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Pakistani Doctor, mom of 2, stabbed to death in Texas

I propose that we should have our own mosques with our unique architectural style in the Western world. (big courtyards, use of red stone)- although in the west we just make random designs so it doesn't even matter
It's redendant at this point

If you keep a beard, have a mustache.
Choose between Shalwar Kameez(if going for a religious occasions like Eid) or pants/shirt.

We should also spread more awareness in Western societies about our Pakistani identity, distinguishing ourselves from the Middle East and its conflicts.

Otherwise, we'll keep getting targeted in response to random Middle Eastern wars, whether it's events like 9/11, which we had nothing to do with, or the Palestine/Israel war, which we're not involved in either.

Hate crimes against Sikhs dropped significantly when MSM ran campaigns distinguishing their unique identity. We should do the same, as our foreign policy, politics, culture, or values have little to do with the Middle East and our actions or Lackthereof have little to no impact on what happens in the ME.

Go back to the roots, Keep a Glock or a knife or pepper spray with you
All valid self defense options

This guy thinks those white Zionists supermascists would have some special love for Pakistanis if they exclude themselves from rest of the Muslim community

Cute :lol:
Just because CCP is a dictatorship; hides, fudges, and lies about all critical statistics; censors, threatens, controls and terrorizes the society; controls the in and outflow of information; keeps a large swath of the country and events in those places in dark and unknown to the rest of the world; does not practice the rule of law, freedom of expression, assembly and protest; applies (often unsuccessfully) draconian measures to prevent its corrupt and uncorrupt officials, businessmen and the rich from running away into the US and the West; commits genocide and ethnic cleansing on its own minority using the world's most sophisticated oppression and global propaganda machinery; entirely controls the print, visual and internet media as a party institution; builds tofu-dreg infrastructure that is mostly good for a photo-op and then crumbles afterwards due to bad quality and neglect; shoves away its homeless, mentally-ill and disturbed millions out of the cities and from the public eye... does not mean it really what it claims it is.
You’re a lunatic watching too many serpentza garbage.

Your allegations which are basically a throw up of Serpentza’s ridiculous content is just too absurd to even address. His explanation of everything China does right is an absurd allegation that can’t even be proven. China doesn’t have homeless roaming around? Oh cuz the Evil CCP is hiding everyone and has incredible propaganda! Never mind the more obvious answer which are stronger family values, little drug use and stronger social safety nets.

Let’s not even compare the propaganda machines of both countries because yes, both China and the US have propaganda. China’s propaganda is actually pretty simple to the point that it’s not effective. They primarily focus on censorship and pushing their own viewpoints. It is very boring and that’s why it’s not effective, no one outside China cares about their media.

American propaganda is all encompassing, Hollywood and fake news dominating the world. Americans and especially Zionist Hollywood are masters in entertainment and show business. Constantly pushing false flags, hatred, fear and fake narratives and this is why a huge part of the population is suffering from mental health because they are seeing the yawning gap between what they are told and actual reality, and then when you point that out, you are canceled or you have your reputation slandered. That’s why mental health in the US is breaking down and why there are mass shootings almost every single day.

China has incredible infrastructure. Oh all of this is tofu garbage and will disintegrate next year after the first photos are taken. Of course this fool will never follow up and verify if any of his assertions are correct. A lot of the high speed train stations I’ve been to are more than 10 years old and still look amazing but ok they will disintegrate in one more year.

You are a foaming at the mouth lunatic. Go see a psychiatrist.
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Regardless, of whether you are Arab or not you are the same to them. A piece of paper showing you as an American citizen isn't going to change some hard realities, and some of us act as if it would.

It would urge all Muslims living in the states to be armed and get your conceal and carry to protect your loved ones at all costs.
I've tried to explain to some that the US is no longer any safer than Pakistan.

To put it in perspective, there were 690 mass shootings in 2021, 645 mass shootings in 2022, and 565 mass shootings in 2023 so far. The most recent being in Maine that killed 18 people.

These are not your typical sectarian motorcycle shooting in Karachi. These are mass shootings, sometimes with assault rifles. Many times at public schools with children. Mini APS massacres happen here more often.

Then there is gang violence and random shootings. DC metro area, the capitol, is being taken over by MS-13 gangs. Chicago has gotten so bad that Citadel is moving its HQ to Florida because their employees were regularly getting stabbed.

At this point, I believe Pakistan is safer to live in than the US. Now with recent geopolitical issues, just wait for hate attacks to pick up on Muslims.
Muslims should move out from west enlarge, materialistic gains are not worth pf it, it will become worse and worse.
Or at least move to the areas were muslims are majority in communities.
Building communities is the way to go.
Things are going to get a lot worse specially in UK and USA and Muslims should start preparing for that.

Muslims shouldn't leave as it is a general rule followed by everyone in the world to take over land and resources as much as possible. Muslims cannot exempt themselves from this rule. After all this is how America came into being and Europeans got rich.
What was her dog doing? Or was it a Paris Hilton style dog for pure fashion?

It was stabbing, to close range. Dog could have intervened.
Yes, I do, I travel to Chicago a lot for work and do not take chances without it.

Yeah, good idea.

If I were in the US, I would definitely get gun training and conceal carry. In Australia, it's not allowed, and we don't need it either. Crime rate is extremely low.

BTW, are you a subscriber of the YouTube channel Active Self Protection? I am, even though it's not relevant for me in Australia.

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Oh my god, your spot on the lawyers he was mentally unstable. Let excuse this SOB murderer as a mental health crisis,
Come on, he was probably having a "bad day", nothing serious in stabbing woman to death.
You’re a lunatic watching too many serpentza garbage.

Your allegations which are basically a throw up of Serpentza’s ridiculous content is just too absurd to even address. His explanation of everything China does right is an absurd allegation that can’t even be proven. China doesn’t have homeless roaming around? Oh cuz the Evil CCP is hiding everyone and has incredible propaganda! Never mind the more obvious answer which are stronger family values, little drug use and stronger social safety nets.

Let’s not even compare the propaganda machines of both countries because yes, both China and the US have propaganda. China’s propaganda is actually pretty simple to the point that it’s not effective. They primarily focus on censorship and pushing their own viewpoints. It is very boring and that’s why it’s not effective, no one outside China cares about their media.

American propaganda is all encompassing, Hollywood and fake news dominating the world. Americans and especially Zionist Hollywood are masters in entertainment and show business. Constantly pushing false flags, hatred, fear and fake narratives and this is why a huge part of the population is suffering from mental health because they are seeing the yawning gap between what they are told and actual reality, and then when you point that out, you are canceled or you have your reputation slandered. That’s why mental health in the US is breaking down and why there are mass shootings almost every single day.

China has incredible infrastructure. Oh all of this is tofu garbage and will disintegrate next year after the first photos are taken. Of course this fool will never follow up and verify if any of his assertions are correct. A lot of the high speed train stations I’ve been to are more than 10 years old and still look amazing but ok they will disintegrate in one more year.

You are a foaming at the mouth lunatic. Go see a psychiatrist.

I don't think this is the sign of a healthy society.

Yeah, good idea.

If I were in the US, I would definitely get gun training and conceal carry. In Australia, it's not allowed, and we don't need it either. Crime rate is extremely low.

BTW, are you a subscriber of the YouTube channel Active Self Protection? I am, even though it's not relevant for me in Australia.

I wish we had strict laws but the Constitution steps in the way.

I'll check out that channel at the moment I've not subscribed to any.

lel, the Asian murricans are also getting in on the action :P

looks Chinese/oriental, Dai .. is that a Chinese name ?
I don't think this is the sign of a healthy society.

This is the type of sensationalistic garbage I’m talking about. Falungong propaganda designed to feed China haters like you. Out of 1.4 billion people you take snippets of some people falling down and claim the entire country is collapsing? That’s some clown shit. The fact that you think that’s a source of valid news confirms to me that you are a deranged lunatic.

You know in the US, I can’t go to entire sections of many cities because they’ve been taken over by drugged out zombies, homeless and criminals, but does that mean all or most of the US is like that?

This guys videos are a way more sensible and not sensationalized presentation of what life in China is really like

Americans are some of the most paranoid people. Canadians too. There were a number of East Asians attacked during COVID outbreak.

But considering Americans have more access to weapons and a gun cultured society, these attacks are more likely to happen in America than in Canada or Europe.

Wrong assessment, not paranoid but apprehensive. A lot of people who are not Canadians or Americans don’t know that these both nations citizens are instead termed as oblivious and are made fun of because of the before mentioned quality.

Give you an example after 9/11, sikhs were targeted because the population couldn’t differentiate between a Muslim or a sikh hence the obliviousness.
I've tried to explain to some that the US is no longer any safer than Pakistan.

To put it in perspective, there were 690 mass shootings in 2021, 645 mass shootings in 2022, and 565 mass shootings in 2023 so far. The most recent being in Maine that killed 18 people.

These are not your typical sectarian motorcycle shooting in Karachi. These are mass shootings, sometimes with assault rifles. Many times at public schools with children. Mini APS massacres happen here more often.

Then there is gang violence and random shootings. DC metro area, the capitol, is being taken over by MS-13 gangs. Chicago has gotten so bad that Citadel is moving its HQ to Florida because their employees were regularly getting stabbed.

At this point, I believe Pakistan is safer to live in than the US. Now with recent geopolitical issues, just wait for hate attacks to pick up on Muslims.
I am living in Canada, and believe me its safer than USA, lol.
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