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Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

For the people who really think pushtun = afghan look up afghan border incursion of 1961-1962 and see who the people of khyber fought alongside than you will have your answer.
You should know that pashtuns are by nature "wafadaar"(loyal), "mukhlis" (sincere) and dutiful. When we take oath as pakistanis, dont expect namak-****** from us....Punjab may aik shakhs pathan ko chokidar kyun rakta he? Because he knows that this pathan would protect his house, not back-stabbing him.
Dont expect a common pashtun to wave green flag on bike, paint his face green or worship jinnah like a prophet...but never doubt his loyalty and sincerity..
If bacha khan was really traitor he did'nt need to address national assemly in 1954 and call himself pakistan. If he was a supporter of lame pakhtunistan then he could have supported faqir of ipi. After creation of pakistan he spend most of his time in jail, but did he asked pashtun people to raise against pakistan?.
we pashtuns adjust and adopt ourselves to new countries and locations. If we were in united india, we would have adopted ourselves to india.
But tell me does it change the fact that lar and bar pashtuns are one and same people?
Talibanization, Jihadism all came from the Afghan people (who formed the Taliban & the Mujahideen, & other groups like the Hizb-e-Islami etc), supported by the US & the international community against the Soviets, who had a proxy regime in Afghanistan that served their interests. It is futile to blame Pakistan for the mess created by the Afghan people themselves. And the Taliban has never been under the control of the ISI; they are their own people, own entity. Your post is full of baseless speculations that you have no evidence to back them with. Just because your Pashtun 'brother' Sher Malang says does not make it true.

hizb-e-islami is linked with jumat e islami, and mujahedens were raised and supported by pakistan against communist regime for US dollars. Waziristan and rest of FATA was training ground mujahedins by ISI, and now it is hub of terrorist.
Talibans were students of pakistani madrassas and they were supported and propagated by pakistan.
Another group of jihadis, lashkar e taiba, jaish e mohammad etc were pakistan's creation. Due to introduction of jihadism by u in kashmir, indian forces are killing and raping kashmiri muslims...it did'nt happen before 1987.
Admit it, we have destroyed afghan society by our interferance.
Luffy called **** dalkhor in pashtoon forums by afghans and here afghan refugee scum by Pakistanis :lol:
That is a very narrow minded and factually incorrect approach to the matter. It is a fact that Indian Punjabis speak much purer Pubjabi than do we, they practice Gatka, Bassant and Besakhi. Traditions that we have forsaken, however there is little I can blame the Federation for, it is obvious that when you are segregated from one group, no matter how similar, with time differences will develop. The two Koreas are a prime example, their language has evolved along two different lines and now North Korean Defectors undergo language courses to learn the 'New' Korean. Your customs are yours to preserve, if you choose not to, then even if the entire world is made Pukhtun, you will lose them and if you wish to preserve them, then you can do so even if you are the last Pukhtun on earth.

BTW, you need to research the word "Non-Pushto Speaking Pathans", they are ethnically Pushtun but having settled in other parts of the world or their own countries, have forsaken Pukhto as their first language. Ayub Khan, Imran Khan are good examples.

Disagree completely. Jhangochi or Jangli dialect is probably the oldest, purest dialect and only spoken in the region of Pakistan where Faislabad is.
You should know that pashtuns are by nature "wafadaar"(loyal), "mukhlis" (sincere) and dutiful. When we take oath as pakistanis, dont expect namak-****** from us....Punjab may aik shakhs pathan ko chokidar kyun rakta he? Because he knows that this pathan would protect his house, not back-stabbing him.
Dont expect a common pashtun to wave green flag on bike, paint his face green or worship jinnah like a prophet...but never doubt his loyalty and sincerity..
If bacha khan was really traitor he did'nt need to address national assemly in 1954 and call himself pakistan. If he was a supporter of lame pakhtunistan then he could have supported faqir of ipi. After creation of pakistan he spend most of his time in jail, but did he asked pashtun people to raise against pakistan?.
we pashtuns adjust and adopt ourselves to new countries and locations. If we were in united india, we would have adopted ourselves to india.
But tell me does it change the fact that lar and bar pashtuns are one and same people?

No they are the same people I'll admit that but If Afghan think that is a good enough reason to try and take what belongs to Pakistan going around telling people we stole Peshawar and refusing to accept our borders they got another thing coming. Try and take Khyber and we Pakistanis will take Kabul its as simple as that.

PS- Ill accept that you are Pakistani but for those Afghan refugees who live in Pakistan then run their mouth need to pack up and get out , dogs biting the hand that feeds them :angry:
No they are the same people I'll admit that but If Afghan think that is a good enough reason to try and take what belongs to Pakistan going around telling people we stole Peshawar and refusing to accept our borders they got another thing coming. Try and take Khyber and we Pakistanis will take Kabul its as simple as that.

PS- Ill accept that you are Pakistani but for those Afghan refugees who live in Pakistan then run their mouth need to pack up and get out , dogs biting the hand that feeds them :angry:
Those afghans who bite the hand that feeds them, are those urban ones living in posh areas like hayatabad . A poor kabarr-selling afghan or kabuli hotel wala has hardly such vision to think about complex political things like durand line, pakhtunistan issue.
But there is reason why pakistan is allowing urban afghans in hayatabad and other posh areas, their family members and relatives are in foriegn countries who regularly send them money for living, so they are very good source of foriegn exchange for pakistan.
I always tell my afghan fellows to be thankful to pakistan for the refuge. I tell them about racist iranis who treat them in iran like trash. E.g read the following news.

I ran's National Organization for Educational Testing has issued a list of university courses that are banned for Afghans living in Iran, including atomic physics, nuclear engineering, aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, and military sciences.
The list has been published by the semi-official Mehr news agency, which reports that Afghans are banned from studying courses that will create "employment obligations" for the Islamic republic.
Mehr also says that Afghans can apply only at universities that are not located in areas where they have been banned from living.
The "prohibited areas" where Afghans are not allowed to reside, according to Mehr's list, include a dozen provinces and a number of cities in different parts of Iran.
Recent limitations on Afghans living in Iran have angered some Iranians who have protested mainly on social media
Iran Issues List Of Banned Cities, Banned University Courses For Afghans
I always tell my afghan fellows to be thankful to pakistan for the refuge. I tell them about racist iranis who treat them in iran like trash. E.g read the following news.

I ran's National Organization for Educational Testing has issued a list of university courses that are banned for Afghans living in Iran, including atomic physics, nuclear engineering, aerospace engineering, chemical engineering, and military sciences.
The list has been published by the semi-official Mehr news agency, which reports that Afghans are banned from studying courses that will create "employment obligations" for the Islamic republic.
Mehr also says that Afghans can apply only at universities that are not located in areas where they have been banned from living.
The "prohibited areas" where Afghans are not allowed to reside, according to Mehr's list, include a dozen provinces and a number of cities in different parts of Iran.
Recent limitations on Afghans living in Iran have angered some Iranians who have protested mainly on social media
Iran Issues List Of Banned Cities, Banned University Courses For Afghans

Not racism its an issue of national security.
hizb-e-islami is linked with jumat e islami, and mujahedens were raised and supported by pakistan against communist regime for US dollars. Waziristan and rest of FATA was training ground mujahedins by ISI, and now it is hub of terrorist.

Talibans were students of pakistani madrassas and they were supported and propagated by pakistan.
Another group of jihadis, lashkar e taiba, jaish e mohammad etc were pakistan's creation. Due to introduction of jihadism by u in kashmir, indian forces are killing and raping kashmiri muslims...it did'nt happen before 1987.
Admit it, we have destroyed afghan society by our interferance.

Well, the international consensus for the Mujahideen was there in the 80s, just like there is international consensus for the WOT today. If you want to criticize Pakistan for following international consensus in the 80s, then you have to criticize the US for following international consensus today. Just like the Soviets installed a proxy/puppet regime that served their interests in Afghanistan (that the US wanted to overthrow), the US has done the same thing the Soviets had done by installing the puppet/proxy Karzai regime (hint: look at the US military base clauses post-2014 in the "strategic partnership" between the US & Afghanistan).

If anyone is to blame for the Mujahideen in the 80s, it is the US (as the Mujahideen was the mother of all the groups, like Al-Qaeda, Taliban & others); & the Afghan people that made the Mujahideen. Pakistan was only the means for them to achieve that, the Mujahideen themselves were Afghan citizens, just like the Taliban themselves are Afghan citizens. The Taliban today have emerged as a Pashtun national resistance movement, a voice for the Pashtun people rather than the Darized Pashtun elites sitting in Kabul that can barely speak Pashto, & are detached from the realities of the common Afghan Pashtun. Read this:

Taliban 'Winning Afghan Hearts And Minds'

A secret Nato report compiled by intelligence officers has revealed that the Afghan government is losing popular support to the Taliban.

The report, seen by Sky News, also reveals that the Taliban continues to be supplied with roadside bombs by Pakistan’s secret service.

It is the most comprehensive analysis of a new Taliban campaign to win Afghan hearts and minds ahead of the end of Nato combat operations by 2014.

It is based on 27,000 interviews with 4,000 detainees - Taliban fighters, foreign insurgents and al Qaeda guerrillas.

Pakistan exercises direct control over senior Taliban commanders, some of whom live very close to the offices of the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence Agency (ISI).

Insurgent groups are supplied with "electronics expertise, remote detonators, advanced explosives, mines and suicide vests" to attack Nato soldiers and Afghan government targets.

Pakistan has long played a double game in the region, fighting its domestic Taliban movement while keeping Afghanistan unstable to prevent its arch enemy, India, from gaining a foothold through the government of Hamid Karzai in Kabul.

But the most dramatic findings of the report show the Taliban is successfully occupying the moral high ground among ordinary Afghans.

"Local villagers report a surprising level of satisfaction with Taliban decrees. Conversely favourable government of Afghanistan rulings tend to require bribes, which many simply cannot afford," the report says.

The Taliban, it said, has decided to limit acts of brutality last year and co-ordinate with local elders over where to place mines.
The radical Islamic group, which was deposed by a US-led international coalition in 2001 for allowing Osama bin Laden a safe haven, has even set up mobile telephone helplines which villagers can use to report abuses of them by Taliban officials.
Meanwhile, many of the government forces have "secretly reached out to insurgents, seeking long-term options in the event of a possible Taliban victory".

The arms bazaar in Miran Shah, the Pakistani base of many Taliban groups, has seen a surge in Afghan government weapons for sale, and even the distinctive Ford Ranger vehicles provided by the US to the Kabul forces which have been sold or donated by Afghan soldiers to the Taliban, the Nato intelligence report said.

The report will be a devastating blow to western governments and other contributors to the international military effort to shore up the rule of the Kabul government.

Officials have been stressing how successful the programme to hand security control over to the government and that 50% of the country has already made this transition.

Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson, the Nato spokesman in Kabul, dismissed the secret report by saying that the organisation did not see "any reason to take these findings of the investigation to reconsider or readjust our (own) findings".

Many soldiers who have fought in Afghanistan have come to similar conclusions to the Nato report on their own. They frequently note that the Afghan government forces have a predatory relationship with local people and in the case of the police are frequently linked to drug lords - both of which undermine faith in central government.

In Helmand, where 9,000 British and about 30,000 American troops have been locked in fierce fighting, the report said that even in areas under government and Nato control, the Taliban run a parallel administration.

It also names a senior former Pakistani military officer as being the main link between the Islamabad government and the Taliban. It notes that the Haqqani family, which leads a ferocious Taliban faction in the east of Afghanistan, has safe havens close to the Pakistani secret service headquarters in Islamabad, and in Miran Shah.

But the close relationship between the Taliban and Pakistan is not a cosy alliance of fellow Islamic radicals.

Peace talks between the Taliban and the Afghan government may soon open in Saudi Arabia and another set may get started in Qatar. But this may be in defiance of the ISI's wishes.

"Taliban members believe that neither Pakistan nor the government of Afghanistan are willing to allow a peaceful end to the war, and therefore forsake the considerable material gains to be garnered from the conflict, the reports says.

Significant government officials in Afghanistan are closely linked to the opium trade, worth over $4bn a year and to ISI-related groups which smuggle drugs through Pakistan.

On top of that many members of the Karzai administration have become vastly rich from protection rackets and trucking contracts taking Nato supplies to soldiers on the front.

Neither of these trades can be expected to thrive if peace broke out.

Pakistan, meanwhile, is anxious, the report said, to keep Afghanistan in a state of chaos so that India cannot get a toe-hold.

Pakistani foreign minister Hina Rabbani Khar said the report should be disregarded as a "strategic leak".

"These claims have been made for many years," she said.

Afghanistan Government Losing Support To Taliban, According To Secret Nato Report | World News | Sky News

At the end of the day, it is futile to blame Pakistan for the faults of Afghanistan & the Afghan citizens, just like it is futile to blame India for supporting the Northern Alliance, non-Pashtun Afghan citizens as well.
Luffy why do "urban Afghans" talk about Pashtunistan? If you had a GDP twice as ours then maybe people would consider, but with the state Afghanistan is in. Who would want to live in Afghanistan let alone be joined with it???????
You should know that pashtuns are by nature "wafadaar"(loyal), "mukhlis" (sincere) and dutiful. When we take oath as pakistanis, dont expect namak-****** from us....Punjab may aik shakhs pathan ko chokidar kyun rakta he? Because he knows that this pathan would protect his house, not back-stabbing him.
Dont expect a common pashtun to wave green flag on bike, paint his face green or worship jinnah like a prophet...but never doubt his loyalty and sincerity..
If bacha khan was really traitor he did'nt need to address national assemly in 1954 and call himself pakistan. If he was a supporter of lame pakhtunistan then he could have supported faqir of ipi. After creation of pakistan he spend most of his time in jail, but did he asked pashtun people to raise against pakistan?.
we pashtuns adjust and adopt ourselves to new countries and locations. If we were in united india, we would have adopted ourselves to india.
But tell me does it change the fact that lar and bar pashtuns are one and same people?

Pathans are patriotic Pakistanis and Pakistan belongs to them. You can go back to Afghanistan. Afghan refugees are only a burden on Pakistan. We want nothing to do with you people.

This is how a common Pathan in Pakistan loves Pakistan.
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Pathans are patriotic Pakistanis and Pakistan belongs to them. You can go back to Afghanistan. Afghan refugees are only a burden on Pakistan. We want nothing to do with you people.

This is how a common Pathan in Pakistan loves Pakistan.
Every pakistani here can question my pakistaniat, but not a mommy daddy burger eating westren like you. Allama iqbal has rightly said about maghrib-zada people like you.
"Utha ke phenk do baaher gali main
Nai tehzeeb kay anday hain ganday"
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Every pakistani here can question my pakistaniat, but not a mommy daddy burger eating westren like you. Allama iqbal has rightly said about maghrib-zada people like you.
"Utha ke phenk do baaher gali main
Nai tehzeeb kay anday hain ganday"

You don't know what you are talking about Afghani. Allama Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam spent years in London for studies, but what would an illiterate Afghani know.
Monkey D Luffy is an Afghani refugee living in Pakistan. All his previous posts have been anti-pakistan and pro-loyta afghanistan and pro-india. Ignore him, there are too many Afghani refugees in Pakistan. Soon they will all be sent back home.

He is not Afghani He is a Proud Pakistani So stop it here Bro.

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3017980 said:
you are an afghanni refugee scum living on our pakistani food and money GTFO of our land you refugee

[:::~Spartacus~:::];3018677 said:
matlab tu bhokta rehta hai and life goes on?? bas bhokna kam hai tera?

this is what afghans deserve, kudos to iranians

He is More Patriotic Pakistani then you And yr Aka Altaf Hijra... So Stop Barking & Don't show yr FCuking sick mentality here.
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