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Pakistan overturns sentence of doctor who helped find bin Laden

the court proceedings havent even begun yet

the intelligence chief will likely submit his recommendations and I think for the sake of national interests (forget ego) i think it will strongly be in GoP's interests to abide by his recommendations

and i'm confident that those recommendations would be that the sentence remain in place

yeah well who was rallying behind these people and who put them there......who is really to blame

there is no "that's it"

youre just running in circles as round as the bologna you're thinking of.

it's not my policy to keep repeating myself here; re-read my posts, otherwise just hold your "peace" and continue to cling to your dogmatically held "beliefs" (if one were to call them that)
blames arent going to solve anything!
its time to take a action, to save pakistan in genrl?
or we may have shakeel afridi our next PM?lolzz
He spied on a terrorist that was wanted even in Pakistan.

By his own admission, he did not know that his actions had anything to do with capturing OBL. All he was doing was helping the CIA for money without knowing the ulterior motives. That is treason.

As far as espionage is concerned, there shouldn't be any case for espionage, as US is a key ally and has tacit authority to use it's Intel operatives in pakistan.

Any agreements would be for cooperation between the CIA and ISI, not a carte blanche for the CIA to go around recruiting independent agents.
blames arent going to solve anything!
its time to take a action, to save pakistan in genrl?
or we may have shakeel afridi our next PM?lolzz

he's too much of a commoner looking peasant to be a PM of a country where the pre-requisite is being a multi millionaire and having more assets abroad than at home

and blames will solve everything.....assuming IF those blamed introspect and stop being mental slaves and stop choosing public personalities who resort to politics ("bull-shyt") for vote-banks

on "Dr." Afridi -- my position has been clear and consistent since 2011. The sentence should be upheld. If anything, more time should be added to his sentence.
IK did what he said, didn't meet John Kerry in US Embassy. :azn:

Now just a thought came to my mind too, Nawaz Sharif is going to give farewell lunch and guard of honor to Zardari on 5th Sept. So according to promises, IS Shahbaz Sharif going to drag Zardari on Streets of Lahore after that? :pop:

yes he went to his hotel room, more private
there is nothing wrong with having some decency after all he is the president, good or bad, right or wrong...as long as who said what during election if that were to happen than KPK should be a heaven now

USA will not be transferring Dr. Siddiqui to Pakistan any time soon:

US denies reports of Aafia-Afridi prisoner swap agreement - DAWN.COM

US denies reports of Aafia-Afridi prisoner swap agreement

ISLAMABAD: The US embassy in Islamabad on Wednesday denied reports of a prisoner swap deal with Pakistan involving Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

Earlier this month, Pakistani media reported that the US had offered Pakistan to sign a prisoner exchange agreement, calling for a release of Pakistani prisoner Dr Shakil Afridi in exchange for the release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

“No, the United States government is not in discussions with the Government of Pakistan on a prisoner exchange or transfer involving Dr. Aafia Siddiqi,” said Meghan Gregonis, a spokesman for the US embassy.

On September 23, 2010 Dr Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani imprisoned in the US, was sentenced by a US court to 86 years for having attempted to kill American soldiers. She is currently being held in a maximum-security prison in Texas.

The Government of Pakistan requested her transfer to Pakistan in 2010, said the embassy spokesman.

“However, we are not aware of a recent request from Pakistan to discuss her case, nor the case of Dr. Shakil Afridi,” she added. “The United States and Pakistan do not have and are not negotiating a bilateral prisoner exchange agreement.”

Afridi, a Pakistani doctor, aided the CIA in tracking down former Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in Pakistan by running a fake vaccination campaign in Abbottabad.

He was sentenced for committing treason and is currently being held at a prison in Peshawar.

they always deny everything in the begining but in order to bring her back this agreement has to be in place or their first reply to any request is sorry we dont have any prisoner swap agreement so law prohibits US from doing it. one the law is in place then you can do some diplomacy. Besides, this law has to be in place to bring countless Pakistanis in the European prisons who's only crime was to enter europeans countries illegally
The issue is not that he was working "Americans", but what kind of Americans. If you read the article, he was warned by one of his handlers to flee Pakistan on the day of the raid.

He knew whom he was working for.

You and I may suspect that, but that is not legally acceptable proof. And if CIA modus operandi is anything to go by, the poor bugger never would have known what he was doing. His response to the warning tells it all: that he did not flee even though he had the opportunity. Why? Because he thought that he was conducting an immunization campaign for an NGO and thus he had no need to flee.

On the other hand, CIA could very well have planned the final cherry on top of the operation: Leave the "hero" who helped USA get OBL so that Pakistan further blackens its image internationally. And we fell for it, hook, line and sinker.


they always deny everything in the begining but in order to bring her back this agreement has to be in place or their first reply to any request is sorry we dont have any prisoner swap agreement so law prohibits US from doing it. one the law is in place then you can do some diplomacy. Besides, this law has to be in place to bring countless Pakistanis in the European prisons who's only crime was to enter europeans countries illegally

Let me put it bluntly: Dr. Afridi will soon be released after a few chess moves, and will be allowed to move abroad. Dr. Siddiqui will never be released, and will die in US custody.
certainly giving the information about chechen terrorists to fbi in india by an indian will not be an act of treason, and in many other countries also, at the most it could be an insult to local agencies. but you will not understand it.

In such case , you most certainly do not understand the concept of treason at all , but yet are keen to debate on it . Not interested in wasting my time further with a person who would classify the provision of information to a foreign agency without the explicit sanction of the state as a ' mere ' insult to country's agencies . You do not know the laws regarding it .

P.S I haven't answered the old childish rants in your posts . Keep them to yourself . The world knows a few other things too and I wish not to derail this thread with them .
"indian logic"

Circumvent laws simply to please others :laugh:

There is more to it , something known as ' hypocrisy ' and ' double standards ' .

On a more serious note , what court is he tried in , next , if any ?
well lets see how much naval frigates and F-16s are now tranferred to Pakistan now……:pop:

Judiciary really needs a lot of time to mature and be independent of internal & external pressure……
I agree with Asim's point that either the Constitution be scrapped (hope not) or he should be tried in a federal court - such as the ATC or a military court - neither of which would be very forgiving either. Governments call not mine nor yours.

Any other country would've handed an as harsh or even harsher punishment. Try hard to be neutral here. Keep in mind that the US has imprisoned Mossad assets for 'undesirable activities' - case in point: Jonathan Pollard, life imrisonment, ineligable for parole

The difference between the 2 is the end of those activities. Pollard was spying against USA. Afridi was spying against Al Queda..
You and I may suspect that, but that is not legally acceptable proof. And if CIA modus operandi is anything to go by, the poor bugger never would have known what he was doing. His response to the warning tells it all: that he did not flee even though he had the opportunity. Why? Because he thought that he was conducting an immunization campaign for an NGO and thus he had no need to flee.

On the other hand, CIA could very well have planned the final cherry on top of the operation: Leave the "hero" who helped USA get OBL so that Pakistan further blackens its image internationally. And we fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

Let me put it bluntly: Dr. Afridi will soon be released after a few chess moves, and will be allowed to move abroad. Dr. Siddiqui will never be released, and will die in US custody.

so who are you complaining to or about, grow some balls, make this country something so you dont have to listen to others untill then you shutup and do what others say, right thats the rule of the world.
Because he thought that he was conducting an immunization campaign for an NGO and thus he had no need to flee.

Why would a legitimate NGO ask you to flee anything? Given his history of trying to seek asylum in the US, he knew all along whom he was working for.

On the other hand, CIA could very well have planned the final cherry on top of the operation: Leave the "hero" who helped USA get OBL so that Pakistan further blackens its image internationally. And we fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

If Pakistan had the media clout, this whole operation could be portrayed to blacken the CIA's and America's image internationally for the tactics used. They have sullied the good work of thousands of legitimate NGO workers.

What country will now trust American NGOs?

This is akin to criminals using the mosque as a hiding place.

The fact that Pakistan does not have the media clout to do so is, once again, a case of "might is right", not a moral barometer.
Let me put it bluntly: Dr. Afridi will soon be released after a few chess moves, and will be allowed to move abroad. Dr. Siddiqui will never be released, and will die in US custody.
As long as Pakistani leaders keep looking up for some doles from international community and as long as selfish traitors remain within our ranks, Pakistan will always be bullied. Cases like Raymond Davis and Dr Afridi will take place and public will not be able to damn about it.
Pakistan should follow the example of US.

Charge him for endangering national security and fry him using secret evidence.

Get it over with.

Expecting too much from the "shair" of Raiwind???
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