A frog which has never been out of the pond thinks its pond is the greatest place on earth.
As to seeing Kerala, I have no desire to see it. I haven't seen Timbuktu either but people at the World Bank and other UN agencies have. And they publish reports and data which are far more reliable than either you or people of Timbuktu.
read about world famous " kerala phenomenon or kerala model" ..
Kerala's unusual
socioeconomic and demographic situation was
summarized by author and environmentalist Bill
Kerala, a state in India, is a bizarre anomaly
among developing nations, a place that offers
real hope for the future of the Third World.
Though not much larger than Maryland,
Kerala has a population as big as California's
and a per capita annual income of less than $
300. But its infant mortality rate is very low,
its literacy rate among the highest on Earth,
and its birthrate below America's and falling
faster. Kerala's residents live nearly as long
as Americans or Europeans. Though mostly a
land of paddy-covered plains, statistically
Kerala stands out as the Mount Everest of
social development; there's truly no place like