please merge all future
Rinkel..Dinkel...Hindu girl upgrade to windows 7...Pakistani men running after Hindu girls with carrots in their hands....threads in this sticky thread...

I see the thread made sticky *Finally*

please merge all future
Rinkel..Dinkel...Hindu girl upgrade to windows 7...Pakistani men running after Hindu girls with carrots in their hands....threads in this sticky thread...

One Pakistan Hindu killed......all Pakistanis evil, eat Hindu women for lunch, and eat Sikh children for dinner..........thousands of Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Dalits killed, conspirrracccy against seclar iiiinnnndia.

Watch the indians squirm......apparently Pakistan invaded india, and killed all these people, babu bajrangi is an ISI asset.
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One Pakistan Hindu killed......all Pakistanis evil, eat Hindu women for lunch, and eat Sikh children for dinner..........thousands of Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Dalits killed, conspirrracccy against seclar iiiinnnndia.

Previously you needed to be the president of a country to do demeaning propaganda against a Country/Religion/Culture/People..

Now all you need is an internet connection and no usefulness in real life,and you are into propaganda business.

Some of these Indian members have no purpose in life other than open thread after thread on Rinkel or whatever she is called...
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(standard indian reply) but we are secular, Pakistan minority hate blah blah, we are indians we love everybody, thousands of Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Dalits killed is small amount.......one Pakistani Hindu killed means all Pakistanis anti-minority,,,,,,,etc etc.

the hypocrisy astounds me!
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One Pakistan Hindu killed......all Pakistanis evil, eat Hindu women for lunch, and eat Sikh children for dinner..........thousands of Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Dalits killed, conspirrracccy against seclar iiiinnnndia.

Its the Pakistani Hindus themselves who are talking in despair that their women are considered fair game for kidnapping, then rape/marriage after conversion to Islam with Govt and society at large looking the other way.
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the hypocrisy astounds me!

Who that hath an hed of verre [glass], Fro cast of stones war hym in the werre!
~ [c 1385 Chaucer Troilus & Criseyde ii. 867] Translation (Do not criticize or slander another if you are vulnerable to retaliation.)

Its the Pakistani Hindus themselves who are talking in despair that their women are considered fair game for kidnapping, then rape/marriage after conversion to Islam with Govt and society at large looking the other way.

And it's the indian Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Dalits that are talking in despair, that they are murdered, butchered, raped, burnt alive - but the culprits with a few exceptions get away scott free.

How many times does this poor girl - have to tell everyone - she married out of love......
For many obsessive compulsive...Rinkel thread openers..
This picture is appropriate for their mental condition..

Let us forget about what happened at the Supreme court. Can you imagine what would be the girl's fate, if she would say she was forcefully converted to Islam. What about the future...let us say one year down the lane. Will the police be able to give protection to the girl through out her life.

Anyway...why only girls.

It's not the question of 'Why only girls', it just so happens that this issue in particular made headlines.

Who can she report the foul play to. What can her parents do. What can her lawyer do.

Police? Why should the police help her? In fact, her lawyer is saying she was raped in police custody by Mian Mithoo.

Shortly after talking to her Mom, she was screaming and begging to be murdered inside the Supreme Court itself. To no avail.

Here is the KTN TV news report.

(Rinkal kumari force conversion report live from supreme court) Mar 26_ 2012 - YouTube

I don't understand a word they said, seriously.

Its the Pakistani Hindus themselves who are talking in despair that their women are considered fair game for kidnapping, then rape/marriage after conversion to Islam with Govt and society at large looking the other way.

3 women (whose case is ongoing, mind you)= Entire community.
Generalization, I can stand, but this is over the top!
It's not the question of 'Why only girls', it just so happens that this issue in particular made headlines.

These questions are always headlines in conservative societies. Don't you think a Hindu boy eloping with a Muslim girl in Pakistan would not make noise? It would make more noise than this case, although for different reasons.
These questions are always headlines in conservative societies. Don't you think a Hindu boy eloping with a Muslim girl in Pakistan would not make noise? It would make more noise than this case, although for different reasons.

I agree, it would make a huge scandal. That is why such affairs are usually disguised. The couple consent and hold a 'Pretend' conversion for the boy, he gets the blessings of his family and continues to live life easy. That's only if the marriage makes a big splash.
However, in most cases that do not make a huge splash, there is no need for clarifications and pretending. We had this sepoy in Peshawar who converted from Christianity to Islam, married a muslim girl and then reverted back a year later, nobody troubled him. He continues to live happily with his wife and 3 children (who are Christians).
Official chain of events released by the Supreme Court on their own website. Nothing can be more truer than this and I fail to see any mention of Rinkle saying I want to go home.

The Chief Justice himself is accused as one of the collaborators ... why should he confess that Rinkle was screaming in Court begging to be murdered?

What is indisputable is the he did not allow Rinkle to speak in open Court, in contravention of civilized international norms.

I don't understand a word they said, seriously.

KTN is a Sindhi channel, I believe. I was able to get the gist of the important parts, despite not being a Sindhi speaker.

Another corroborating source -

PAKISTAN Hindu girl tells Supreme Court she would rather die than convert to Islam - Asia News

We also need to salute the courage of Marvi Sirmed, one of the few honorable people left.

I would support renaming this thread - "Being a minority in Pakistan". As Marvi Sirmed said on CNN-IBN, Ahmedis have it even worse than Hindus, sometimes.
The Chief Justice himself is accused as one of the collaborators ... why should he confess that Rinkle was screaming in Court begging to be murdered?

Where is he accused? Why hasn't a case been filed against the CJP? What a joke, one of the most respectable man in the world would part-take on such a thing like forcing a girl to be with a rapist... You some sense before talking next time. Why would the CJP do such a thing?

What is indisputable is the he did not allow Rinkle to speak in open Court, in contravention of civilized international norms.

There was no trial held, the matter was resolved at petition stage and no stand is taken during the hearing of a petition. The women themselves claim (in the video posted here of Aasha), the responded to a question by the Chief Justice that where do you want to go?

KTN is a Sindhi channel, I believe. I was able to get the gist of the important parts, despite not being a Sindhi speaker.
But KTN is not showing a video. The records of the Supreme Court are of infinitely higher value than KTN, which too is not claiming that Rinkle told them xyz.

Another corroborating source -

PAKISTAN Hindu girl tells Supreme Court she would rather die than convert to Islam - Asia News

We also need to salute the courage of Marvi Sirmed, one of the few honorable people left.

I would support renaming this thread - "Being a minority in Pakistan". As Marvi Sirmed said on CNN-IBN, Ahmedis have it even worse than Hindus, sometimes.

There is no evidence that this was actually said and is not be just regurgitated. There has to be some recording, some transcripts of the courts that corroborate this? I have shown you video of the girls literally mocking people like you, making fun of your sillyness on this matter. To quote one of the girls "Yeh log apni siasat chamkanay aye hain" - for this quote I can show you a video, not hearsay. What do you have? Nothing, zilch, nada.
What do you have? Nothing, zilch, nada.

Good going man.

KTN TV, Asia News and many human rights activists are all conspiring to defame Pakistan and Islam.

There is no need for any statement by the victim in open Court.

The victim's parents should not be allowed to meet her.

The victim should be paraded around surrounded by truck loads of armed goons.

etc etc
Good going man.

KTN TV, Asia News and many human rights activists are all conspiring to defame Pakistan and Islam.

There is no need for any statement by the victim in open Court.

The victim's parents should not be allowed to meet her.

The victim should be paraded around surrounded by truck loads of armed goons.

etc etc

KTN = obscure and I mean obbbbbbbbbbbbbscure tareeen news Channel, before this no one would have even heard of it.

Asia News = Indian and Rabidly anti-Pakistan news channel and moreover it does not quote a source.

We are talking about the Supreme Court, where if a person sneezes, its documented.
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