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Pakistan would become among top ten economies at its 100th anniversary: Ahsan Iqbal

Ah, name calling is always the last resort for the crook. You won't share any genetic study with me because no such study exists and if it does it would be a figment of imagination of the person who conducted it and not science.

its not a genetic study, but the widely held view right now (although being challenged through newer studies) is that a wave of migrations of central asian origin people and their merger with natives of south asia created the various clans/subclans belonging to south asia (all of them having a combination of ASI/ANI reinforces this).

here are first few lines of CIA world factbook introductions for the countries PAKISTAN and INDIA

Introduction :: Pakistan
The Indus Valley civilization, one of the oldest in the world and dating back at least 5,000 years,
spread over much of what is presently Pakistan. During the second millennium B.C., remnants of
this culture fused with the migrating Indo-Aryan peoples.
The area underwent successive
invasions in subsequent centuries from the Persians, Greeks, Scythians, Arabs (who brought
Islam), Afghans, and Turks. The Mughal Empire flourished in the 16th and 17th centuries; the
British came to dominate the region in the 18th century.

Introduction :: India
The Indus Valley civilization, one of the world's oldest, flourished during the 3rd and 2nd
millennia B.C. and extended into northwestern India. Aryan tribes from the northwest infiltrated
the Indian subcontinent about 1500 B.C.; their merger with the earlier Dravidian inhabitants
created the classical Indian culture.
The Maurya Empire of the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C. - which
reached its zenith under ASHOKA - united much of South Asia. The Golden Age ushered in by the
Gupta dynasty (4th to 6th centuries A.D.) saw a flowering of Indian science, art, and culture. Islam
spread across the subcontinent over a period of 700 years. In the 10th and 11th centuries, Turks
and Afghans invaded India and established the Delhi Sultanate.

again, not genetics, but the widely held view as of now (whether right or wrong)
Do you know in @Nuri Natt's fantasy, his entire ANI genes from Rigvedic Hindus, the rest of them Persians, Greeks, Kushans, Scythians etc. came to India using a airlift from Kabul to Delhi without disturbing the ancient Rigvedic ancestry of Pakistanis. :omghaha::omghaha:

Funny thing is i never claimed anything like that, its all your inferioty complex. First you called me nordic and now persian :D Hinduvadi yourself claim to be aryan and responsible for spread of indo-european languages. And here is little exemple of how your aborginal kind got ANI genes

Retard like you claim South Indians have more ANI Rig Vedic ancestry then people in Indus valley, the original home land of Rig vedic people :lol:
You said PakhtunKhwa. How come you forgot Khyber? Obviously, you don't want the Hazarwals in Pakhtunkhwa.

Dear the region has always been called Pakhtunkhwa and for your kind information the originally proposed name for the province was Afghania which is 'Alif' in Pakistan in Urdu and 'A' in English. Khyber was just added for political reasons and so that Hazara
Sooba politicians don't make any unnecessary issue out of it and even Khyber is also the tribal agency bordering Afghanistan.

Funny thing is i never claimed anything like that, its all your inferioty complex. First you called me nordic and now persian :D Hinduvadi yourself claim to be aryan and responsible for spread of indo-european languages. And here is little exemple of how your aborginal kind got ANI genes

Retard like you claim South Indians have more ANI Rig Vedic ancestry then people in Indus valley, the original home land of Rig vedic people :lol:

Again your cooking self-concocted Pseudo-history. The original and native homeland of Rig Vedic people was Haryana and not Pakistani Punjab. Let me tell you something no matter how hard you try you cannot connect the overwhelming bulk of Punjabis and Sindhis as Rig Vedic.
Ever heard of Roma and Gypsies of Eastern Europe. Many of them also have blue eyes and brown hair but if on this basis they start claiming a Nordic, Scandivinian or German origin people will call them mad. Did you understand something?
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Well again you are bringing in your Pseudo-history and posting your self-concocted figures. Post any genuine and authentic sources and references before making such baseless claims and posting such self-concocted figures. Moreover what do you just know about history and anthropology. Do you know how big a proportion of Indian population are tribes like Ahirs, Thakurs, and Yadavs etc of Haryana, UP, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh , Ranghars, Patels, Desai, Gujjars and Meos of Rajhasthan and Gujarat, Garhwals and Kumuonis of Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand and also many amny others whom I cant remember at the moment apart from Brahmins, Rajputs, Haryanavi Jatts etc. If you're basing your claims on the basis of your personal observation and experience then how long have you lived in India and how much India have you seen to make such a baseless claim. If going by your standards then it can also be safely claimed that only 15-20% Punjabis, Sindhis and Seraikis are of foreign origin and the 80 to 90% general population are also native origin people or descendants of the Dravidian Indus Valley Civilization and Mehrangarh civilization.

Again 15% of Indian population is upper caste, this fact is pretty well known. You have pretty shitty understanding of Indian caste distribution. Others at best estimate 20% of Indian population is upper caste.

I bet you didn't even knew about Rajasthan Rajput population being 5 million. While people who claim to be rajputs are 60-70 million in whole South Asia. Which again tell us its just a umbrella term for Kashtriya and doesnt tell us about origin of these people. For that there are genetic studies which say Janjua of Pakistan are similar to other punjabis instead of being related to Rajasthan rajputs.
Again 15% of Indian population is upper caste, this fact is pretty well known. You have pretty shitty understanding of Indian caste distribution. Others at best estimate 20% of Indian population is upper caste.

I bet you didn't even knew about Rajasthan Rajput population being 5 million. While people who claim to be rajputs are 60-70 million in whole South Asia. Which again tell us its just a umbrella term for Kashtriya and doesnt tell us about origin of these people. For that there are genetic studies which say Janjua of Pakistan are similar to other punjabis instead of being related to Rajasthan rajputs.

Dude is Afghani and a hardliner, dont take his bait. Just dont reply. He will make you run around in circles while avoiding your questions because he cant asnwer them.
Again your cooking self-concocted Pseudo-history. The original and native homeland of Rig Vedic people was Haryana and not Pakistani Punjab.

Its clear you need to read history of subcontinent and Rig Vedic people as well again. All you have is things heard from here and there without real understanding of anything. Rig Vedic homeland was North, Central Punjab, also included eastern KPK.

Dude is Afghani and a hardliner, dont take his bait. Just dont reply. He will make you run around in circles while avoiding your questions because he cant asnwer them.

Oh he is @Pak-one? hahahahaha
its not a genetic study, but the widely held view right now (although being challenged through newer studies) is that a wave of migrations of central asian origin people and their merger with natives of south asia created the various clans/subclans belonging to south asia

This theory was created by colonialist Europeans who had no evidence to back up the theory. It was a figment of their imagination and a justification for their colonial occupation. History is deciphered by looking at genetic/archaeological/geological/etc evidence and trying to string together the various findings and then coming to a conclusion. In this case first a story is cooked up and then some lame arguments are presented as justification for it. Genetics has thrashed the AIT. There is ZERO archaeological evidence to support such a theory. Where is the evidence?

Koenraad Elst: Still no trace of an Aryan invasion

@Nuri Natt
Another member in the forum claimed genetics had validated the Aryan race theory. I asked him to share the study with me at least 10 times. He still didn't. You're turning out to be like him. All noise. No substance.
Such long term predictions are generally quite useless. Many things can change from now and then, you just can't predict it. Let's talk about the next 5 or at max 10 years.
Again 15% of Indian population is upper caste, this fact is pretty well known. You have pretty shitty understanding of Indian caste distribution. Others at best estimate 20% of Indian population is upper caste.

I bet you didn't even knew about Rajasthan Rajput population being 5 million. While people who claim to be rajputs are 60-70 million in whole South Asia. Which again tell us its just a umbrella term for Kashtriya and doesnt tell us about origin of these people. For that there are genetic studies which say Janjua of Pakistan are similar to other punjabis instead of being related to Rajasthan rajputs.
Wow, I thought you hated Rajputs?
its not a genetic study, but the widely held view right now (although being challenged through newer studies) is that a wave of migrations of central asian origin people and their merger with natives of south asia created the various clans/subclans belonging to south asia (all of them having a combination of ASI/ANI reinforces this).

here are first few lines of CIA world factbook introductions for the countries PAKISTAN and INDIA

Introduction :: Pakistan
The Indus Valley civilization, one of the oldest in the world and dating back at least 5,000 years,
spread over much of what is presently Pakistan. During the second millennium B.C., remnants of
this culture fused with the migrating Indo-Aryan peoples.
The area underwent successive
invasions in subsequent centuries from the Persians, Greeks, Scythians, Arabs (who brought
Islam), Afghans, and Turks. The Mughal Empire flourished in the 16th and 17th centuries; the
British came to dominate the region in the 18th century.

Introduction :: India
The Indus Valley civilization, one of the world's oldest, flourished during the 3rd and 2nd
millennia B.C. and extended into northwestern India. Aryan tribes from the northwest infiltrated
the Indian subcontinent about 1500 B.C.; their merger with the earlier Dravidian inhabitants
created the classical Indian culture.
The Maurya Empire of the 4th and 3rd centuries B.C. - which
reached its zenith under ASHOKA - united much of South Asia. The Golden Age ushered in by the
Gupta dynasty (4th to 6th centuries A.D.) saw a flowering of Indian science, art, and culture. Islam
spread across the subcontinent over a period of 700 years. In the 10th and 11th centuries, Turks
and Afghans invaded India and established the Delhi Sultanate.

again, not genetics, but the widely held view as of now (whether right or wrong)

Well other view is Out of India theory which is just rediculous to say the least. At least this theory have backing of genetic and lingustics proofs thats why everywhere including USA schools teach similar history instead of hinduvta version.

Wow, I thought you hated Rajputs?

Why should i? Rajasthan Rajputs despite being 5 million even now, one can imagine their population back then. They did pretty well considiring their population.
Such long term predictions are generally quite useless. Many things can change from now and then, you just can't predict it. Let's talk about the next 5 or at max 10 years.

Exactly my point. I had seen a similar report on their 2040 Space Program. My point was, why make such long term plans? Tell the Pakistani people what they (space authorities) will achieve by 2020. Once that is done they can set the next target. But one of my Pakistani friends thought I was being abusive and insulting and reported me. I hope the moderators see sense.
Funny thing is i never claimed anything like that, its all your inferioty complex. First you called me nordic and now persian :D Hinduvadi yourself claim to be aryan and responsible for spread of indo-european languages. And here is little exemple of how your aborginal kind got ANI genes

Bache I can handle half a dozen kind of you at a single time, you have already sensed that. Do you want me to post videos of Pakistani raping dead bodies or other thing. Now, coming to your theory, that's only possible with airlift/tunnel theory from Kabul to Delhi. :laugh:
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@Nuri Natt
Another member in the forum claimed genetics had validated the Aryan race theory. I asked him to share the study with me at least 10 times. He still didn't. You're turning out to be like him. All noise. No substance.

Problem with hinduvadis is they will not accept anything. ANI-ASI admixture is 1900-4200 years old in South Asia, the age of admixture is older in South India compare to in North where its between 1900-2300 years old.

Higher caste shows more ANI ancestry for exemple likes of brahmins.

Genetic Evidence for Recent Population Mixture in India | Harappa Ancestry Project

Everyone accept the fact Aryans were pure caucasians who spread Indo-European languages a part from hinduvadis who live in their own buble.
This theory was created by colonialist Europeans who had no evidence to back up the theory. It was a figment of their imagination and a justification for their colonial occupation. History is deciphered by looking at genetic/archaeological/geological/etc evidence and trying to string together the various findings and then coming to a conclusion. In this case first a story is cooked up and then some lame arguments are presented as justification for it. Genetics has thrashed the AIT. There is ZERO archaeological evidence to support such a theory. Where is the evidence?

Koenraad Elst: Still no trace of an Aryan invasion

The ANI said to have originated around 40,000-30,000 years ago. The problem with Aryan Invasion theory is seeing the high percentage of ANI even in remote corners of India and almost simultaneous mixing of ANI and ASI all across India, there should have been extremely high population of so called Aryan migration which is certainly impossible to happen 3500 years ago.

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