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Pakistan overturns sentence of doctor who helped find bin Laden

Maybe this is the prisoner of transfer agreement to get back Dr. Aafia Siddiqui....I don't think we know the whole story yet. There must be a benefit to this otherwise ISI can easily put this gaddar to sleep.
...within all confines of the law of the land and God's own laws, the man is guilty, the extent may vary.
That's for a proper court to decide. The men who wrote the Abbottabad report believe - to put it mildly! - that there are due grounds for doubt. Read it for yourself and see...
This government is seemingly going to play a Raymond davis 2.0 on the nation. This person should be hanged.

Hanging him would be easy way out for him. Let him suffer more than he already probably has

He deserves to be freed. The man is a Hero.

This will improve Pakistan's international image :tup:

"indian logic"

Circumvent laws simply to please others :laugh:
Maybe this is the prisoner of transfer agreement to get back Dr. Aafia Siddiqui....I don't think we know the whole story yet. There must be a benefit to this otherwise ISI can easily put this gaddar to sleep.

Your theory looks like a face-saving conspiracy which you want to peddle , but to what end?
he should be declared national hero. he should be heavily rewarded. After all he helped in getting rid of the mofo laden. only the pk army supporters seem to be whining on this thread. hypocrisy at its best.
Bruised ego is why india hung Afzal Guru

You of all people should keep your beaks elfy-glued shut! :laugh:

Let's stick to the topic at hand, shall we? If I start discussing Afzal Guru here it won't be long before I get an infraction. In any case Afzal Guru got a trial from the Supreme court of India and had lawyers to represent him. You may disagree with the verdict or give me conspiracy theory links but that won't change the fact that he was convicted by the highest court in India not some Kangaroo tribal court. Dr. Afridi wasn't even given a chance to defend himself, neither he or his lawyer were allowed to speak his side of the story. There is no scope of any comparison here.
Pakistan should follow the example of US.

Charge him for endangering national security and fry him using secret evidence.

Get it over with.

The best and least damaging solution to this problem will be to trade docter Shakil Afridi for Afia Siddiqui. This is by far the best solution to the impass. Our country has always bowed down to pressure. We are and never have been assertive to guard our interests.

Nawaz Sharif finds that the best option to save face with the Americans is to free doctor shakeel afridi. I say let him go. When we can protect our own citizens we can talk about "National honor" all we want. Right now all throughout Pakistan RAW is infiltrating intelligence agencies and the agencies are running after innocent people. Proof? Not one Taliban commander has been captured or hunted down by us Pakistanis.

We need to take severe action against the terrorists, salvage our reputation then talk of honor all we want.
Hand him over so that he is paraded in front of the media for years to come to malign and make a case against Pakistan. That would be the most short sighted and idiotic move.

Plus it's not an impasse, we have become tuned to take pressure where non is supposed to be taken, he is a Pakistani citizen, it's our internal matter, end of discussion.
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