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Pakistan hopes MBS will make brief stopover

Can mods do something about these pesky hindutva troll machine bots who are more numerous on this forum than flies in a meat market? Or the forum is following the same appeasement strategy that the sepoy establishment has adopted of late.
Webmaster is stuffing his pocket with the ad revenue generated by obsessed pajeets.
So, at least for the time being, Russia is lost to China.
Yes, who cares. There are no permanent friends or enemies. Russia is regressing while India is the fastest progressing economy. We don't match, we have nothing in common.
So, at least for the time being, Russia is lost to China.
I wouldn't go that far only because I think the probability of internal regime change in Russia is underrated. The CCP is experienced is relatively smooth power transfers and the Soviets had some process too, but in Russia it is a one-man show and a Russia without Putin could look radically different. It is definitely not time for India to invest in that relationship until the situation changes. As much as India would have liked Russia to stay independent, no one except China, Iran and North Korea is willing to do deals with them. On the current trajectory, they will end up being economically dependent on China.
So, at least for the time being, Russia is lost to China.
Tum apna dekho kaun dollar dega use talash karo , why indulge in politics of super powers .
Tum apna dekho kaun dollar dega use talash karo , why indulge in politics of super powers .

Because our place will not always be where it is today, and apparently some ideas on this forum get picked up, so it’s patriotic to discuss all topics, not just those of short term concern.
Tum apna dekho kaun dollar dega use talash karo , why indulge in politics of super powers .
Let it be. He is one of the more reasonable Pakistani posters here. Vaise bhi, Russia ab superpower nahi raha. Sad hai, but things are bad there.
The bigger picture here is that CPEC will be neutralized down the road.

@Meengla you might remember me mentioning this before; I'm happy to be validated. Pakistan's utility in the region is no longer required and replaced by a healthy horse rather than a dead one that needs to be carried around; almost all our close allies have had it hearing the same begging speech.

Now you have those retards touting SIFC as if it's some miracle that will save Pakistan. Let me say and mark my words this: to will fail, but it will serve its purpose of funneling funds.

Perhaps you are right. Perhaps I was right. I believed then and I believe now that Pakistan has its own significant utility in the region and this economic initiative between the Arabs and India, backed by America, doesn't necessarily take away from Pakistan's geopolitical advantages.

You should not underestimate Pakistan's importance for a mighty power like China and that, no thanks to Modi's 'muscular foreign policy', decades of India-China rapproachment has been undone. You should not underestimate that, with a mere investment of a few dozen billions $$, Pakistan can be used to cause enormous pain to India by Americans.

As stability returns to Pakistan, after the mayhem of the last 16 months, the State of Pakistan will again start to focus on geopolitics.

Added comments: @PakFactor : I had also mentioned to you many weeks ago that Pakistan may be asked to play a significant role by the West in case the Russia-Ukraine war gets out of hand and become a regional, if not a global war. And I had said that I hope Pakistan never ever gets involved in yet another American NeoCons' war. But that is not in my hands. The folly of the 1979 involvement in the USA-USSR proxy war still haunts Pakistan. To Americans, Pakistan is still a potential and potent resource in the region. I had a chanced encounter with an American from Boston--a big Biden supporter--in a restaurant a few weeks ago. He seemed well educated and informed about global politics. He stunned me by saying that Pakistan will be asked to help America's effort in the Russia-Ukraine war when that war gets out of hand. He apparently knew of Pakistan's geography, its large population, and the powerful military. I wanted to say something like 'Absolutely Not!' but the conversation veered off to something else.
When a regional or a global war happens, then geopolitics change rapidly and in big ways. It remains to be seen if the Russia-Ukraine war turns into a regional war or even another World War--which would be the 3rd World War originating in the Eurasian continent of which Pakistan is, unfortunately, an integral part.
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Contrary to what the Indians believe, on a strategic level CPEC is doing just fine.

The Chinese have built a road network from Eastern China down to Gwadar / Karachi and this will connect to BRI. Eventually that will connect Iran as well. One would be naive to think this corridor can be eclipsed.

We've been hearing this for 8 years now but we have nothing to show for it.
I thought India had its bet on Chahbahar. Now its a sea corridor to Oman and then off to Saudi Arabia. Hope you get my gist.

MBS is a good guy. He is using the petro dollars and using it to play the global game. Who so ever plays his game shall be showered with petro dollars.

The Saudis have been warming up to China. Remember China brokered peace between Saudi Arabia and Iran. If you think in terms of binary, that the Saudis have chosen India over Pakistan, then think again.

The Saudis are extremely smart when it comes to foreign policy.

What is this silly obsession with transit projects ?

The most successful transit project (Suez Canal) yields less than $10 billion

I am not sure about that - is there any reason why Saudia Arabia would refuse China to also use this trade corridor if it is as good as it is ? India is not funding this corridor - so she does not have exclusive rights or veto over it. Saudia Arabia will not let India have any veto over this project - they are looking to actually use their geography for actual economic benefit and they have equally better relations with China.

Saudia Arabia is making plans for a post-oil world. They can see the future and now are making the decisions to secure their future so that they can continue to earn a living ( and this is why they are SSOOO tired of the begging bowl from Pakistan, as they dont see Pakistan make those same decisions it is having to make). Part of that Saudia Arabia's future is having good economic relations with India.

As a side note - the "Abraham Accords" make more sense now with this trade corridor and if you consider the timeline of those accords, you can see how long all stakeholders have been planning this initiative.

This corridor may be good for India, but i also think it will be good for China to, if the economics of the corridor make economic sense - that is.

It will be open to all including China. The big issue about these trade corridor is inclusion of Israel. I am surprised Pakistanis have not seen the writing on the wall here
We have been talking about the potential of shipping perishables (especially food stuffs) to the GCC from Pakistan for years on PDF.

This new infrastructure will benefit india, but can benefit Pakistan if it gets it crop yields up and rail infrastructure built.

In fact, if the rail network in Pakistan is extended to Gwadar, and the food storage faculties are built in Muscat, Oman, the distance is only 223 nautical miles, that can be covered in 10 hours (give or take).

To far to cross in a tunnel but would make Gwadar relevant and economical viable.

Btw, if China wanted to build an undersea tunnel it would probably be between China and South Korea. Not a small feat at 250 miles. It would probably cost $150-200 Billion (as probably the Gwadar-Muscat tunnel would cost) . The trade would immediately help pay back the cost of the tunnel, and make use of all the BRI/OBOR infrastructure being built. This would also make it even more attractive for South Korea and Japan to built their own undersea rail tunnel they have been considering, in one way or another, for over 80 years.

Hey, you don’t have to sell me on the concept, I’m the biggest advocate for rail based freight. Go back over my posts on this forum for nearly 3-5 years I have been saying this is the way to go.

In fact for Africa, a trans-Sahel route would cut costs in the fastest growing region in Africa, countries all looking to break free of French neo-colonization. If the Chinese take the risk, it can pay off big and link up via an undersea tunnel between Djibouti and Yemen and the to this GCC railway. Then via the GCC railway to Oman and then Gwadar and via Gwadar all the way up to China, by passing the entire Indian Ocean basin, except for the Oman-Gwadar sea leg.
Given GCC's need for food, any such project can be financially viable even on a medium term. Add other goods to it, along with flow of crude oil and it becomes really viable financially.

True that Gwadar is even more closer than coast of Gujarat to Muscat (1161 km), but our relations make it unviable at this point. Will have to see what exactly they are planning, and what the modalities are in the end to make this work.

Underwater rail isn't that easy, but is the only way to make it a firm thing on long-term.
It remains to be seen if the Russia-Ukraine war turns into a regional war or even another World War--which would be the 3rd World War originating in the Eurasian continent of which Pakistan is, unfortunately, an integral part.
At least muricans will give us permission to test 18x MIRV canisterised silo based deadman-launch-enabled ICBM. 1.8MT of pure freedom raining from the sky (for Moscow of course, totally not for the Gangetic plain) *Eagle sound effect*
At least muricans will give us permission to test 18x MIRV canisterised silo based deadman-launch-enabled ICBM. 1.8MT of pure freedom raining from the sky (for Moscow of course, totally not for the Gangetic plain) *Eagle sound effect*

I don't know what you are saying here. But I don't think it is in the nature of India or Pakistan and any country in South Asia to cause mass destructive wars. The Europeans and their extensions in North America and the Oceania are the masters of massive wars and they have demonstrated that in two World Wars and are poised for another World War if and when the Russia-Ukraine war gets out of hand.
Another Rumour:

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman will be leaving India on Monday night at around 8:30pm. Pakistan’s Information Minister Murtaza Solangi has said that the crown prince may visit Pakistan ‘at any moment’.
Anything to legitimise the lota govenment
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