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Pakistan to buy only 18 F-16s

My dear friend from across the border let me make it very clear that the threat Pakistan faces is multifarious and emanates not primarily from India at the moment but from the US and Israel. Remember a Muslim nuc power would always be considered a grave threat to Israel in particular due to their continued atrocities on Muslims and their control over US. So this threat can emanate from India as well if they feel Pakistan is in any way creating a hurdle in their progress or even to offset the China factor and access to deep sea ports.

:lol: why would the US be selling fighter jets to it's own enemy? Also a jet that Israel flies?

Our primary threat is India and it will always remain so. Our other majore threat is of course the BLA and other terrorist organizations within Pakistan. War could erupt at any moment against any country, so we must maintain our air defence capabilities.

But I agree with the others, this is a non-issue. The PAF had so far ordered 18 new which will be delivered. The option for the 18 extra C/D's may yet be exercised. Even if it isn't, no big deal. That only means the J-10 is expected to perform well.

Good riddance to US weapons I saw. This should be the last purchase Pakistan makes from America.
I THINK , a very wise choice by PAF, as PAF had already thought all options regurding F-16s , as they already choose J-10 the next stirke fighter plane for its inventory for the future incomming, actully PAF is more intersted to spent money on JF17 and J-10s.

32 +18=50 enough numbers for a great and , a decade old strike superemo in PAF, and now is the time for more modren , and most advanced , and also more getable in its resources.

I THINK , a very wise choice by PAF, as PAF had already thought all options regurding F-16s , as they already choose J-10 the next stirke fighter plane for its inventory for the future incomming, actully PAF is more intersted to spent money on JF17 and J-10s.

32 +18=50 enough numbers for a great and , a decade old strike superemo in PAF, and now is the time for more modren , and most advanced , and also more getable in its resources.

Young Sir
There is only one problem with your post and its suggestions. There is no other fighter in the market which still gives the same bang for the buck that the F16 Bl52+ does. PAF is not oblivious to how old F16s are or the problems of a possible embargo.However, for a force using 50s and 60s technology as its main stay can not afford to quibble about F16s.
The other technologies that you speak of are either too expensive,( F18, EF, and Rafale) not available to PAF(JAS39, F22,SU30s)or not matured(J10,J11B,JF17) PAF also needs to look at maintanence costs which make twin engined crafts mostly out of its league.On top of all that, a lot of the F16 programme and its accessories are being paid for by USas well.
So on the principle of beggars not being choosers,I would,nt be as callous about f16s if I were you.
Has anybody seen the denial by a MOD official of this news as possible rumour(Published in Janes). How unusual to be so uncertain? Would any senior member in the know please comment .
Janes are confused themselves. They have published two reports, one stating MOD has refuted the reduction in the F-16 blk 52 option and another one stating that Pakistan has cut back.
Janes are confused themselves. They have published two reports, one stating MOD has refuted the reduction in the F-16 blk 52 option and another one stating that Pakistan has cut back.
I say give it time and let the PAF speak up themselves...

I think it is just a worthless fuss and things will end up different from what is being said.
All the focus at the moment is on new F-16 C/D's. What about the 28 aircraft that were built for Pakistan and than not delivered. These are also to be delivered. Therefore for me the inventory looks like this.

F-16 A/B 32
F-16 A/B 28 (embargoed but now shall be delivered, 4 already delivered)
F-16 C/D 18 (with an option for 18 more)

Total 78 (6 squadrons of 12 aircraft each)

This number is quite decent considering JF-17 and J-10 shall be joining by 2009-2010.
As a side question. Would it be possible to acquire more block 52+ F-16s by cutting costs on the MLUs of the older ones by going through cheaper Turkish contractors?
The MLU on older F-16 is long overdue and should be carried out on priority. After that every effort should be made to induct as soon as possible the other 28 F-16 that were embargoed but now are available to PAF (4 already inducted). These in turn shall require MLU. These aircraft have very low life airframe and are ideal for PAF. After 2010 when PAF hopes to receive new F-16 decision should be taken about future orders according to situation prevailing then.
dear ARAZ sir,
i realy adore your point of veiw but , with a different angle sir.
my,, dear sir, ARAZ,
i would like to state here, that era of F-16s in PAF is over sir! we had to look forward sir, i am 100% agreed with your view sir,,, but i guss it is the time and the decision has been taken already PAF is not willing to get more F-16s.
PAF is certnly looking J-10s as new strike plateform for its , needs i think,,, reason behind that is the availiblity of the birds! j-10 s are the gettables in any kind of situation PAF wouldbe facing in comming future, as for F-16s , PAF had bitter expirences with USA, and PAF isnt ready for those gone years ,when they were stopped by some US EMBARGO .

it is a perfect time for PAF, to change its policy..... any how its a simple point , that how best F-16S were , as greatest strike and multirole fightter , they cantbe flying into air against an enemy ..... WHICH can be its owenners guss........ who? anything is possible , so its important that PAF,,, should have some force, which canbe in the air anytime, without fearing the shortages and embargo s .:D:pakistan::enjoy::china:
in the end ARAZ SIR.... i will be looking for your help... and forgivness.
allaha hafiz
I THINK , a very wise choice by PAF, as PAF had already thought all options regurding F-16s , as they already choose J-10 the next stirke fighter plane for its inventory for the future incomming, actully PAF is more intersted to spent money on JF17 and J-10s.

32 +18=50 enough numbers for a great and , a decade old strike superemo in PAF, and now is the time for more modren , and most advanced , and also more getable in its resources.

Young Sir
There is only one problem with your post and its suggestions. There is no other fighter in the market which still gives the same bang for the buck that the F16 Bl52+ does. PAF is not oblivious to how old F16s are or the problems of a possible embargo.However, for a force using 50s and 60s technology as its main stay can not afford to quibble about F16s.
The other technologies that you speak of are either too expensive,( F18, EF, and Rafale) not available to PAF(JAS39, F22,SU30s)or not matured(J10,J11B,JF17) PAF also needs to look at maintanence costs which make twin engined crafts mostly out of its league.On top of all that, a lot of the F16 programme and its accessories are being paid for by USas well.
So on the principle of beggars not being choosers,I would,nt be as callous about f16s if I were you.


my,, dear sir, ARAZ,
i would like to state here, that era of F-16s in PAF is over sir! we had to look forward sir, i am 100% agreed with your view sir,,, but i guss it is the time and the decision has been taken already PAF is not willing to get more F-16s.
PAF is certnly looking J-10s as new strike plateform for its , needs i think,,, reason behind that is the availiblity of the birds! j-10 s are the gettables in any kind of situation PAF wouldbe facing in comming future, as for F-16s , PAF had bitter expirences with USA, and PAF isnt ready for those gone years ,when they were stopped by some US EMBARGO .

it is a perfect time for PAF, to change its policy..... any how its a simple point , that how best F-16S were , as greatest strike and multirole fightter , they cantbe flying into air against an enemy ..... WHICH can be its owenners guss........ who? anything is possible , so its important that PAF,,, should have some force, which canbe in the air anytime, without fearing the shortages and embargo s .:D:pakistan::enjoy::china:
in the end ARAZ SIR.... i will be looking for your help... and forgivness.
allaha hafiz

My Brother.
There is no forgivenss between brothers so we can discuss matters as mature adults. The fact that you and I have a different view point gives me an opportunity to learn from you as you may learn (or not!) from me You are absolutely on the ball with regards to J10. However, I will still say that the basic platform is good, but the EW suite and the radars are major bugbears. in my view it will take atleast 2-5 yrs for J10 to mature, and PAF will order J10s at that time. But at this point in time, PAFs hesitation is on account of the factors mentioned and therefore the reliance on F16s.
Ther is another angle that we need to look at.F16s bring with them a lot of toys which will give us very valuable info on how the leading world power is developing its industry and equipment. Without saying it out loud, this knowledge itself is worth the price. You may also find that the next tranche of F16s may have more toys which can only further our knowledge base.

That would work if we were spending a greater percentage of our GDP on defence compared to Pakistan which would then be hurting other aspects like education, social programmes, etc.

In India/Pakistan case, India spends more than twice of what Pakistan spends on defence, YET our defence expenditure as a percent of our GDP is much lower than Pakistan's.

And India spends keeping China in mind as well. So being better equipped does not hurt at all, while if we buy something that raises or ups the ante, Pakistan has to follow to maintain its credible detterence, so it hurts Pakistan more.

Its hurting Pakistan in the long run, not India. Bur unfortunately, Pakistan has no option but to spend.
can u please get me the actual figures in this regards.... n also lemme knw the sorce....

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