We are not talking about analysis of analyst but prediction of somebody who's every other predication came 100.00% true. His name is Niamat Allah Shah Wali who was born some 800 years ago and foretold happenings of the time we are going through today.
One thing which is yet to happen and seems like will happen in the next few months is "Military Alliance with a country in the north of Pakistan". Ecnomic Allience has already happened but we are still waiting for militry allience which will be the last major sign before the war begins.
Second sign is people of three states, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Dakni will be together against India and three states including Turkey, Iran and China participate as countries.
The war will start between two Eids (Eid-ul-fitar and Eid-ul-Idza) and will be a nuclear one as told by Nimat Allah Shah Wali. Just before the war, there will be skirmishes in Tibet (surprisingly Arunachal Perdesh is there which is claimed by China) which China will initiate to distract or prevent India but India will crate a false excuse and attack Pakistan.
Pakistan will loose Lahore and retreat back to rivar Attak and will bounce back from there, conquering India upto the area between river Ganga and Yamuna (as written) and this is where is where Dehli is located. The war is said to last for 6 months in few predictions and other interpret it as 6 years.
India will be defeated and end up being India - and now this is foretelling from Prophet Muhammad PBUH that Indian leader will be brought (to Pakistan) in chains and I see this happening to Mr. Modi.
But Allah knows the best.