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Pakistan likely to extend MFN status to India

The issue here is trade. Alleging that trucks come through Wagah laden with explosives is lame and derailing the thread, which is the hobby of some users here.

If you happen to have the knowledge and the ability to express views on as to how our industry will be affected, and how trade between the countries would affect the economies of both countries, then post on this thread.

If your aim is to derail the thread with RAW this, RAW that posts, then your posts will be deleted. Constantly derailing numerous threads will results in bans.

All others are advised to ignore inflammatory posts.
Well from the trade prespective , the problem is our traders were not issued visas before and also there were other technical problems

Also flooding Indian goods in to Pakistan will kill our local markets

I am pro industriliazing Pakistan even the motor sector should be 99% pakistani

Not this assembly crap

How does trade benefits Pakistan ? What are we importing from India other then sugar or odd items ? Even that is done becasue due to smuggling and hording of goods by Pakistani business man who create fake shortages ....

If you can't get sugar fine , just use one tea spoon in tea or drink tea with no sugar its good for diabetes patients and also too much sugar is bad for health

We really do not need any trade with India unless the main core issues are resolved -

IPL should be an example of how Indian business man have always treated pakistani comodoties .... when the usage is done just get rid of it

Open trade is good as long as it will bring the cost of good DOWN ... if it kills eocnomy more its no use

Also with the water crisis - I don't understand why any nations should be given any status of MFN ? for what blocking waters for our farm lands

The problem our country is facing is that our traders are hording goods and they are shipping excess items overseas to Middle east ... for profits while racking up pricess in local markets , when there is shortages then then import items from OTHER countries and then also make profit from people of Pakistan ....

We produce EVERY THING we need in our own country ... except for oil and even the oil shortage is due to the electrict petrol generators - if we had used solar power for last 10 years we would not have petrol shortages instead surplus of 2-3 years worth of oil in our reserves

When I read things like trade or selling farm lands to middle easterners etc or telecom companies from outside of country I am like this is our own $$$ going overseas while we get penuts in return in aid money
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There will never be MFN status for india lol, to think such a way is ridiculous, why you ask??

Most importantly, KASHMIR. There will not be normal relations until indians stop beating around the bush, and allow a plebiscite in Kashmir to allow the issue, which has caused 3 wars, held the region back, and the cause of the Nuclear standoff for the past 20 years to continue dangerously.

india is NOT Pakistan's most favoured nation(the country wages war on us and funds terrorist activities in Pakistan) and trade with india will not be in Pakistan's interest and will actually be harmful to our indigenous industry and will destroy them.

Unlike China, which has carefully calibrated trade with Pakistan (in Pakistan's favour) especially when they have affected Pakistan specific industry. Infact, the Chinese have even allowed imports of Pakistani goods that are often competing with Chinese domestric produce. Recall the Good harvest agreement.

Principal is principal, they stop subjugating, occupying, torturing Kashmir and allow a plebiscite to be held as well as peaceful negotiations on Indian-occupied Kashmir. Then we talk about normal relations, you dont go in reverse order with someone is has committed an attrocity, they should do the right thing first, repent, then you can discuss ''normal''izing issues, until then.... I dont think so... they will remain cut-off from Pakistan.

We should have MFN with other more peaceful countries that are in Pakistan's interest. South Africa, Brazil, Mexico, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Egypt, Indonesia, Hungary, Ukraine etc...just to name a few. All have items Pakistan can benefit. There are many countries in the world, hundreds upon hundred that we can choose from and with whom trade will help our economy grow. The world is a global community and we have much to choose from :)
accept it or not both india and pakistan cannot ignore each other

whether we give mfn to status any other nation in the world but we will be most benefited by mutual trade then by doing trade with any other world market
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The only status we need to extend to India is MFE(most favored enemy) nothing more. Extending or not extending such gestures dont help one bit. Concrete measures need to be taken. Actions speak louder then words which by the way is absent from Indian Pakistans case.
Many of you (mostly Indians) will hate me for saying this,

I am against any kind of trade with Pakistan.

Having said that my company itself provides Automation solutions to Pakistan 3 topmost retailers and I have been to Pakistan twice for the same.

However keeping the bitter fact aside, I am against any kind of relationship with Pakistan.

No need for any samjhauta express neither any bus service.

Indian economy or its industries wont die if we don't trade with Pakistan.

The money that will be made out of this trade will be used agaisnt us to bleed us.

We spend 1000 rupees for development in Kashmir which is destroyed at a mere cost of Rs.1 from Pakistan.

I am rather fan of the below.

8 ways India can hurt Pakistani economy : Rediff.com Business

Many of you (mostly Indians) will hate me for saying this,

I am against any kind of trade with Pakistan.

Having said that my company itself provides Automation solutions to Pakistan 3 topmost retailers and I have been to Pakistan twice for the same.

However keeping the bitter fact aside, I am against any kind of relationship with Pakistan.

No need for any samjhauta express neither any bus service.

Indian economy or its industries wont die if we don't trade with Pakistan.

The money that will be made out of this trade will be used agaisnt us to bleed us.

We spend 1000 rupees for development in Kashmir which is destroyed at a mere cost of Rs.1 from Pakistan.

I am rather fan of the below.

8 ways India can hurt Pakistani economy : Rediff.com Business


The feeling is mutual by the way. Also which 3 top resellers are you dealing with in Pakistan, can you tell their names, might inform them of what or rather whom they are dealing with:devil:
The feeling is mutual by the way. Also which 3 top resellers are you dealing with in Pakistan, can you tell their names, might inform them of what or rather whom they are dealing with:devil:



a. I am professional.
b. I keep my personal and professional lives different.
c. I keep religion and country aside while working.
whom they are dealing with

This is mutual as well.

Last time the very first conversation was on India stopping Pakistani water.

The IT head started this subject and I asked him to stick to the project very politely.

Protectionism is the lamest of all economic policies.

And that too when you do not have a local industry capable of meeting all of the needs of a growing population. All of the Pakistani leadership knows that MFN status to India makes sense, however Kashmir politics stand in the way. I do see the GoP's point and am not against the point, however economically speaking, there is no argument that can be made suggesting that opening up the economy to India would be a bad thing.
Trade is good if it is of value and is bound by the regulation of a country.

In Pakistan we are short of meat specialty lamb, chicken and beef as it is smuggled unchecked to Afghanistan, so can India supply Halal products and can those be verified as Halal.

Can the dals be authenticated to be free of contaminants, than we can talk.
Trade is good if it is of value and is bound by the regulation of a country.

In Pakistan we are short of meat specialty lamb, chicken and beef as it is smuggled unchecked to Afghanistan, so can India supply Halal products and can those be verified as Halal.

Can the dals be authenticated to be free of contaminants, than we can talk.

If I am not mistaken, Indian lifestock, specially beef comes to Pakistan (alive). So the issue of halal does not arise. In Pakistan, there is no concept of pre-packaged meat. We like ours tazaa and on the spot! :P
So u mean to tell me that Indians knowingly export live stock. knowing that it will be killed and used for food.
By removing trade barriers and opening of trade with India, Pakistan is not doing any favor to India but to itself. The same applies to India as well. Trade and welfare are tightly integrated. Moreover, Trade increases competitiveness of the markets which in turn percolates to the consumer in the form of quality products and better prices, not to forget a stable economy, more jobs, better productivity and quality life
Sometime i wonder that how come educated people talks like this.....but then Education cannot teach everything....Right???

Not to cherry pick you GB but let me share my thoughts on your post.....

Many of you (mostly Indians) will hate me for saying this,
You are just putting your point so why should anyone hate you???

I am against any kind of trade with Pakistan.

Having said that my company itself provides Automation solutions to Pakistan 3 topmost retailers and I have been to Pakistan twice for the same.
You should learn from your company....You might be surprised but people living close to borders don't share the same animosity that internet warriors like us are plagued with....As you said you yourself have visited Pakistan twice you would have noticed how strikingly similar customs/food/clothing they have...In short give people to people contact will increase the warmth many folds....

Its funny backhome we thing each other as enemy and here(western world) we greet each other....I was back in Chandigarh when Pak cricket team visited India.....You would be surprised but Locals offered their home for Pakistani guests.....Trust me if we explore people do not hate each other...They hate respective govt. and that's about it....

However keeping the bitter fact aside, I am against any kind of relationship with Pakistan.

No need for any samjhauta express neither any bus service.
Yes because you are not impacted by it...Ask those who have families across the border how important it is for them....Recently there was a case shown on "The BIG Fight"(NDTV) where a mother's Visa was not extended by Indian officials after her husband died and her three kids(2 sons and a daughter) were forced to live without their mother....This is just one case of thousands....

So little bit of compassion will not hurt any....right???

Indian economy or its industries wont die if we don't trade with Pakistan.
No it won't but will loose an opportunity to grow and further help our masses....Let me quote you an example....India-China trade is $60 Billion....Obviously this is not the figure we started with..right??? Had GOI shared the same opinion like you we would not have reached where we are viz-a-viz China....

Buddy India and Pak if resolve their differences can do wonders to each other....Just imagine

For India - whole of central asia to explore
For Pakistan - a billion people strong market....

The money that will be made out of this trade will be used agaisnt us to bleed us.

We spend 1000 rupees for development in Kashmir which is destroyed at a mere cost of Rs.1 from Pakistan.

I am rather fan of the below.

8 ways India can hurt Pakistani economy : Rediff.com Business


It can go the other way around....Today if Indo-China tention rise off goes the $60 billion worth of trade which will hurt both....So think about it....

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