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A Pakistan Navy Khalid-class AIP attack submarine underway in the Arabian Sea..

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These ships like one more pn got will be used to support existing fleet ?
Why just we go for new mine sweepers rather than these few decades old

Pakistan Navy modernisation Plan execution continues..


theyre probably in better condition than our own tbh, the europeans dont really use their equiptment like we do

atmaca in its current form is a worse missile than harbah, harbah has far better ecm resistence, far better accuracy, longer range and also bigger warhead

Harbah [The Sea Babur] for now serves the purpose with range and ECCM Capabilities. With our adversary increasing ranges and working on shoring the defences , we need to move on quickly.

Harbah ECM resistance capability in the long run may be debated in all domains *, with a terminal-stage active-homing seeker ARH with Doppler Processing ?? & IIR Seeker to my knowledge [ ? I may be wrong]

* Frequency Agility
x Jittered PRF
x Linear FM Pulse Compression
x Leading Edge Track
x Home-On-Jam


Atmaca is in evolutionary process with several variants in pipeline. Its replacing all Harpoon's in Turkish surface fleet. Its ranges will increase with advances Turkiye makes in propulsion technologies and aerodynamic designs in various applications. They are well on to Ramjets in near future. Hence ATMACA would be an investment in future.

After delivering a standard Atmaca anti-ship missile with a radio frequency [RF] seeker to the Turki Navy, Rocketsan continues to develop a domestic imaging infrared [IIR] seeker & other electronics to be integrated into the missile for ECM counter measure Improvement. Its integration with Turk National Vertical Launch System [VLS] called Mildas in Quadpack configuration makes it a future contender of immense potential.


In parallel with the development of the hybrid seeker, Roketsan is developing a version of the rocket to be launched from a vertical submarine launch system. Sources in Turkey say one of the main goals is also to launch an anti-ship missile from a torpedo tube.



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theyre probably in better condition than our own tbh, the europeans dont really use their equiptment like we do

atmaca in its current form is a worse missile than harbah, harbah has far better ecm resistence, far better accuracy, longer range and also bigger warhead
Can you expand on how you know or at least in what way ECM on harbah is better. Turkey in general seems to have superior electronics compared to Pakistan. So i find the authorativeness a bit puzzling. Do we really have any significant info about each missile's ECM capabilities in the public domain that we can maje such statements. That said, the rest of what you said here is definitely not debatable. I see no role for ATMACA in PAF except as a possible Harpoon replacement (Sea Kings) should it become necessary, or if PN somehow goes for more MRTP (which i dont see happening)
Why nave not modernize Pak marines they should be given priority as well
As with most situations... "The answer is money. What's your question?" One thing at a time. Updating marines won't mean anything if the ships they protect get sunk.
Can you expand on how you know or at least in what way ECM on harbah is better. Turkey in general seems to have superior electronics compared to Pakistan. So i find the authorativeness a bit puzzling. Do we really have any significant info about each missile's ECM capabilities in the public domain that we can maje such statements. That said, the rest of what you said here is definitely not debatable. I see no role for ATMACA in PAF except as a possible Harpoon replacement (Sea Kings) should it become necessary, or if PN somehow goes for more MRTP (which i dont see happening)

As with most situations... "The answer is money. What's your question?" One thing at a time. Updating marines won't mean anything if the ships they protect get sunk.

Very easy, ill tell you how:

Harbah- uses both active radar and PASSIVE imaging seekers.

Atmaca- in its current stage relies on ARH.

Passive imaging seekers can not be detected and are also basically invincible to jamming in this application. Harbah can operate in an environment where it must stay silent or is denied use of its seeker, Atmaca in its current stage cannot. :)
Can you expand on how you know or at least in what way ECM on harbah is better. Turkey in general seems to have superior electronics compared to Pakistan. So i find the authorativeness a bit puzzling. Do we really have any significant info about each missile's ECM capabilities in the public domain that we can maje such statements. That said, the rest of what you said here is definitely not debatable. I see no role for ATMACA in PAF except as a possible Harpoon replacement (Sea Kings) should it become necessary, or if PN somehow goes for more MRTP (which i dont see happening)

As with most situations... "The answer is money. What's your question?" One thing at a time. Updating marines won't mean anything if the ships they protect get sunk.
Agreed but atleast arm them with locally build light tanks few halos here and there but there is nothing done absolutely fact is navy has big budget now atleast buy 15 attack halos few transport halos few existing C 130 converted in spooky configuration fewIFV which pak is producing locally
The PN will rely on the Harbah and SMASH. I don't think they'd need the Atmaca.

However, the PN might be interested in the 'Cakir' ALCM. It'd fill that longstanding gap for a Penguin-type AShM that the PN could use from its helicopters and smaller boats (like MRTP-33).
In base model its true.

One may see the Long term window.

The situation could change dramatically with ATMACA developing into new variants, Electronics, Warheads, Seekers, Propulsion, capabilities, integration with other assets UAVs, Packing & multiple roles / applications in coming years.
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Very easy, ill tell you how:

Harbah- uses both active radar and PASSIVE imaging seekers.

Atmaca- in its current stage relies on ARH.

Passive imaging seekers can not be detected and are also basically invincible to jamming in this application. Harbah can operate in an environment where it must stay silent or is denied use of its seeker, Atmaca in its current stage cannot. :)
Hybrid Seeker development already in motion.
PN has been running twin seekers since before atmaca was tested.
Yes - I have repeatedly said for now we are ahead in range & Seeker.

However as a fundamental concept , Weapons development is an evolving goal post.

Lets see how much PN is able to catch up to latest developments in next 10 years , compared to Turkish industrial eco system.
The naval arm is notorious for hibernation while Turks would be developing their systems at rapid pace.

So lets discuss in coming years.
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Yes - I have repeatedly said for now we are ahead in range & Seeker.

However as a fundamental concept , Weapons development is an evolving goal post.

Lets see how much PN is able to catch up to latest developments in next 10 years , compared to Turkish industrial eco system.
The naval arm is notorious for hibernation while Turks would be developing their systems at rapid pace.

So lets discuss in coming years.
the Navy is the most innovative branch in our forces, if anything, i genuinely think that if the navy was in charge of lots of projects theyd have been better
based on previous experience and the speed of work expect them to be inducted in PN by id 2024

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