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Pakistan overturns sentence of doctor who helped find bin Laden

thts the super example. how traitors been supported by, CIA backed CJ & his judges?
sadnees comes to mind, when KPK been chosen for all the dirty work?
just to discredit KP govt!
patriots been made criminals, traitors enjoy freedom & power?
time to be ready my dear 111s!

traitors ????:undecided: , so giving information of a dreaded terrorists is an act of treason in pakistan now days ? with people like you in its territory, Pakistan dont need any enemy, no wonder pakistan is in very deep $h i t these days.
Pakistan bowing to US pressure again ? :D

after 16 months?
this is to bring Aafia siddique back to Pakistan, people will forget afridi guy was released but they will remember this govt brought Aafia back

Cheap justice and NS is to be blame ...they are repaying americans for helping them in election

I read somewhere it said "agar pata na hoto boley mati"
in English, "if you dont know shyt then know to shutup"

pml-n lions at pdf must be feeling proud today, their master (who's US puppet) is doing his job pretty good. :angry:

no we are ashamed of it, really!

just a thought came to my mind, did Imran meet John K, I heard he will not goto US embassy to meet Karry..so he didnt meet him?
Pakistan should follow the example of US.

Charge him for endangering national security and fry him using secret evidence.

Get it over with.

Is there any other case against him rather them helping US to kill Bin Laden?? Why are you guys so upset about it?
thts the super example. how traitors been supported by, CIA backed CJ & his judges?
sadnees comes to mind, when KPK been chosen for all the dirty work?
just to discredit KP govt!
patriots been made criminals, traitors enjoy freedom & power?
time to be ready my dear 111s!

hey in that Avatar of yours, is that you in the front of 111s?
& because of his greedy action, world no 1 terrorists vanished away from there?
it would be best if has told pakarmy, so today we could hve proudly sentence that pice of s.ht!

Basically he became an enemy of state of Pakistan by working for foreign masters, he should be treated as a traitor, biggest problem in Pakistan is the stupid judiciary letting loose of known hardened criminals and Terrorists.
after 16 months?
this is to bring Aafia siddique back to Pakistan, people will forget afridi guy was released but they will remember this govt brought Aafia back......................

USA will not be transferring Dr. Siddiqui to Pakistan any time soon:

US denies reports of Aafia-Afridi prisoner swap agreement - DAWN.COM

US denies reports of Aafia-Afridi prisoner swap agreement

ISLAMABAD: The US embassy in Islamabad on Wednesday denied reports of a prisoner swap deal with Pakistan involving Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

Earlier this month, Pakistani media reported that the US had offered Pakistan to sign a prisoner exchange agreement, calling for a release of Pakistani prisoner Dr Shakil Afridi in exchange for the release of Dr Aafia Siddiqui.

“No, the United States government is not in discussions with the Government of Pakistan on a prisoner exchange or transfer involving Dr. Aafia Siddiqi,” said Meghan Gregonis, a spokesman for the US embassy.

On September 23, 2010 Dr Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani imprisoned in the US, was sentenced by a US court to 86 years for having attempted to kill American soldiers. She is currently being held in a maximum-security prison in Texas.

The Government of Pakistan requested her transfer to Pakistan in 2010, said the embassy spokesman.

“However, we are not aware of a recent request from Pakistan to discuss her case, nor the case of Dr. Shakil Afridi,” she added. “The United States and Pakistan do not have and are not negotiating a bilateral prisoner exchange agreement.”

Afridi, a Pakistani doctor, aided the CIA in tracking down former Al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden in Pakistan by running a fake vaccination campaign in Abbottabad.

He was sentenced for committing treason and is currently being held at a prison in Peshawar.
Realistically, Pakistan is not USA. Not by a long shot.

It's not about being US.
Especially since 9/11, any country can use the magic words "national security" to fry anyone they don't like.

We will set him free soon enough.

Of course, Raymond David waltzed out.
That's because of the traitors running Pakistan.

Is there any other case against him rather them helping US to kill Bin Laden?? Why are you guys so upset about it?

Nothing to do with OBL. He helped a foreign military conduct a clandestine operation within Pakistan. Any country, including India, would fry anyone who did that.
REALLY ? what is taste of USA boot man every body lick it so hard in pakistan ? from ayoub to nawaz every head of state ISI chiefs army chiefs licking it . there is something secret in it man .:eek:
Nothing to do with OBL. He helped a foreign military conduct a clandestine operation within Pakistan. Any country, including India, would fry anyone who did that.

I can understand how it feels.. They have no right to carry out attack in a sovereign country.. But we are talking about Bin Laden here.. You should have let it go.. By arresting that doctor, you are sending a wrong message about your country.. Honestly, they wont even care about your rights because the trophy they got is too big..
It's not about being US.
Especially since 9/11, any country can use the magic words "national security" to fry anyone they don't like.

Of course, Raymond David waltzed out.
That's because of the traitors running Pakistan.

Nothing to do with OBL. He helped a foreign military conduct a clandestine operation within Pakistan. Any country, including India, would fry anyone who did that.

It is not easy for someone as beholden to IMF as we are to fry anyone, national economics being the overriding factor here.

Besides, all Dr. Afridi did was to collect extra cheek swabs. It was never proven that he was aware of the purpose of these collections. nor was it shown that he was aware of who he was working for, therefore a charge of treason simply cannot be made to stick. The military operation to kill OBL was a totally different story.
Is there any other case against him rather them helping US to kill Bin Laden?? Why are you guys so upset about it?

It's a case of bruised ego mainly. It's highly questionable that Afridi knew what he was doing or who he was working for. In a real court of law the chances are high that he will be set free or will only be convicted for the charge of a false polio drive and not espionage.
It's a case of bruised ego mainly. It's highly questionable that Afridi knew what he was doing.

its not abut know its abut sale yourself and we have to admit it that we can sale anything . don't like to mention what US guy said but we can be sale anything even our ..........................
just a thought came to my mind, did Imran meet John K, I heard he will not goto US embassy to meet Karry..so he didnt meet him?

IK did what he said, didn't meet John Kerry in US Embassy. :azn:

Now just a thought came to my mind too, Nawaz Sharif is going to give farewell lunch and guard of honor to Zardari on 5th Sept. So according to promises, IS Shahbaz Sharif going to drag Zardari on Streets of Lahore after that? :pop:
One of very rare instances when Pakistani courts make a good decision. Anyone who helped nab OBL deserves a medal, not a lifetime in a jail unlikely to be broken into by Taliban.

The witch-hunt against him was symbolic of the public opinion, a majority of them unhappy at OBL's death.
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