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Pakistan: The India-US Secret game

not a secret anymore isnt it.....as long as every nut case in Pakistan can expose such" secret games against Pakistan" , pakistan is safe i guess ....and India and the US have shitty planners whose plans are exposed by any dimwit in Pakistan.....kudooos to Pakistan's dimwits
Lol when USA was involved with Pakistan, India was never paranoid like Pakistanis are now that USA and India has some form of bonding recently.
The alliance between India and the United States is unnatural. It would never succeed since India does not belong to the region. India-US alliance is aimed at containing China and imposing India as a regional superpower. SCO, a main regional and international player has rejected this provocative India-US alliance.
The alliance between India and the United States is unnatural. It would never succeed since India does not belong to the region. India-US alliance is aimed at containing China and imposing India as a regional superpower. SCO, a main regional and international player has rejected this provocative India-US alliance.

If India doesn't belong in the Indian subcontinent then where does it belong?

What Indo-US alliance are you talking about? Shouldn't America try to build relations with a country which is a rising economic power? Relations which have been ignored upto now. Are American engagements with India more than its engagements with China or even with Pakistan?

Is America the only one to blame in deteriorating American-Pakistani relationships?

Look at the events in Karachi itself. Do you think this is being done by outsiders? I think Pakistan is doing a fabulous job in shooting itself in the foot and doesn't need any help from outsiders.
Let me state here that I am absolutely not against establishing good relations with India. Rather I fully endorse the Composite Dialogue. However, you cannot talk and wage a psychological war against Pakistan, its people and the armed forces . You cannot be sincere when you build dams on the sources of Pakistani rivers in total violation of international laws. You cannot speak on counter-terrorism when you support TTP, BLA, and other terrorists who are targeting civil society and law enforcement agencies. India should learn to talk to Pakistan as an independent and sovereign state. For more details, visit my link given below:
Dr. Jassim Taqui : Al-Bab Institute For Strategic Studies
I would like to thank you for writing.
Dr.Jassim Taqui

Let me briefly request you to reflect back to the activities of your Military regimes and people elected regimes it will help you (if you are not in denial) in reaching a different conclusion than what you have stated in different posts of yours. If you are for establishing good relationship it should start with your positive actions rather than spreading the misinformation regarding dams being built by India. If you do the thorough research even your officials agree that the dams being constructed are with the parameters of Indus water sharing agreement under the supervision of UNO.

Can you please provide us the solid proof regarding the India's support to TTP and BLA. It should be brought to the attention of International organization rather than propaganda in your local media. Kindly give us the link to source of your information
otherwise you are wasting your time and that of readers as well.
If India doesn't belong in the Indian subcontinent then where does it belong?

What Indo-US alliance are you talking about? Shouldn't America try to build relations with a country which is a rising economic power? Relations which have been ignored upto now. Are American engagements with India more than its engagements with China or even with Pakistan?

Is America the only one to blame in deteriorating American-Pakistani relationships?

Look at the events in Karachi itself. Do you think this is being done by outsiders? I think Pakistan is doing a fabulous job in shooting itself in the foot and doesn't need any help from outsiders.


This guy the so called Dr. sounds more like a "Buddha satiya gaya hai". He comes out with a statements which he never backs it up with verifiable facts. It is better from now on to leave him alone and he will fade away hopefully in to the universe of unknowns.He is always in denial of the reality on the ground. I wonder how he got to the position where he is.
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