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Pakistan in talks with Saudi Arabia to send combat troops to protect the kingdom

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Is there not a risk of overstretching and being caught up in foreign wars? Mission creep?

It was a VERY bad cision on part of Gen Raheel Sharif not to indulge 2 years ago---.

That was the perfect time---the insurgency was nascent---the weapons---not a lot---. The Houthis could be talked down by the pakistanis and the issues resolved---.

Now there are more deadlier weapons in the arena---the Houthis have suffered a lots of casualties----hatred is high---chance for peace are low---.

They did not want to hear that 2 years ago---.
In the past Pak has a dubious and covert role in ME. Covert during Arab-Israel wars, PAF pilots flying arabplanes and dubious during Palestinian Jordanian fight in 70-71 in Jordan. So Pakistan only had a spontaneous policy lacking strategic depth and purpose and when and how to engage during a conflict because Pakistan has always been India focused and Arabs have very good relations with India. Whole ME has full economic relations with india which has hugely helped india against Pak.

Here are factots Pak did not take a proactive role in ME croses in general and latest in Yemen.
1. KSA did not consult Pak when they attacked Yemen.
2. Pak sensitivities were never appreciated by any ME country vis-a-vis india.
3. Pak had a war on terror in its urban areas and FATA.
4. Secterian color of yemeni crisis
5. Pakistan never had a mature policy in ME. How to act, where, mode of engagement etc.

Can any one translate what does the text reads.

أبـو كنـعــان‏ @Abo_kanaan280 Mar 13
موقع ميدل إست آي: #باكستان ترسل لواء من الجيش إلى الحدود #السعودية #اليمنية..
مرحبا بكم في مقبرتك


يا مرحبــــــا بك يا سديق اتفزل هزا #اليمن ما فيش من نا من نا كلو نفر في موت سيم سيم اول رجــــعه لــ #باكستان لا تتمنــى!


Afganistan is where all folks perpetually lose. ME is where some folks win and some lose, and it goes in cycles. IMO, Pak is at the winners phase...
I hope you are right.
But a brigade is a tactical move. Limited Defense and no strategic plan in sight.
May be with RH to lead the aliance, they will enter yemen and stop the civi war while Pak troops stationed for any evetuality.
Hello all
We have to open our eyes and look things as according to or for Pakistan's favour , I am very sorry to say this (I hate wars) but this is a golden opportunity for us , nature give us one more good chance, Y I am saying it now , because the geopolitical situation is much more different then 2 years back .
Now we don't have fear "this war is started to engage or destroy Pakistan' Army and Pakistan". Why , simply just look at current developments , Pak-China-Russia on same page for Afghanistan and who is in Afghanistan as proxy , yes you all guessed it right ISIL and TTP. And we all know there backers too .
I am 100% sure recent meetings of KSA + china + Russia also played very important role too . Some members here telling us there will be consequences of this war or we face Iran ....... My dear fools brothers , consequences are there but not For Pakistan , its for Iran and our beloved enemy .
Iran now have no other option , they have to step back and also have to help Umma to clean this masssss , and yes Russia will tell Iran the same thing.
As I said in my other post on other thread , Now question is about the whole region and 3 billion People , China + Russia wont allow Iran and India to play with it , Sooner both realize the better it is.
And do not quote me if you don't understand What is region and what are benefits of securing it first.
Here is a list what I want form this alliance .

1. 5 years contract for free oil for Pakistan . (GIVES US enough time to build new and upgrade old oil storage facilities we need to store minimum 6 months oil for civil side and 6 months for military use)
2. GCC work Visas for 500000 Pakistanis , In A and B category no labour , Visas for School , Colleges , Uni staff , office staff etc. Kuwait not included , We need 100000 Visas for Kuwait only.
3. 5 Billion $$$ for 5 years for civilian Govt , 1 Billion for Health , 1 Billion for Education , 1 Billion for normal infrastructure and 2 Billions for Dams.
4. On military side , we need all M-2000s from them and we wont pay a penny. And they also have to pay for 1000 Tanks , 1000 Wheeled IFVs , AFVs + 1000 Track IFVs , AFVs . and money for new 100000 troops and Money for 6 Heavy Frigates , 6 Heavy Destroyers , 12 medium seize coverts and 4 more F-22 seize Ships with 6 Western Subs .

This will sound silly but we have to make a good deal and let us clean there mass . For above deal we will have Human development + Military development + Infrastructure Development , all will lead to Pakistan's Development in the end.
China + Russia for sure , with Turkey and GCC with some western Countries and may be USA too will be on this 40+ countries alliance side.
Just lead this , just finish the job , For Pakistan and for Umma and Islam . We may lose some life , we may suffer some blow back from Pro Proxies , but benefit in the end will be great.

:crazy: Very funny bro:enjoy:
Can any one translate what does the text reads.

أبـو كنـعــان‏ @Abo_kanaan280 Mar 13
موقع ميدل إست آي: #باكستان ترسل لواء من الجيش إلى الحدود #السعودية #اليمنية..
مرحبا بكم في مقبرتك


يا مرحبــــــا بك يا سديق اتفزل هزا #اليمن ما فيش من نا من نا كلو نفر في موت سيم سيم اول رجــــعه لــ #باكستان لا تتمنــى!


Goole xlate
Abu Canaan @ Abo_kanaan280 Mar 13
Middle East site ie: # Pakistan sent a brigade of the army to the border of Yemen # # Arabia ..
Oh hello you, Sadiq Atfazl # rocked Yemen What Fish of us of our Chloe turnoff in the death of Sim's first irrevocably # Pakistan does not wish!
:crazy: Very funny bro:enjoy:

No , he is suffering from Stomach Gas

Saudi Apaches, F-15's and whatever air assets they have at their disposal. They are brand new, Cash and maintenance is not a problem for saudis, so they are readily available unlike our F-16's or Cobras or C-130 aerial reconnaissance. Recent Seal-6 raid in yemen was provided air cover by UAE apaches. US and russian example is not appropriate because they have the means and material to support their troops. Why Pakistan movie its inferior air assets from FATA to saudia.? So the expenditures and aerial support would be expected from Saudia.

Only Time will tell the Role and influence of Pakistan in Saudi Arabia ... what you are saying is Fancy but will it happen ? and will Uncle SAM let it happen ? Brigade is not enough to fight unless you have Attack Helicopters , Fighters , drones and Spy planes at your disposal ..The word Expected is very Crucial here .
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