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Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

It is the US, which has come in between Pakistan and India by opting to dump Pakistan and elevate India as a regional superpower to contain China. India is acting today as an American puppet.

---------- Post added at 04:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 AM ----------

Better read the article again. See the glaring facts.


I do not know who do you want to read the article. If it's me than let me know so that I can give you appropriate reply. Next time if you want to engage yourself into discussion with fellow forum contributor than please click on the "reply with quote" and your response will go to the addressee.
Hillary Clinton has lied publicly. When she visited Pakistan to convince the government and the military to agree on Kerry-Luger Bill and AFPAK strategy, she was asked as to why she equated Pakistan with the puppet regime of Afghanistan. She said that the Obama administration had to do that " trick" to convince the Congress to sanction aid to Pakistan. Subsequent events, proved she lied because AFPAK is a US strategy to shift the chaos and anarchy from Afghanistan to Pakistan.
Hillary Clinton has lied publicly. When she visited Pakistan to convince the government and the military to agree on Kerry-Luger Bill and AFPAK strategy, she was asked as to why she equated Pakistan with the puppet regime of Afghanistan. She said that the Obama administration had to do that " trick" to convince the Congress to sanction aid to Pakistan. Subsequent events, proved she lied because AFPAK is a US strategy to shift the chaos and anarchy from Afghanistan to Pakistan.

nothing new here. americans allways lie
The details of the story are still unfolding. There are so many aspects of the US-India deal which are unknown to us. But, this story of double game, betrayal and deception would be foiled by the unity of the people of Pakistan around the armed forces. Inshaallah, the details of the secret plans would be unveiled and foiled.
In matter pertaining to national security, a soldier and an intellectual alike should take into consideration the worst scenario. such thinking should be pursued and encouraged to be pursued even if it is far fetched thinking or a minority thinking. The issue here is not to score points but rather to contribute towards the national security and stability of the motherland.
"One would expect everything from India.
Oh really? Like....? You guys really have the habit of flattering yourselves, what? Indians are imbeciles from a treacherous nation that have no other work than to waste time fingering Pakistan. Jeeez! Jump out of bed and smell the coffee! You guys ain't that important, at least not just yet.
Nothing new? Are you serious? Do you know the agreement of Vision and how it has developed into " Strategic Partnership"? Examine the role of the former Indian High commissioner to Pakistan Mr. Menon and his secret meetings with the CIA top officials in Washington. See, how India elevated Menon to the position of National Security Adviser. Washington and New Delhi cooperated in intelligence sharing. Both concede the intelligence cooperation but they do not go into details. How can one dismiss the Indian intelligence input and help in establishing a secret CIA network in Pakistan? How can you dismiss the Indian role in Geronimo Operation? The Americans have been saying they were the friends of Pakistan. Yet, they failed to prevent India from occupying East Pakistan and Siachin. Instead of help, the Americans imposed one sanction after another on Pakistan. Indira Gandhi also claimed that she would never attack Pakistan. However, she explained in details how she and her generals secretly planned to dismember Pakistan in 1971 war. How one can dismiss these facts of history. Pakistan should substantially improve its relations with India and the United States. This, however, should be done on the basis of sovereign equality and commitment by both to the independence, security and territorial integrity of Pakistan. My dear son, don't be carried away.
Nothing new? Are you serious? Do you know the agreement of Vision and how it has developed into " Strategic Partnership"? Examine the role of the former Indian High commissioner to Pakistan Mr. Menon and his secret meetings with the CIA top officials in Washington. See, how India elevated Menon to the position of National Security Adviser. Washington and New Delhi cooperated in intelligence sharing. Both concede the intelligence cooperation but they do not go into details. How can one dismiss the Indian intelligence input and help in establishing a secret CIA network in Pakistan? How can you dismiss the Indian role in Geronimo Operation? The Americans have been saying they were the friends of Pakistan. Yet, they failed to prevent India from occupying East Pakistan and Siachin. Instead of help, the Americans imposed one sanction after another on Pakistan. Indira Gandhi also claimed that she would never attack Pakistan. However, she explained in details how she and her generals secretly planned to dismember Pakistan in 1971 war. How one can dismiss these facts of history. Pakistan should substantially improve its relations with India and the United States. This, however, should be done on the basis of sovereign equality and commitment by both to the independence, security and territorial integrity of Pakistan. My dear son, don't be carried away.

The bolded points are totally new. "India's help in establishing a secret CIA network in Pakistan and Indian role in Geronimo Operation". Care to explain? Could you please provide some source for your comments?

And, intelligence sharing happens between USA and Pakistan also. Do they explain the details to the other countried? How do you expect that details about India-USA intelligence sharing details would me provided to others?


Pakistan has been officially asked (many times) by US to move its troops away from indian border and into north wazirastan, what ever it means!! but than same story was later witnessed resonating in media and web on quite a few occasions actually almost daily on this forum and now the new foreign minister lady indebted by Ghadari can bee seen singing the same song.

Pakistan's solution lies in victory like of great victory of Mecca by prophet Mohammad and this will also put an end to the agony of Afghan children being turned into suicide bombers by aid of modern drugs.

Pakistan army need to catchup with reality, perhaps a review of history may help.
Oh really? Like....? You guys really have the habit of flattering yourselves, what? Indians are imbeciles from a treacherous nation that have no other work than to waste time fingering Pakistan. Jeeez! Jump out of bed and smell the coffee! You guys ain't that important, at least not just yet.

Grow up Fella and stop being in serious denial.....

Show me some signs of Intelligence life form.

Beam me up Scotty....

Pick up any Indian Newspaper or Periodical and see how obsessed you people are with Pakistan.

So buddy, how many " INDIAN periodicals " and " INDIAN newspapers" do you read? Clearly, you seem to be an authority on them. :rofl:

Personally, i dont get the time to read more than one.
Pakistan has conspiracy theories because extreme unemployment, people should find to do something to keep themselves busy. Plus people love blame others for their failure...
....agar danda hota tu ham bhee patang loot lataaa....
India saw a very strong public back lash of anti Pakistan sentiment following the 26/11 attacks. No democratically elected govt can ride roughshod over public sentiments and emotions. It was in light of this very widespread antagonism that the composite talks were suspended. Over a period of time, as things settled down, the talks were back on track. This is no sudden change of heart. Both countries have worked at it.
However, this great analyst analyses the situation as thus:- "Judging by the Indian intense propaganda against Pakistan, one can safely say that the Indians are playing a double game with Pakistan to achieve certain objectives and to hide their support to the ethnic groups in Karachi, Baluchistan and Khyber Pakhtonkhwa ............... "

Since India stopped the talks earlier but now want to talk therefore they are supporting terrorism in Pakistan

This guy is a security analyst specializing in diplomacy, political economy and international relations??? What a joke! A ten year old fifth grader can do a better job at ill informed populist propaganda.
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