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Pakistan Navy's answer SM-2 for Brahmos.

Pakistan Navy already has FM-90N advance variant of HQ-7. Standard HQ-7 has a speed of mach 2.3 where as the latest FM-90N is said to have longer range and speed to engage aerial targets.

Can It bring down a supersonic missile aswell??? I doubt that.... Basically Brahmos is A fire and forget missile, with 100% chance of hitting the target... You can even read it in there website
Yes, FM-90N is meant to engage all aerial targets that includes sub/super sonic missiles and aircrafts.

I doubt, but its not written like that by the makers of these weapons... Brahmos is a deadly anti-ship missile or a cruise missile.... I just told whats written in there website
Defense against a cruise missile is one thing, But Pakistan also happens to have a cruise missile i.e Babur, Babur has more range than Brahmos, not to mention Raad and modified harpoons to attack india( source is Indian media :rofl:)
Sir, There is absolutely no answer to the Brahmos, Even The USA are Still on the verge of developing A machine of such caliber, And Brahmos what so ever cannot be intercepted and Its Maneuverability and Accuracy is such that it has No Answer..... If You think I am Un wise here, You very well can Take your point as final... No harm

You are right there is "absolutely no answer" to fan boy claims of Brahmos efficacy. So far on this forum I've heard claims such as Brahmos is invisible, it can turn on a dime, it has 'Artificial intelligence' and it is impervious to ECCM and now there is "absolutely no answer" and even the US is incapable of making a Brahmos.

Are you able to provide any proof for your claims?
I doubt, but its not written like that by the makers of these weapons... Brahmos is a deadly anti-ship missile or a cruise missile.... I just told whats written in there website

BrahMos is not meant to be a stealth missile it is prone to detection by radar. Babur serves this purpose with high degree of manoeuvrability, allowing it to "hug" terrain and "near-stealth" capabilities.
You are right there is "absolutely no answer" to fan boy claims of Brahmos efficacy. So far on this forum I've heard claims such as Brahmos is invisible, it can turn on a dime, it has 'Artificial intelligence' and it is impervious to ECCM and now there is "absolutely no answer" and even the US is incapable of making a Brahmos.

Are you able to provide any proof for your claims?

First of All , I am an Ex army personnel, Secondly I was not in any Strategic Missile Division or Wing, But I keep myself updated, what more source does one need to look at than the One created by the Missile developers itself

BRAHMOS Supersonic Cruise Missile - BrahMos.com

Read the second paragraph of this link
3) The SM2 is not configured to intercept supersonic missiles, its more of a deterrent to sub sonic targets.


Wrong bottom right image shows interception of a supersonic cruise missile.
BrahMos is not meant to be a stealth missile it is prone to detection by radar. Babur serves this purpose with high degree of manoeuvrability, allowing it to "hug" terrain and "near-stealth" capabilities.

Brahmos is not stealth missile??? where did you get that info from?? ofcourse it is stealth...
Brahmos is not stealth missile??? where did you get that info from?? ofcourse it is stealth...

The sheer speed of the missile will not allow it "hug" terrain/sea skimming or display near stealth abilities. The primary purpose of the missile is speed. No where does it say on your link that the missile is sea/terrain friendly or displays any stealth abilities.
First of All , I am an Ex army personnel, Secondly I was not in any Strategic Missile Division or Wing, But I keep myself updated, what more source does one need to look at than the One created by the Missile developers itself

BRAHMOS Supersonic Cruise Missile - BrahMos.com

Read the second paragraph of this link

:lol: Where does it say it "absolutely no answer"? Brahmos may be effective against unsophisticated adversaries but against a well trained,equipped and alert navy it will have limited success.

There are several counter measures against the Brahmos, I suggest you read the following to learn more.


1) Pakistan is not getting the SM2

2) Even if it somehow manages to get it, its only a naval platform where on the other hand the Brahmos can be fired from land, sea and air so i dont know how its a deterrent to it.

3) The SM2 is not configured to intercept supersonic missiles, its more of a deterrent to sub sonic targets.

4) A couple of Frigates equipped with the SM2 is no where a deterrent to the Indian navy and not at all to the Brahmos.

and one more thing, the top speed of march 3 is rarely achieved for such missile configurations mainly because of the variable involved, the SM2 is infact not even among the 10 best system in the world, so how it is a deterrent i dont know. Ya now go on and call me a troller also growler lol

Not surprised to know such a low quality post from a member who has been defeated in many countless arguments and ran away with all the nonsense you could pour.

1) Prove it that Pakistan is not getting SM-2? Elaborate!
PN has previously operated SM-1 and as the FFGs are inducted so will the armaments to go with it and SM-2 is a prime candidate since MK-13 magazine is specifically made for Standard Missiles such as SM-1 and SM-2 (including newer versions).

2) Obviously you lack comprehension. Remember the context here is NAVAL.

3) You simply lack any knowledge other then the big mouth that you run here.
The Standard Missile 2 have the capability to engage all sort of cruise missiles and AShM including sub and super sonic.
You have also failed to acknowledge the fact that SM-1 in 70s were deployed to shoot down USSR mach 2.5 AShM P-270 Moskit.

4) Indeed you are not just a troller but of a highest order! lol
When you make a claim to satisfy your loser indian ego then provide sources other wise you are nothing but a troller and a fanboy.
The sheer speed of the missile will not allow it "hug" terrain or display near stealth abilities. The primary purpose of the missile is speed. No where does it say on your link that the missile is terrain friendly or displays any stealth abilities.

And what makes you think so??? Any specific reasons That Speed can not co exist with Stealth? By the way read my link again, The very first para says its stealthy, the next para says, No weapon system in this world can bring this down....Now If You think you are smarter than those who created this missile, I am helpless but to agree with you

BRAHMOS Supersonic Cruise Missile - BrahMos.com
:lol: Where does it say it "absolutely no answer"? Brahmos may be effective against unsophisticated adversaries but against a well trained,equipped and alert navy it will have limited success.

There are several counter measures against the Brahmos, I suggest you read the following to learn more.



Can you give me the link of any "WORKING+DEPLOYED" system of the world that can destroy a supersonic cruise missile????

Also, does Pakistan has it???

If No, then plz shut up no need to post off topic.
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