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6 year old Palestinian child stabbed to death in Illinois by landlord in targeted attack

To condemn the killing :)
you aren't doing anything
Give me the post number buddy, then I will help you to know how to identify who started it 😊
Post number 16 on second page

As a human being we all need to condam animals the same like Hamas
Mf looks like a psychopath.
Even the Israelis who’s balls they Lift for promotion to clean Jewish toilets to feed their families reply to these dirty pagan motherfuckers as the rest of the world

Shit eating bastards
And also with sudden anger breaks or mental issues. Because if you hate Muslims that much then why you rented your house to that lady ?
I read post 15 he just only referred cow not giving anything bad of your holy animal
Similarly, I only referred to camel urine, didn’t give anything bad there.
Similarly, I only referred to camel urine, didn’t give anything bad there.
Oh dude he only said bathing of cow in roads in India is allowed he never said anything cow urine hence you started it

As a human being we all need to condam animals the same like Hamas

Listen Indian - why cant you just stick to condemning a vile act without trying to dilute the blame by even mentioning Hamas?
This a child - innocent - having his life taken away for no other reason but the color of his skin - a crime committed in the USA where you would have thought he was safe.
Hamas has nothing to do with this. Now take your crap onto another thread and dont pollute this forum.
If you still wanna continue with cow dung and camel urine, please do educate me how is the context wrong?
not really, it stupid take at first place but if you insist, i am not familiar with hindus scripts and what they say about eating cow dung but your people eat on massive scale anyway, on the other hand that particular Hadith about camel urine is for particular and concrete place and circumtences not meaning that you are recomended to do it always, hope it clears it now for you.

What admission? You come to me with stupid and quite frankly crazy assertion and then say I have to admit that because of said stupid assertion?? Who are you? God? Even god can't ask me to repent something I did not do.

Are you for real? Please DO NOT EVER quote me or my post anymore, you really are something along the same line with that previous stolen valor dude, and I don't associate with sociopath.
ok, maybe i overeacted, with mentioning you particulary, emotional take due consequences of american biased approach to the palestinian issue.

real as on internet anyone could be real, gladly will do that and please return the favor.
Mate we had an uproar in U.K. of these degenerate bastards selling their national drink in the food section of Indian supermarkets . Was creating news headlines here , makes your stomach turn
They also sold dried cow shit next to snickers chocolate.
They also sprinkle urine on their samosas and on their Bombay mix

Cow urine is stocked in some shops

Why is COW URINE on sale on the shelves of some British corner shops?​

This is not what you expected to find sitting on the shelf next to your groceries

An investigation has discovered convenience stores in London are selling cow urine next to the naan bread. 😂🤣

The yellow liquid, known as gau mutra, is used by worshippers in Hindu ceremonies and some Indians believe drinking fresh bovine wee will protect them from cancer.

It is illegal to sell cow urine for human consumption in England, but shops are allowed to stock it for ritual purposes.

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health warned against its sale where food was present.

But the BBC's Asian Network has found some corner shops in the capital are stocking it very close to their food with one shop displaying it right under the naan bread.

Dirty pagan wants acceptance to drink piss by Pakistanis with he’s fantasy that Pakistanis drink camel urine .
Motherfuckers never shower the stinky bastards but living in the shit slum dreams up a fantasy of he’s that Pakistanis drink piss .

We eat he’s mother and he’s God while this pagan consumes the piss and shit

true , that is why I never go to indian restaurants here in Dubai ( or any indian Resturant) .. you never know what crap they put in
not really, it stupid take at first place but if you insist, i am not familiar with hindus scripts and what they say about eating cow dung but your people eat on massive scale anyway, on the other hand that particular Hadith about camel urine is for particular and concrete place and circumtences not meaning that you are recomended to do it always, hope it clears it now for you.

Dont give him the oxygen. If he gets banned - he will another oven ready ID to continue his trolling. Nothing to lose - whereas you are a valuable respected member we dont want to lose. Now ignore the twat.
Lets take a minute - a 6 year old has been stabbed for no reason - its a tragedy bro
Thread is locked for review.
PLAINFIELD, Ill. (CBS) -- A 71-year-old landlord has been charged with murder, after authorities say he stabbed and killed a 6-year-old boy and seriously wounded a 32-year-old woman because they are Muslim.

Joseph Czuba has been charged with one count each of first-degree murder, attempted murder, and aggravated battery, and two counts of hate crime.

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According to the Will County Sheriff's Office around 11:38 a.m., the woman called 911 from a home near the intersection of South Lincoln Highway and Lily Cache Road in southwest suburban Plainfield Township. The victim, 32, said her landlord was attacking her with a knife as she ran to the bathroom to call 911.

Officials say when deputies arrived on the scene they found the Czuba sitting outside on the ground near the driveway of the home with a laceration on his forehead.

Inside deputies found two victims, the 32-year-old woman, and an 6-year-old boy. Police initially said the boy was 8 years old, but later said that initial information was incorrect.

The boy had been stabbed 26 times, and the woman had been stabbed more than a dozen times.

The woman was transported to a hospital in serious condition, and the boy was transported in critical condition. He was later pronounced dead. Their names have not been released.

Czuba was treated and released from the hospital and transported to the Will County Sheriff's Office Public Safety Complex for questioning. Sheriff's police said he did not talk to detectives, but investigators were able to determine he targeted the victims because they are Muslim, due to the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas.

Neighbors said it's normally a very quiet area, although they were a bit concerned at times about signs in front of the house.

"He always had signs around times of elections and that were pretty angry about what was going on politically and locally here. So I'm hoping that both of them survive," Jim Stein said.

@Maula Jatt @PakSarZameen47 @Menace2Society @Pakstallion @Vapnope @Areesh @DESERT FIGHTER @Desert Fox 1 @N.Siddiqui @Norwegian @TNT @Imad.Khan @Dalit @ziaulislam @EternalMortal @lastofthepatriots @WarKa DaNG @Warking @Talwar e Pakistan @WinterFangs @kingQamaR @Menace2Society @Indus Pakistan @Ghazwa-e-Hind @Norwegian @PakFactor @akramishaqkhan @Zornix @pakpride00090 @Abid123 @Goritoes @SecularNationalist @PakistaniandProud @PAKISTANFOREVER @Dual Wielder @Great Janjua @ahaider97 @PakFactor @Sayfullah @SaadH @villageidiot @Olympus81 @Mobius 1 @General Dong @Genghis khan1 @alphapak @RealNapster @Kharral @Mobius 1 @Goenitz @Muhammad Saftain Anjum @AA_ @Mobius 1 @Great Janjua @The Accountant @PakSword @villageidiot @Kharral @SaadH @Goenitz @PakFactor @Tamerlane @ARMalik @Khan_21 @Yousafzai_M @NaqsheYaar @NooriNuth @SaadH @Kharral @AA_ @SaadH @Tamerlane @villageidiot @waz @PakSword @Mugen @Tamerlane @PakAlp @HerbertPervert @Path-Finder @Tamerlane @Drexluddin Khan Spiveyzai @AlKardai @waz @Areesh @hatehs @Path-Finder @HerbertPervert @Dr. Strangelove @Sayfullah @Clutch @Bleek @mangochutney @FuturePAF @Cash GK @Black.Mamba @SD 10 @ThunderCat @K_Bin_W @Gomig-21 @Falcon29
This man monster should be imprisoned for life.

He looks like a monster as well.

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