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Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.

In Aug 2010 first of the eight FFG will be handed over to PN and will go through intensive refurbishments with increased capabilities such as retaining of MK13 launcher that will give the frigate the capability to use missiles again.
The foreigner operators of FFGs such as Australia and Turkey under a nearly billion dollars program are getting their frigates upgraded that will give them parity with most of the modern frigates today.

I do not want to go into detail about FFG program but the armament that will be acquired for it such as SM-2.

In short words SM-2 will give PN the capability to engage air threats such as sub-super sonic AShM CM, aircraft, helicopters and a secondary capability to engage surface targets such as corvettes and Frigates.
4 or 5 of these hurled towards a enemy's frigate at speed mach 3.5 fallowed by a Harpoon will have a devastating effect!

A surface target destroyed by a SM-2
YouTube - SM2 VLS launch



Lockheed Martin briefs Indian Navy on Aegis missile defence system
happy to see a system offered for indian frigate due to which sm-2 was not used so much.............:tup:
The RIM-66C/D Standard MR (SM-2MR Block I), was developed in the 1970s by usa navy

another old junk from usa.....
guys kabhi to kuch naya khareedo

dear why buy new one when refurbished one can do the job... but we are buying new ones as well from china F22p and may be soem heavy class frigates in future... so no need to waste money...
live in your dream its good for u

first of all pakistan only got fringet not so called sm2
"The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Feb. 18 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan for refurbishment of one OLIVER HAZARD PERRY Class Frigate and associated equipment, parts and logistical support for a complete package worth approximately $78 million"

There is nothing that suggests that SM-2 will be removed, they only one who is having such wishful thinking is you and your compatriots :chilli: seconndly after such elaborate discussion about the effectiveness of SM-2 in previous posts the one who still calls it "so-called" only reflects the amount of frustration erupting in ones heart
"The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress Feb. 18 of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan for refurbishment of one OLIVER HAZARD PERRY Class Frigate and associated equipment, parts and logistical support for a complete package worth approximately $78 million"

There is nothing that suggests that SM-2 will be removed, they only one who is having such wishful thinking is you and your compatriots :chilli: seconndly after such elaborate discussion about the effectiveness of SM-2 in previous posts the one who still calls it "so-called" only reflects the amount of frustration erupting in ones heart

The SM-2 isn't on the frigates in the first place.

Australia got these frigates too, but they had to pay USD1b+ to refurbish it to fit SM-2s.
Mods should keep an eye on the new Indian members because most of the new members including some old one doesn't seem to have something positive and constructive to say. They only troll and get banned after few days. So it's better to ban them just when they start posting troll.

Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.
Regarding the title:
How many are being inducted?
What is the unit cost?
When its being fitted to the Frigate?
RAN HMAS Melbourne (FFG) firing SM-2.
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Mods should keep an eye on the new Indian members because most of the new members including some old one doesn't seem to have something positive and constructive to say. They only troll and get banned after few days. So it's better to ban them just when they start posting troll.


i have serius concern on level of doiscuss by many new members:frown:
Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.
Regarding the title:
How many are being inducted?
What is the unit cost?
When its being fitted to the Frigate?

use google toolbar sir i see before 30mints you say you know every thing abut ffg and now again same tune:disagree:\

Originally Posted by BENNY
I have done the research and the whole history of USS McInerney is right in front of me.Ask me any questions , i will answer you.
Has there been any confirmation on the SM-2?

There is no sign of any SM-2 on any frigate of that class. This is just a fanboy thread wishing for a christmas present.

-There never was a SM-2 on any frigate of that class.
-Only SM-1 is operational on these frigate but since it got retired a few years back, it is not available for purchase.
-Whenever a ship is sold or given to some other country, it is ripped apart and all classified weapon systems and combat related systems are removed.

An example is Admiral Gorshkov, Trishul class submarines etc.

Pakistan getting SM-2 is like saying India would get the P500 missiles and the long range torpedoes with Nerpa class submarine and Admiral Gorshkov.
I have done the research and the whole history of USS McInerney is right in front of me.Ask me any questions , i will answer you.:cheers:

what is this are not you research whole history before 1 hour ? or you like to drail the thread???????????/:disagree:
It's a kickass system to have though. Will allow our Ships the freedom to fend off air attacks.

use google toolbar sir i see before 30mints you say you know every thing abut ffg and now again same tune:disagree:

i have used but could nt find any link whatsoever as the thread title suggests. And didnt find any argument going on regarding this other than the frigate aquisition from US.

I hope at least you sir can explain to me why the thread title actually means.

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