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Pakistan to build a Nuclear submarine

so what its the traditional "we will eat grass but do it"................but its good to see an ambitious pakistan all the best.

If the past is any guide, it's quite safe to assume that Pakistan will continue to effectively respond to all military threats to its security ...be it nukes, missiles, satellites, fighter jets, drones, nuke subs, etc. It's just a matter of time before Pakistan launches nuclear subs to complete the nuclear triad. Let there be no doubt on this point.

Haq's Musings: Pakistan's Defense Industry Going High Tech

As to eating grass, all of the available data from international sources shows that many Indians can't even find grass to eat, as hundreds of millions of Indians go to bed hungry every night.

Here's a quote from Times of India:

With 21% of its population undernourished, nearly 44% of under-5 children underweight and 7% of them dying before they reach five years, India is firmly established among the world's most hunger-ridden countries. The situation is better than only Congo, Chad, Ethiopia or Burundi, but it is worse than Sudan, North Korea, Pakistan or Nepal.

Today India has 213 million hungry and malnourished people by GHI estimates although the UN agency Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) puts the figure at around 230 million. The difference is because FAO uses only the standard calorie intake formula for measuring sufficiency of food while the Hunger Index is based on broader criteria.

Superpower? 230 million Indians go hungry daily - Times Of India
Congratulations to Pakistan for achieving this almost impossible feat. :pakistan:

This is not luxurious item. This is our need.

By the way we already have many threats.

I will Still say, Late start :argh:
But good thing some work is already done in 1999 liker propulsion system for nuclear submarine.

We should keep Minimum deterrence, so we need 2 nuclear powered submarines till 2025 but getting only one till 2020.

Best of luck for this project. I hope this will shut up the mouths of fanboys of USA military/journalists that says Pakistan has no proper delivery system to attack USA.

Keep Minimum deterrence. Stop them to invade countries.

Be Peaceful. Force them to remain Peaceful.
Is it that hard to understand, tit for tat would have called for PN nuke sub a decade ago, not a decade, rather two decade late.
You talk about a nuclear triad, second strike capability and what not. For that you dont exactly need a nuclear submarine, you can do with whatever you've got. But then, apparently your "planners" realized AFTER India got two nuclear submarines that Pakistan "needs" one too to complete its nuclear triad! Pity they didnt realize it earlier.
So what does that tell you? You still dont want to call it an India-specific arms build up/race?
Sometimes, you don't create enemies for yourself, to others you are seen as an enemy.

The soup Pakistan finds itself is not all the time created by Pakistan, others make a mess and we get into that soup.
Dont speak for others, speak for yourselves. Pakistan is the one that became a willing pawn in the 'great cold war game' antagonizing the entire soviet block (except for China). You allowed yourselves to be played, when you could have easily opted to stay out of the game. It is Pakistan that nurtured Mujaheedin and Taliban in Afghanistan to promote its vested interests. It is Pakistan again which antagonized India by precipitating the Kashmir conflict and pushing and providing moral and political support to the terrorists in Kashmir. And yet, you speak of "others see you as an enemy"? Wow!
Yeah in military related things we do learn from others, that is why we don't waste millions or billions or try to reinvent the wheel, when we can do the task for much less and get the already invented wheel.
Pity. Wouldnt it do you a world of good to learn things non-military from your "foes" and friends alike?
The indians need to get over themselves, this project has been going on for at least a decade, a MILSATCOM system that will ensure Communication - is also in the pipeline, which will help further in netcentric warfare capability.

Pakistan has decided to employ both SSN and SSBN - this will be done over the next few decades, those in the know - have known about this project for a while now, the calculated leak to the national media, is to show that the Pakistani "Shark" and "Killer Whale" are out to hunt.


Who told it in ary news any top official of Navy or they aired the dream of some official ?
Correct me if I am wrong if we can make propulsion for Submarines can we assume Pakistan will also be creating

Frigates and Destroyers , that are nuclear powered? I mean we already are producing the Frigates locally
Is there any credible news site reporting this, or has this been a waste of 18 pages on a hoax? Also I see we have already arrived at poverty in India rest stop on this thread.. But that was expected when the friendly neighborhood (sarcasm) blogger makes his entry..Waiting for caste system and treatment of women bogey next.. Any wagers on which will be first? :lol:
You talk about a nuclear triad, second strike capability and what not. For that you dont exactly need a nuclear submarine, you can do with whatever you've got. But then, apparently your "planners" realized AFTER India got two nuclear submarines that Pakistan "needs" one too to complete its nuclear triad! Pity they didnt realize it earlier.
So what does that tell you? You still dont want to call it an India-specific arms build up/race?

Dont speak for others, speak for yourselves. Pakistan is the one that became a willing pawn in the 'great cold war game' antagonizing the entire soviet block (except for China). You allowed yourselves to be played, when you could have easily opted to stay out of the game. It is Pakistan that nurtured Mujaheedin and Taliban in Afghanistan to promote its vested interests. It is Pakistan again which antagonized India by precipitating the Kashmir conflict and pushing and providing moral and political support to the terrorists in Kashmir. And yet, you speak of "others see you as an enemy"? Wow!

Pity. Wouldnt it do you a world of good to learn things non-military from your "foes" and friends alike?

It seems i have been wasting your precious time, my bad and my apologies.

---------- Post added at 09:44 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 AM ----------

Is there any credible news site reporting this, or has this been a waste of 18 pages on a hoax? Also I see we have already arrived at poverty in India rest stop on this thread.. But that was expected when the friendly neighborhood (sarcasm) blogger makes his entry..Waiting for caste system and treatment of women bogey next.. Any wagers on which will be first? :lol:

Shame, you Indians see that part but fail to recognize the Indian members first posting comments which led to Indian poverty being dragged in.

Its OK, i can understand, Indians can't see their bad.
I say if this news is true, its good for us. Atleast our netas and those making decisions on arms procurement will now try to stick to timelines. Congratulations Pakistan and best of luck.
yar the world always said that Pakistan can built atom bomb but we built it and in large no even the smallest one :cheers:
and we can also built nuclear sub to and need it urgent at least 3 to 4 till 2020 long live Pakistan :pakistan:
ref:Pakistani Navy to Develop Nuclear-Powered Submarines: Reports | Defense News | defensenews.com News|p

Pakistani Navy to Develop Nuclear-Powered Submarines: ReportsFeb. 11, 2012 - 01:11PM | By USMAN ANSARI | Comments

ISLAMABAD — Media reports on Feb. 11 state the Pakistan Navy intends to build nuclear-powered submarines as a matter of priority.

No sources were quoted in the reports, which indicated the first submarine would be operational in five to eight years.

When contacted by Defense News, a spokesman for the Pakistani Navy said he could not comment as to the veracity of the reports.

Mansoor Ahmed, a lecturer at Islamabad’s Quaid-e-Azam University who specializes in nonconventional weapons and missiles, believes the reports are the result of a calculated leak by the Navy, and that a message may be being sent to India.
“This news … appears to be some kind of signaling to the Indians seeing as they are taking delivery of a new nuclear-powered submarine from the Russians as well as their own Arihant Class SSBN,” he said.

“So Pakistan is signaling to the Indians that they are mindful of these developments and taking due measures in response.”

Ahmed said he has for some time believed Pakistan was working on a nuclear propulsion system for submarine applications and that Pakistan already has a functional submarine launched variant of the Babur cruise missile.

The Babur cruise missile is very similar to the U.S. BGM-109 Tomahawk, and perhaps derives at least some technology from Tomahawks which crashed in Pakistan during U.S. strikes on al-Qaida training camps in Afghanistan in 1998. It can be armed with conventional or nuclear warheads.

Ahmed believes Pakistan is now gearing up to build its own SSN/SSGN flotilla as a way of deterring India and maintaining the strategic balance in South Asia.
However, in the long term in order to fully ensure the credibility of its deterrent Ahmed said he believes Pakistan should build ballistic missile submarines.

Hi Mr. Abhimanyu, the above article is from Defensenews.com. This journal is a very reliable source. Also there is no need to reply to the poverty in India comment, it is out of context. Pakistan has enough internal problems, that is cannot dictate morality. Let's stick to the topic at hand.
Is there any credible news site reporting this, or has this been a waste of 18 pages on a hoax? Also I see we have already arrived at poverty in India rest stop on this thread.. But that was expected when the friendly neighborhood (sarcasm) blogger makes his entry..Waiting for caste system and treatment of women bogey next.. Any wagers on which will be first? :lol:

No credible news i reporting this. So please never ever post on this thread. It is a hoax.
my indian friends and their always underestimating passion

indian plzz get a life and dnt underestimate anyone
Here is the news from ARY news!
Pakistan decide to make nuclear submarines - YouTube

this is a great news. i hope we now go ahead with this...

the news of Pakistan working on a small nuclear reactor, small enough to fit in a submarine is confirmed. i live there, and know many working on this project. it has been in operation for some 6 to 7 years now.
no surprise if its been done.
also no surprise if PN is going to make the n-sub because this was what the reactor was being made for... the naval nuclear propulsion!

PN engineers have learn t basics from the Agostas, the scientists will provide them with the reactor and we can now do it.

a bit of foreign help may be involved. to be realistic, the system may/must be having some parts from outside country, but does this really matter??
isn't designing and manufacturing a small reactor and a submarine a big feast in itself??

for me, it is,,
great going Pakistan

we are proud of PN and the nuclear facility engineers!!

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