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Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.

Well if the SM-2 is really that potent, Pakistan is definitely not getting it.
Not surprised to know such a low quality post from a member who has been defeated in many countless arguments and ran away with all the nonsense you could pour.

1) Prove it that Pakistan is not getting SM-2? Elaborate!
PN has previously operated SM-1 and as the FFGs are inducted so will the armaments to go with it and SM-2 is a prime candidate since MK-13 magazine is specifically made for Standard Missiles such as SM-1 and SM-2 (including newer versions).

2) Obviously you lack comprehension. Remember the context here is NAVAL.

3) You simply lack any knowledge other then the big mouth that you run here.
The Standard Missile 2 have the capability to engage all sort of cruise missiles and AShM including sub and super sonic.
You have also failed to acknowledge the fact that SM-1 in 70s were deployed to shoot down USSR mach 2.5 AShM P-270 Moskit.

4) Indeed you are not just a troller but of a highest order! lol
When you make a claim to satisfy your loser indian ego then provide sources other wise you are nothing but a troller and a fanboy.

LOL ya come down to personal attacks and then call me a troll, how nice. I have no time to argue with foolish kids.
Indians are obviously deluded and senseless.

Some information about ESSM which is less capable then SM-2.
source Raytheon website.

Brahmos aka PJ-800 variant invincible my :bunny:.

Growler still you didnt answer the question?is Pakistan Navy going to get it?
First off, to claim BrahMos as invincible is truly exaggeration beyond measure. Technology evolves in time there are no known systems that are completely invincible. An example is the first combat hit on F-117 in Yugoslavia.

There are known counter measures and systems that can be deployed against BrahMos.

1. So in other words you are saying that "Raytheon" have tested their system against Brahmos?????????

2. And still u call them more professional???

3. Why are u posting off topic are we discussing ESSM???

4. Stick to the Pakistani capabilities V/s Brahmos.

@ troll fanboy

1) The US has tested supersonic drone that simulates Russian supersonic missiles.
2) Raytheon is 100000000000000x more reliable as a source then any fanboy site based in India.
3) That is to show that even a less capable missile compared to SM-2 has the capability to engage super sonic missiles.
4) thats coming from you sounds strange.
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Indians are obviously deluded and senseless.

Don't you think you can be more useful without such stupid lines in your post??? I am following the thread and have not contributed anything to this thread apart from cooling people...So would you mind explaining to me how am i deluded and senseless???

You have accused many people of trolling but i am afraid you have joined the party right from Page 1 of this thread...

P.S : Your posts are informative however such idiotic remarks give a bad taste and provoke to reply back accordingly....Please refrain from them and challenge people who challenged your assertion on merit and not on bad mouth....
Growler still you didnt answer the question?is Pakistan Navy going to get it?

FFG requires AShM SAM torpedo like any other frigates.
Its already clear that AShM will be Harpoon while the MK-13 launching magazine is specifically made for Standard Missiles. The only option is to go at Standard Missile 2. And yes PN will get it.

if u don't mind can i know your age?????????

why are u posting BS, the SM-2 news you are posting is talking about ballistic missiles and Brahmos is supersonic CRUISE MISSILE.

Do u even know the difference between a cruise and ballistic missile?????

What ever my age is, I am more mature then you and you certainly lack knowledge and comprehension of anything.

Ballistic missile was intercepted at its terminal or final phase of flight which is more faster then Barahmos which certinally shatters indian myth that Bahramos cant be intercepted.

Guys please stop personal attacks...You might be surprised but there are some people who are genuinely interested in reading about the capabilities of this frigade and how much punch it will add to PN...

I am sorry but from now on i will personally start reporting all posts that even have an iota of personal insult in it... :(
Read Indians READ!

Tested Value
SM-2 has an extensive area- and self-defense flight test history; more than 2,500 flight tests from both domestic and international platforms of various weapon system configurations have been successfully executed. These engagements have been against all target types from subsonic to supersonic, from small to large radar cross sections, in clear and EA jamming environments, and from short to long range. Target types engaged have included a wide range of threats, such as
helicopters, aircraft and missiles (from sea-skimming to high-altitude), that presented cruise, standoff and diving profiles.


1. So in other words you are saying that "Raytheon" have tested their system against Brahmos?????????

2. And still u call them more professional???

3. Why are u posting off topic are we discussing ESSM???

4. Stick to the Pakistani capabilities V/s Brahmos.

ESSM customers include United States,Australia,Canada, Germany, Greece, Japan, Denmark, The Netherlands,and Norway. Countries in the process of integrating ESSM are New Zealand, Spain, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates. The claim of success is based on extensive testing against MQM-8 Vandal, Boeing/Zvezda-Strela MA-31 and GQM-163A Coyote employed as non-recoverable target vehicle.

The Boeing/Zvezda-Strela is especially interesting since it is based on the the Russian AS-17 Krypton a member of the Yakhont/Brahmos family purchased from the Russians in the mid 90's.

I've said this before a supersonic anti-ship cruise missile is not a new concept, self respecting navies all over the world have had effective counter measures for at least a decade.

It was tested against Brahmos's daddy after Boeing improved the guidance system. Next you'll tell me Brahmos Aerospace has more experience in guidance and seeker technology than Boeing?

Raytheon is a reputed arms manufacturer they have a long list of accomplishments that including Tomahawk and APG-77 to name a few. Brahmos Aerospace will take several decades to build that sort of reputation and customer base.

I don't see how talking about ESSM in a SM-2 discussion is off topic?

You seem upset :agree:
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