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Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

if only Pakistan and India can work out there differences, you guys would be a super power..... why fight each other? you guys are blood brothers :(

really? check history and see who'd devided us and cause all the troubles.

it is the Anglo-Saxons. Their trick has caused so many brutal memories for so many countries. this is only a part of their skim to contral the world.

the Sad part is the Indians are buying their strategy. by being a scapegoat to contain Pakistan and China, to stir up the whole SA to maintain their ruling over Indian Ocean and Mideast.
Let me state here that I am absolutely not against establishing good relations with India. Rather I fully endorse the Composite Dialogue. However, you cannot talk and wage a psychological war against Pakistan, its people and the armed forces . You cannot be sincere when you build dams on the sources of Pakistani rivers in total violation of international laws. You cannot speak on counter-terrorism when you support TTP, BLA, and other terrorists who are targeting civil society and law enforcement agencies. India should learn to talk to Pakistan as an independent and sovereign state. For more details, visit my link given below:
Dr. Jassim Taqui : Al-Bab Institute For Strategic Studies
I would like to thank you for writing.
Dr.Jassim Taqui
Let me state here that I am absolutely not against establishing good relations with India. Rather I fully endorse the Composite Dialogue. However, you cannot talk and wage a psychological war against Pakistan, its people and the armed forces . You cannot be sincere when you build dams on the sources of Pakistani rivers in total violation of international laws. You cannot speak on counter-terrorism when you support TTP, BLA, and other terrorists who are targeting civil society and law enforcement agencies. India should learn to talk to Pakistan as an independent and sovereign state. For more details, visit my link given below:
Dr. Jassim Taqui : Al-Bab Institute For Strategic Studies
I would like to thank you for writing.
Dr.Jassim Taqui
Brother, I agree with what ever you have said.
In one of the other threads there is a alligation that INDIA is flooding Pakistan, the construction of DAM's is not to stop water from reaching your country, but to control the sudden excess flow of water during the months of Glacier Melts and Monsoons. As Pakistan does not have a flood management system, we are taking care of your problem at our cost. INDIA does not do a dam with out profit, so the motive is to generate Electricity out of the dams, I hope India will share power generated out of the dams to the Kashmiri people and no other part of INDIA though the dam is build out of the revenew generated out of other states.
There has not been a single instance where INDIA is bullying Pakistan or its people in the recent days. We have a larger army presence in J&K vally to stop cross border terrorism and not to step over the fence and declare war which is not good for INDIA's economy.
And on INDIA sponsering TTP and other terror networks in Pakistan, kindly provide the international media with evidance that we are involved, if we are involved this is to show the Pakistani high command how painful it is when a nations civilians are targeted with non-state actors. Just returning the favour. When we are even, it'll all stop.
really? check history and see who'd devided us and cause all the troubles.

it is the Anglo-Saxons. Their trick has caused so many brutal memories for so many countries. this is only a part of their skim to contral the world.

the Sad part is the Indians are buying their strategy. by being a scapegoat to contain Pakistan and China, to stir up the whole SA to maintain their ruling over Indian Ocean and Mideast.
This is a false accusation, that is being propagated. Is it INDIA or Pakistan that got alligned to the west at the first instance. US long back precdicted that INDIA in future will play a lagrer role in the international arena as she has the man power and a proper setpup of Democracy(Evolving Democracy). As you aligned with the US, we remained non alligned. USSR was a business partner of mutula interest(win - win) kind of friend. Not a win - loss or loss - win kind of a sacrifising relationship was there.
How can you dismiss the Indian role in Geronimo Operation?
Oh wow! So India had a hand in Op Neptune Spear to pluck Osama out of his den from A'bad??? If that's so why did the PA and your ISI honcho, Pasha go to town saying that India was incapable of such an operation? And if India ever tried, the wrath of Allah would befall them!

Well, India is still waiting for doomsday, but jeeez, nothing so far!! :whistle:
India and Pakistan and in fact all SAARC countries should sigh a pact to gaurantee the integrity of each other.
Kashmir should be considered a special issue and both should make it bilaterally administered area and invest and benefit from it.
India and Pakistan and in fact all SAARC countries should sigh a pact to gaurantee the integrity of each other.
Kashmir should be considered a special issue and both should make it bilaterally administered area and invest and benefit from it.

take care of yours,we will do same
India and Pakistan and in fact all SAARC countries should sigh a pact to gaurantee the integrity of each other.
Kashmir should be considered a special issue and both should make it bilaterally administered area and invest and benefit from it.
I agree with you brother, but have we don't have each others share in Kashmir. Making the entire of Kashmir a common ground with the amount of mistrust with each other is not possible. We fear that you might move in your army and you fear that we might march in our army if such a common place is there. This is not possible at this point. We should be happy with the piece of land we have already divided between us.
Oh wow! So India had a hand in Op Neptune Spear to pluck Osama out of his den from A'bad??? If that's so why did the PA and your ISI honcho, Pasha go to town saying that India was incapable of such an operation? And if India ever tried, the wrath of Allah would befall them!

Well, India is still waiting for doomsday, but jeeez, nothing so far!! :whistle:

One should not look to this issue lightly. The fact that there are signed agreements between CIA and RAW on intelligence sharing means that there is definitely an input from India. Most probably the entire idea of defaming Pakistan came from the Indian side. India knows that its RAW agents in Pakistan are well monitored. Hence, they need to use other techniques to avoid surveillance. At that time, Pakistan trusted CIA and was cooperating with it in the war against terror. The ISI and CIA were working together. Evidently, Pakistan would not have imagined that the CIA would stab it in the back. The Indian RAW exploited that factor and urged the CIA to establish the spying network in Pakistan. RAW was planning and scheming from behind the CIA. Don't say, this is a conspiracy theory. This is part of deception, which is the hallmark of intelligence agencies.
Indian tactics are well known. when the water levels in its illegally built dams rise, it releases water to inundate Pakistani lands and destroy the crops. When there is a shortage of water, the dams suck all available water, depriving Pakistan from its legitimate share. In both cases India gains while Pakistan loses. Gradually, the Indians are planning to change our lands into deserts and bring in famine, poverty all over. It is the worst ever weapons used against us. By stealing our water and deprive us from necessary water for irrigation and power generation, India is proving to be the enemy of every Pakistani individual. Therefore, the puppets of the Indians should wake up: The Indians have already initiated the process of enslaving everyone in Pakistan including the children of their puppets and mouthpiece. Time to open your eyes and brain and think of saving your nation.
I would counter this article written by a biased and ignorant author with another article but this time written by an educated, articulate and informed Pakistani:
A tale of conspiracy: Why can’t we handle the truth? – The Express Tribune Blog

These kind of conspiracy theories absolve the Pakistani GOVT and by extension Pakistani people of any wrongdoing whilst in fact they have a lot to answer for.
I would like to bring the attention of the moderator to the language used by the above, which goes at complete variance with the high standards set up by your esteemed website. However, I would say " biased and ignorant" are those lacking proper knowledge of discourse and think that by attacking others, they can press their point and demoralized the other side.On the contrary, such poor selections of vocabulary is self-condemnation. My son, please take a course in language. Linguistics, would be even better.
Indian tactics are well known. when the water levels in its illegally built dams rise, it release water to inundate Pakistani lands and destroy the crops. When there is a shortage of water, the dams suck all available water, depriving Pakistan from its legitimate share. In both cases India gains while Pakistan loses.

ask your government to build dams to save the water,if we dont let go the excess water the dam will blow and cause more problem in pakistan than in current situation
I found nothing serious in the article . It is open secret mater that both India and us has a common goal in the south Asia where both can be benefited from both . once Pakistan got the preference when the us needed to confront USSR and now India is in the same platform to counter china on behalf of us .
yes, of course, perhaps we may ask more reasonable and more pertinent ones, while we are at it - what is to be learned or earned from this "failed state" line of reasoning?

Would we not be better served asking after 10 years, Pakistanis seem as confused as they were at day won of their involvement with the Islamist insurgency in Pakistan - Why the Pakistani state and her institutions, particularly the Pakistan army - which is a major enabler of extremist ideology, even with in the army, the slogans and ideas of extremism have currency - continue to fail to make distinctions between the extremists and themselves?
The slogans of the Pak army : Faith, Unity and Jihad in the Way of God are eternal. They symbolize the Islamic identity of Pakistan. The real fundamentalists are the Jews and the Christians who combine to create the neo-con. Since the neo-con came to power, they declared a war against Islam and Muslims. A large section of the American civil society and the US military have been critical of the extreme and fundamentalist policy of the neo-con. What is wrong if Pakistan supports the Islamic movements that seek to defend Islam and Islamic identity. Earlier, the hypocrite West used to applaud the Islamists and call them Mujahideen, when they were fighting the invading Soviet troops in Afghanistan. Now, they call them fundamentalists !!
Come on guys...these kinds of news that India is conspiring with USA to break up Pakistan like our Indian Gov makes a statement after each bomb blast that ISI was involved in the blast.....This is so ridiculous....Neither Pakistan is a puppet nation nor India has any interest in digestibility Pakistan...these all stories generated by some retired army generals to get some attention only...
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