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Pakistani Female Pilots, report by CNN

Hey I'm the last one here to say anything even remotely anti-feminist but do you really thing that at the end of the day our commanders, and culture at large, would countenance putting our young women in combat. And, potentially, at the physical and moral depredations of our enemies? Something to think about, eh?

but in the old days muslim women did go to war, and why not take advantage from the other half of the population. Women don't necessarily need to be in the front line, instead they could conduct support roles etc.
I am very glad to see this progressive move from Pakistan
Hey I'm the last one here to say anything even remotely anti-feminist but do you really thing that at the end of the day our commanders, and culture at large, would countenance putting our young women in combat. And, potentially, at the physical and moral depredations of our enemies? Something to think about, eh?

Well what i know of is that females pilots are normally not employed in combat all over the world. This has also been talked about the reporter in the end of the clip. Moreover, Sir MuradK has revealed some shocking news as regards to these girls. i think if he also post it here, we would have a better stand to discuss more.
why r dey only letting em fly f-7 . dey should fly f-16 or adleast mirage 5 or3 wid rose upgrade!!!
Well what i know of is that females pilots are normally not employed in combat all over the world. This has also been talked about the reporter in the end of the clip. Moreover, Sir MuradK has revealed some shocking news as regards to these girls. i think if he also post it here, we would have a better stand to discuss more.

Thanks buddy get me into trouble :lol:
I am one of those people right is right and wrong is wrong no matter the situation is.
So this it
All seven of them decided not to fly Fighters and all of them are now with VIP SQD and 6 SQD Chaklala. Because of these 7 women PAF stopped hiring women fighter pilots. Only 2 completed OCU and everyday they used to say we don't want to fly but their IPs were as bad as they were they made sure they complete the OCU after OCU there were sent to fighter SQD but they refused and the COAS made a decision which lead to a complete failure of the system that we are not ready for women at this time will take sometime but need more research into this . And now Young girls who have the passion are stuck because no more induction of female pilots. The rotten egg was Ambreen she qualified and then said no I don't want to fly Fighters which made PAF very upset spending all that money on training and the outcome Zero.

In our days back in the early 60s when you entered the academy they used to do a grading which meant you fly 10 missions and do a solo if not you are out it happens today as well but after a long period they should go back to the basics grading system it should be done in the first month so people who are not fit for flying or do not want to fly should be sent home.
The reason of her quiting on fighters she encountered an emergency and that was enough for her to say I am not doing it. Now she comes and say I am ready to die for my country.
I am just angry that 2 of them had the potential of becoming the first and them they decided not to.
There are a lot of reasons which played a negative role in this, A few things I will be candid about .
In our culture husbands don't take care of the children like in the west. All the fighter bases except Peshawar and karachi will hold there husbands with good jobs, rest of the bases they cant get a decent jobs.
Now on a serious note
during PMS you pull Gs and you will not wake up in the west the girls are pretty open about it but in our culture she will not tell anyone and after marriage they get pregnant they can't fly for 9 months after the delivery they cant fly for another 6 months , What is she going to do give the baby to the base commander and say feed him when he cries. She is on CAP or exercise and base calls her come back because munna needs milk or the OC flying is having a hard times changing the diapers. See these things are a reality and should have been thought before such a venture so PAF though well they said no so why not put them in Chaklala so for the rest of there lives they will stay in Transport and get married and the husband can get a job in Pindi or Islamabad.
Well now its open for discussion and you guys can chew up my As-. I ready.
a note in the 80s when I was with COAS Hakim Sahib we talked on all of these issues and during those days we could not support it, but today we can but we need girls who really want to fly not this **** Oh I love to fly and when they sit in a cockpit they say Holy **** what have I got my self into. We have girls who will do very well but they should be given a test in the first month or in other words given a taste of what they are getting into either they will love it or they will not but that will clearly tell PAF who is willing to take the next step. People let me tell you in 1990 the cost of training 1 GDP cadet up till OCU was 1 million$$ and now its more. Just because I look good in green coverall doesn't give me the excuse of getting into the system and quiting later on.
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Thanks buddy get me into trouble :lol:
I am one of those people right is right and wrong is wrong no matter the situation is.
So this it
All seven of them decided not to fly Fighters and all of them are now with VIP SQD and 6 SQD Chaklala. Because of these 7 women PAF stopped hiring women fighter pilots. Only 2 completed OCU and everyday they used to say we don't want to fly but their IPs were as bad as they were they made sure they complete the OCU after OCU there were sent to fighter SQD but they refused and the COAS made a decision which lead to a complete failure of the system that we are not ready for women at this time will take sometime but need more research into this . And now Young girls who have the passion are stuck because no more induction of female pilots. The rotten egg was Ambreen she qualified and then said no I don't want to fly Fighters which made PAF very upset spending all that money on training and the outcome Zero.

In our days back in the early 60s when you entered the academy they used to do a grading which meant you fly 10 missions and do a solo if not you are out it happens today as well but after a long period they should go back to the basics grading system it should be done in the first month so people who are not fit for flying or do not want to fly should be sent home.
The reason of her quiting on fighters she encountered an emergency and that was enough for her to say I am not doing it. Now she comes and say I am ready to die for my country.
I am just angry that 2 of them had the potential of becoming the first and them they decided not to.
There are a lot of reasons which played a negative role in this, A few things I will be candid about .
In our culture husbands don't take care of the children like in the west. All the fighter bases except Peshawar and karachi will hold there husbands with good jobs, rest of the bases they cant get a decent jobs.
Now on a serious note
during PMS you pull Gs and you will not wake up in the west the girls are pretty open about it but in our culture she will not tell anyone and after marriage they get pregnant they can't fly for 9 months after the delivery they cant fly for another 6 months , What is she going to do give the baby to the base commander and say feed him when he cries. She is on CAP or exercise and base calls her come back because munna needs milk or the OC flying is having a hard times changing the diapers. See these things are a reality and should have been thought before such a venture so PAF though well they said no so why not put them in Chaklala so for the rest of there lives they will stay in Transport and get married and the husband can get a job in Pindi or Islamabad.
Well now its open for discussion and you guys can chew up my As-. I ready.
a note in the 80s when I was with COAS Hakim Sahib we talked on all of these issues and during those days we could not support it, but today we can but we need girls who really want to fly not this **** Oh I love to fly and when they sit in a cockpit they say Holy **** what have I got my self into. We have girls who will do very well but they should be given a test in the first month or in other words given a taste of what they are getting into either they will love it or they will not but that will clearly tell PAF who is willing to take the next step. People let me tell you in 1990 the cost of training 1 GDP cadet up till OCU was 1 million$$ and now its more. Just because I look good in green coverall doesn't give me the excuse of getting into the system and quiting later on.


100% agreed. Islam has given equality to both men and women but the roles are different and that's what we need to keep in mind instead of getting carried away with emotions.
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Its sad to hear about the revelation made by Mr.MuradK......

Nevertheless hats off to PAF and Pakistan to provide such equal opportunity and an even bigger salute to these women who were willing to sacrifice their lives for their country....

Great achievement indeed!!!

Although some of the things Mr.MuradK said are valid about women, and their complications, I still feel recruiting women for the Air force is a great idea.......

I can see how a woman may not be able to match up to men in hand to hand combat, which is why army might not be an ideal match for them.....

However, a missile and bomb delivered from a lethal machine like a fighter jet with a woman behind it is just as lethal as one that any man can deliver.......
So maybe women may not be suitable for the first line of offence, but they can definitely serve as a "secret weapon"
Sad the PAF stopped, the girls are right women are ment to be able to take high G's better than men so in theory thay could be better combat pilots.
Its sad to hear about the revelation made by Mr.MuradK......

Nevertheless hats off to PAF and Pakistan to provide such equal opportunity and an even bigger salute to these women who were willing to sacrifice their lives for their country....

Great achievement indeed!!!

Although some of the things Mr.MuradK said are valid about women, and their complications, I still feel recruiting women for the Air force is a great idea.......

I can see how a woman may not be able to match up to men in hand to hand combat, which is why army might not be an ideal match for them.....

However, a missile and bomb delivered from a lethal machine like a fighter jet with a woman behind it is just as lethal as one that any man can deliver.......
So maybe women may not be suitable for the first line of offence, but they can definitely serve as a "secret weapon"

Women can do wonders it will take some time now that we know what to expect they will open up seats for Lady fighter pilots in a year or 2 these 7 have given us a lot of insight. If we go to war 2 for them are fully qualified.
I think PAF has made a mistake by generalizing all women with the actions of just these seven. We can't even blame them, may be they didn't think the entire thing through before they stepped up to the plate. Everybody makes mistakes. I'm sure many men have backed out of combat over the years too. But in the long run of things these statistics would be negligible.

Others will come. PAF needs to keep a good thing going. Perhaps run an extra psyche profile to ensure they have the mental strength. I know the planners would be primarily concerned with the amount of money spent on their training going to a waste when they back out, but just seven pilots does not a trend make.
Its sad to hear about the revelation made by Mr.MuradK......

Nevertheless hats off to PAF and Pakistan to provide such equal opportunity and an even bigger salute to these women who were willing to sacrifice their lives for their country....

Great achievement indeed!!!

Although some of the things Mr.MuradK said are valid about women, and their complications, I still feel recruiting women for the Air force is a great idea.......

I can see how a woman may not be able to match up to men in hand to hand combat, which is why army might not be an ideal match for them.....

However, a missile and bomb delivered from a lethal machine like a fighter jet with a woman behind it is just as lethal as one that any man can deliver.......
So maybe women may not be suitable for the first line of offence, but they can definitely serve as a "secret weapon"
Just to point out we have women (in very few numbers) in all security forces, in combat areas. I remember seeing few pics of a woman cadet picking up and throwing a big guy to the ground. Martial arts eliminates the strength advantage of men too.
Thanks buddy get me into trouble :lol:
I am one of those people right is right and wrong is wrong no matter the situation is..

Thankyou Sir, finally you are here........

All seven of them decided not to fly Fighters and all of them are now with VIP SQD and 6 SQD Chaklala. Because of these 7 women PAF stopped hiring women fighter pilots. ...

Its not the solution……….

Only 2 completed OCU and everyday they used to say we don't want to fly but their IPs were as bad as they were they made sure they complete the OCU after OCU there were sent to fighter SQD but they refused and the COAS made a decision which lead to a complete failure of the system that we are not ready for women at this time will take sometime but need more research into this . And now Young girls who have the passion are stuck because no more induction of female pilots. The rotten egg was Ambreen she qualified and then said no I don't want to fly Fighters which made PAF very upset spending all that money on training and the outcome Zero...

Really very depressing situation for PAF.

In our days back in the early 60s when you entered the academy they used to do a grading which meant you fly 10 missions and do a solo if not you are out it happens today as well but after a long period they should go back to the basics grading system it should be done in the first month so people who are not fit for flying or do not want to fly should be sent home. ...

This is the best solution and if PAF did this thing in 2004, they would be able to save time and money.

Well now its open for discussion and you guys can chew up my As-. I ready....

No Sir, ur statement is not disappointing the females. So don't think abt chewing :)

a note in the 80s when I was with COAS Hakim Sahib we talked on all of these issues and during those days we could not support it, but today we can but we need girls who really want to fly not this **** Oh I love to fly and when they sit in a cockpit they say Holy **** what have I got my self into.

We have girls who will do very well but they should be given a test in the first month or in other words given a taste of what they are getting into either they will love it or they will not but that will clearly tell PAF who is willing to take the next step. People let me tell you in 1990 the cost of training 1 GDP cadet up till OCU was 1 million$$ and now its more. Just because I look good in green coverall doesn't give me the excuse of getting into the system and quiting later on.

I’m 100% agree with Sir Murad.

Stop hiring is not the solution of the problem. Surfing the right females is the solution. PAF has to change some of the testing techniques in this regard. And if I'm not wrong, I think all the male cadets were also not be able to fly fighters and in two batches 7 females is not a big number. But the mistake made by PAF is it should test the female cadets very keenly and as Sir Murad said the grading system or something like that should be implemented. If one qualify ......welcome to her and if not....GoodBye.
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I agree with Asim.PAF should not stop taking in women cadets just because few women decide to not fly fighters.These women can be assigned to fly VIP Air crafts and choppers with Army Aviation.
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I agree with Asim.PAF should not stop taking in women cadets just because few women decide to not fly fighters.These women can be assigned to fly VIP Air crafts and choppers with Army Aviation.

They are flying VIP Aircrafts none on choppers right now,
Like I said my course had 76 boys only 19 Graduated and only 9 of us made it on fighters.
One thing that I want to share in this post is my personal experience. When I went for GDP 117 at that time I was really very young. The females takes more time in comparison to males to feel the responsibility of job like thing. Its reason is their training at their homes. Mothers ask them to do home chores as this is their future. But when they take the responsibility they complete it in a better manner. If I was selected at that time might be I would do the same thing as they are doing.
But now as I'm mature enough I admit my mistakes that I made at that time but at that time it seems to me that I'm perfect and can't do anything wrong.
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