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Pakistani-Americans Second Fastest Growing Asian Community in America

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again big mouth pakis


Thanks dude for that article, you delibarately missed out the bit which proves my point about Pakistani women not working as much as thier Indian counterparts that's why medium household income is less.

Women in the labour force:
A key source of distinction between the immigrants from India and other South Asians is the higher participation of Indian women in the labour force. A much higher integration of women in the labour force is one of the reasons why immigrants from India have fared much better than others in the United States. Consider that only 42 per cent of the women from Pakistan were active in the labour force in the US compared to 57 per cent women from India. In fact women from Pakistan reportedly the lowest participation in the labour force in the US falling behind women from Egypt, Afghanistan , and Bangladesh.

HAHA, you also missed the part where it says the more educated Indians are imported than Pakistanis who your average immigrant. 43 percent vs 23, naturally Indians will have more bachelor degrees and higher paying jobs on average:cheesy:

Education matters the most:
It should come as no surprise that immigrants from India are one of the most educated cohort in the United States. Almost 42 per cent of immigrants from India over the age of 25 reported having a graduate (Masters) or a professional degree. In comparison, only 10 per cent of the native-born adults reported having a graduate or professional degree. Approximately 23 per cent of adult immigrants from Egypt and Pakistan reported having a graduate or professional degree.

Indian chankya backstabbing ideology at work here. Alas, Indians have been living in this delusion for decades so it will be difficult to get of you high horse, Another Indian guy wanted to compare Pak vs Indians in England too and I schooled him in that too, I wish you guys were more humble like the chinese otherwise karma comes back.
Thanks dude for that article, you delibarately missed out the bit which proves my point about Pakistani women not working as much as thier Indian counterparts that's why medium household income is less.

Women in the labour force:
A key source of distinction between the immigrants from India and other South Asians is the higher participation of Indian women in the labour force. A much higher integration of women in the labour force is one of the reasons why immigrants from India have fared much better than others in the United States. Consider that only 42 per cent of the women from Pakistan were active in the labour force in the US compared to 57 per cent women from India. In fact women from Pakistan reportedly the lowest participation in the labour force in the US falling behind women from Egypt, Afghanistan , and Bangladesh.

HAHA, you also missed the part where it says the more educated Indians are imported than Pakistanis who your average immigrant. 43 percent vs 23, naturally Indians will have more bachelor degrees and higher paying jobs on average:cheesy:

Education matters the most:
It should come as no surprise that immigrants from India are one of the most educated cohort in the United States. Almost 42 per cent of immigrants from India over the age of 25 reported having a graduate (Masters) or a professional degree. In comparison, only 10 per cent of the native-born adults reported having a graduate or professional degree. Approximately 23 per cent of adult immigrants from Egypt and Pakistan reported having a graduate or professional degree.

Indian chankya backstabbing ideology at work here. Alas, Indians have been living in this delusion for decades so it will be difficult to get of you high horse, Another Indian guy wanted to compare Pak vs Indians in England too and I schooled him in that too, I wish you guys were more humble like the chinese otherwise karma comes back.
i think you forget your 5-6 children of pakistani immigrants.
my mistake

pakistanis dont earn 30k

its 24k

Why the fu<k do you care? Does everything have to turn into a d!ck measuring competition for you all?

The people who come here come here. Many to almost all are law-abaiding citizens/visa/ whatever.

You are getting your median income and median house hold income mixed income. Indian's have a median income of $65,000 and median household income of $86,600, compared to Pakistani median household income of $62,700.


Anyways this all comparison is very silly, its not like these loaded Indian and Pakistani Americans are going to come give us some money:lol:

All you moochers in India & Pakistan who think that money grows on tree and the roads are paved in gold are fu<king lying to yourselfs. We all WORK for what we have here. We have to WORK HARDER because we are not white-skinned. No One here gives a FU<K if you die in the street. We came here alone without any idea of what we were getting our selves into. We slept on the street bench, worked 22 hours a day driving taxis, and got pushed around. ALL to make a life for ourselves and send money back home to some appreciating idiots who think the Western world is heaven.

Get of your a$$es and get jobs. Cant find any? Go mooch off your $100 billion corrupt politicians.
America is our enemy only a very few people here like it as a FRIEND mostly hate it
and all those indians saying that pakistani tell that they are indians in the united states.. please stope crying you indians pose your selves in ksa as pakistani and i used to live there b4 and never heard such dumb stories.... stop making stories and make some real sense
i think you forget your 5-6 children of pakistani immigrants.

I suggest you use math and data instead of bigotry to seek the truth.

Divide the household income by per capita income and it'll give you avg household size.

For Pakistanis, household income $63000 divided by per cap income $25000 gives you 2.52 persons per household.

For Indians, household income $87000 divided by $36000 gives you 2.42 per household.
I know for a fact that pakistanis are not issued visas frequently. So increasing population must be attributed to increased birth rate.

It is the ONLY natural conclusion.

Yours is a bigoted conclusion based on ignorance, not data or facts.

There is category called high immigrant source countries used by US to ensure diversity. Countries sending more than 50,000 immigrants in 5 years are in this group that includes India, Pakistan, Mexico, Philippines, etc.

The Diversity Visa Lottery is open to natives of countries that have sent fewer than 50,000 immigrants to the United States in the last five years. Countries that are the source of high numbers of immigrants are excluded from the lottery.

Diversity Visa Lottery Aims to Widen U.S. Immigrant Pool
you sound like 50% Indian population leaving country...... 3.2 million in not even .1% of Indian Population

Any crackdown on illegal immigrants abroad or restricting quotas to Indians are a major concern to India&#8217;s politicians. The latest statistics from US Department of Homeland Security shows that the numbers of Indian illegal migrants jumped 125% since 2000! Ever wondered why Indians migrate to another countries but no one comes to India for a living?

A Zillion reasons to escape from India
Why Indians leave superpower India?

Many affluent Pakistanis believe it as India's soft power and wise investment in think-tank which in the last helps India only by influencing foreign policies in favor of India. I once listened the same logic from Sherry Rahman, Riaz Khokhar, Moeed Peerzada etc. :meeting:

Any crackdown on illegal immigrants abroad or restricting quotas to Indians are a major concern to India&#8217;s politicians. The latest statistics from US Department of Homeland Security shows that the numbers of Indian illegal migrants jumped 125% since 2000! Ever wondered why Indians migrate to another countries but no one comes to India for a living?

A Zillion reasons to escape from India

Zillion??? Can you even count 25 reasons, talking of Zillion.
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