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Pakistan to develop 'advanced MLRS'

So is this MLRS going to be developed in house with local R&D or is it going to be a joint venture with a foreign partner in which ToT is involved?

most probably ToT. and customization as per our needs.

Seeing that Pakistan already has stocks of long range A-100s and short range KRL-122s/Type 83s, a medium range MLRS in the range of 60-100 kms seems to be my best guess for whats in the pipeline.

Range of A-100 is 40-100 km's. as per some sources 40-80 km's. So why another system with literally same range ? Most probably it will be customized A-200.

We need some thing like this one
We already operate 122mm rocket except guided rocket. Can we turn dumb 122mm in inventory into smart rocket/guided?

Hazrat we have A100 which has the same range as this system!!
A100 can't carry ballistic missiles
Pakistan also have received upgrade of 122mm rockets from a EU country so combine western and eastern tech we can work to develop better home made system.
Pak produces KRL-122 and has exported it to several countries.

Its ranged and guidance was upgraded, with a bit of help from "NEXTER" ... Or atleast was planned.

Turkey's Roketsan is offering its TR-122 and TRG-122 (guided) MLRS (link).
Not very exciting when you have :

45 Km Ranged KRL-122

Any chance of A200 or A300?
Indigenous development not procurement as per the year book.
Might see a new version of KRL-122.
A pleasant surprise is the VERTICAL TAKE-OFF & LANDING SCOUTS system ....
okay sir i am just speculating here do you think Ukrainian helicopter engine deal has to do something with this.
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