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Pakistan first, Saudis tell India

I gave you 'simple facts', by narrating a handful of nonsensical stories run by the Indian media, which are verifiable, while in return you gave a list of steps that are essentially opinion and speculation about how the Pakistani government, various institutions and their alleged 'surrogates' supposedly act.

You were pointing to this particular story in the OP as somehow being representative of 'Pakistan being a drama queen and having a sensationalist media' - I gave you specific and verifiable examples of how Pakistan doesn't even come close to India on that count.

Weight of evidence for a phone bill in the name of Mehrabeen Shaikh? Google that name in the US yellow/white pages and you'll get dozens of listings with various different spellings. Now does that mean Dawood Ibrahim and his wife live in the US?

The height of absurdity is the fact that there are Indians that actually believe this nonsense spouted by the Indian Establishment actually passes for 'evidence'. With those kinds of 'mental block's, it's no wonder the Indian Establishment has little to worry about when it comes to fabricating credible allegations against Pakistan in order to continue indoctrinating the Indian public with an irrational hatred of Pakistan.

do I have to drag you every step of the way? is it just the phone bill? What about the two passports? What about the Junaid wedding? ...come on
India is a fast developing country..there is no way Saudi put Pakistan above India...what has pak got to offer them?..nothing...
Does Modi not think before doing these silly things? Just like taking Romantic selfies with UAE princess, he offered a defense pact to Saudia :rofl: :rofl:

Does he realize the Saudi's have TV's in their country and they watch what happens inside India with Muslims, and the Indian BJP-RSS-Shiv Sena, aka, majority of the Hindu public's opinion about Islam....??? And they should do above all....a DEFENSE pact with the Indians. Nice!!! Only Modi can do such stuff :tup:

Saudis and Pakistan will remain tied in a strategic defense agreement. Iran was warned about it during Houthi - Yemen drama. Pakistan refused to join the fight but made clear to Iran that Pakistan wants to maintain good relationships with both, Iran and Saudia. BUT, if Irani support (Houthi's) step on Saudi soil.....Pakistan will be pushed into a war that it doesn't need to. Based on that, Iran backed out the Houthi's from making any advance towards the Saudi border.

And the little stunt Modi pulled in by visiting the UAE....the UAE has no balls, decision making capability or even the power to go against Saudia and Pakistan. Simple is the fact, and the truth ALWAYS hurts!!!

Is Lal-Topi back??
do I have to drag you every step of the way? is it just the phone bill? What about the two passports? What about the Junaid wedding? ...come on
What about passports? What does DI need passports for if he's permanently ensconced in Pakistan? Does he plan on taking vacations abroad on those passports, which he so cleverly had issued in his real name, even though INTERPOL is tracking him? You're really going to try and sell us this 'passport' gimmick?

And the phone bill is just complete nonsense, unless of course there is one single 'Mehjabeen Shaikh' who currently exists in the world, and she happens to be Dawood Ibrahim's wife.

And what about 'Junaid' or Mehreen or X' wedding? Supposedly lavish affairs and public affairs with massive attendance by the elite - and yet no pictures, video, nothing.
Funny, Modi has not even gone to Saudi Arabia , but Pakistani s claim that Saudi Arabia was offered a defence deal by Modi during his Saudi visit.

Conspiracy theory is one thing but now writing articles based on dreams (nightmares after Modi's UAE visit) is taking your journalism into an another relam of spiritual existance
What about passports? What does DI need passports for if he's permanently ensconced in Pakistan? Does he plan on taking vacations abroad on those passports, which he so cleverly had issued in his real name, even though INTERPOL is tracking him? You're really going to try and sell us this 'passport' gimmick?

And the phone bill is just complete nonsense, unless of course there is one single 'Mehjabeen Shaikh' who currently exists in the world, and she happens to be Dawood Ibrahim's wife.

And what about 'Junaid' or Mehreen or X' wedding? Supposedly lavish affairs and public affairs with massive attendance by the elite - and yet no pictures, video, nothing.

You don't seem to have followed this story at all (or faking lack of knowledge). Dawood's trips to Dubai usingt passports issued by Pakistan have been well documented.

Since you are completely unprepared, I suggest you go do some home work and get the basic facts before trying to argue.
Kid have u eva been into any arab state ? my whole family live in Arab countries. From Saudia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE you name it my entire family living in arab countries from past more than 50 years... I was also born in Kuwait... you have no idea how your entire media make you further shit nothing else more... the way Obama trip to current UAE trip hype created by Indian media is just air in the ballon... on ground zero reality its just a hi hello trip nothing lese more... the relation of Arab countries particularly Saudia and UAE with Pakistan.. Trust me if India will take further 200 years and visit UAE every day.... even after hardly India will success to dent in that relations...
First of all
Who the hell are you calling a kid my son?:what::what:
As India I told you in my previous post India never took interest in UAE and in the past no Indian prime minister visited UAE

Modi's visit to UAE was the first trip by any Indian premiere after 35 years.
Modi just wanted to have funds for his infrastructure development which he has grabbed it and that's it.
But the fact remains the same that Indian has agreement with Oman if Oman is in danger India will protect it.

And by the way I have been to UAE many times because I belong to a profession where traveling is required so yeas I have been to uae and they have pretty good vibes for an Indian or india.
You really don't have to become defensive. The moment I mention conversion, why do so many of you just jump and start defending Islam and how it was spread? No need and not interested at the moment on that.

Somebody claimed that Indians were a ruled over lot and I simply pointed out that Pakistanis were as much and if not more ruled over a lot than Indians. And in that vein I pointed out a simple fact that while almost 100% of Pakistanis were so ruled over that they converted (or were converted) only about 20% of Indians or less, converted or were converted. It is simple arithmetic.
let me quote you once again when our ancesters were ruled by Muslim leaders THERE WAS NO PAKISTAN OR INDIA so how could you estimate that 100% of the Pakistani converted because alot of people came to PAK during the seperation from deep inside of INDIA ???? although you claim that INDIA has the bigger muslim population than PAK so how can you take the F*ck*ng % out of it you are making no sense?? and if you go deeper in to the history most of the Pak land were under muslim rule for a long long time but still for your satisfaction let me say that the ISLAM is one of the youngest religion so around all the muslim ancestors are converted ......... if that what your trying to say .....
It's time we fill the gap with our Iranian friends aswell... The relations should be what they were back in Shahs era....

We can act as mediators between Saudis and Iranis.

How does Iran is part of the subject matter by any means? :flame:

To set the record straight... Iran need to be bombed back every time it bomb Pakistani villages.

Media reports also claimed that Modi during his recent visit to the UAE had offered all Gulf states full defence cooperation, including the Yemen offensive.

Slap on the face of hate brigade, who just hate Saudi Arabia just for sake of it.
I also see people have no shame in taking U turns.... hope they are for real.
How does Iran is part of the subject matter by any means? :flame:

To set the record straight... Iran need to be bombed back every time it bomb Pakistani villages.

Why is it that in your brain, the whole world spins around 'evil' Iran? I barely see any post of yours not mentioning the word Iran. I mean, every obsession should have a limit. It would be more bearable if those posts of yours exceeded a certain amount of quality at least, but they don't.

Slap on the face of hate brigade, who just hate Saudi Arabia just for sake of it.

Poor Saudis, they are always the victims. what they need in these hard moments, is the love of people like you, which seems it doesn't have a limit either, when it comes to Saudis.

well placed diplomatic and defence sources have told Pakistan Today.

On topic, is this news even confirmed? a 'well placed anonymous source' isn't exactly a reliable one.
let me quote you once again when our ancesters were ruled by Muslim leaders THERE WAS NO PAKISTAN OR INDIA so how could you estimate that 100% of the Pakistani converted because alot of people came to PAK during the seperation from deep inside of INDIA ???? although you claim that INDIA has the bigger muslim population than PAK so how can you take the F*ck*ng % out of it you are making no sense?? and if you go deeper in to the history most of the Pak land were under muslim rule for a long long time but still for your satisfaction let me say that the ISLAM is one of the youngest religion so around all the muslim ancestors are converted ......... if that what your trying to say .....

In your frothing and foaming, you are not using your kopdi. So I will brea it down just this once.

1) 80% of Indians are not muslims. Almost 100% of Pakistanis are muslims.
2) somebody who has converted or been converted is more 'ruled over' than somebody who has not been converted
3) Since Pakistan has more converted, therefore Pakistan is atleast as much 'ruled over', likely more.

If you don't still get it you guys are beyond help
i agree the only creditable news are those which comes out from Goat Swami's mouth....:coffee:
The first rule of propaganda is the propaganda should be believable:D

India and Saudi Arabia already have signed a defense pact last year

India and Saudi Arabia Sign Defense Cooperation Pact | The Diplomat

So how can Saudis refuse to sign a defence pact, which was already signed a year ago?

So this false propaganda, should be reworded as "Saudi Arabia withdraws from defence pact with India"

The author MIAN ABRAR and analyst Hasan Askari Rizvi , better watch their backs next time they visit Saudi Arabia for supporting propaganda against Saudis, considered what happened to Zaid Hamid :lol:
You don't seem to have followed this story at all (or faking lack of knowledge). Dawood's trips to Dubai usingt passports issued by Pakistan have been well documented.
So what is the 'story' about the passport? That the Pakistan 'State/Deep State' issued Dawood Ibrahim a passport to facilitate his travels to Dubai or wherever, and somehow decided to do so in Dawood Ibrahim's own name instead of just coming up with a completely fake new identity for him? The claim is ludicrous, but certainly not as ludicrous as the ability of some Indians to swallow it without question.

I mean, how exactly would this conversation go at Dubai Airport's immigration counter?

ARAB OFFICER: "Ya Habibi, you are from Al-Bakistan?"
DI: Yes.
ARAB OFFICER: Your name and your bicture look like the Al-Hindi most wanted, dastardly, demonic berson called Dawood Ibrahim with INTERBOL warrant for him - are you that guy?
DI: No, I don't think so .. I mean, I'm pretty sure I'm not him, certain in fact. It must be the mustachio.
ARAB OFFICER: Oh, OK. Enjoy your stay in Dubai, but remember, next time, if your country does not subbort us in Yemen, we will not be so gullible!
Since you are completely unprepared, I suggest you go do some home work and get the basic facts before trying to argue.
Instead of running away and hiding behind excuses like 'you didn't do your homework' or 'you haven't been following the story', how about countering the arguments with whatever you think the 'story' is - and feel free to reference all the 'homework' you've done, especially about how and why Pakistan would issue a man who has an INTERPOL warrant out for him, a passport in his real name.

On topic, is this news even confirmed? a 'well placed anonymous source' isn't exactly a reliable one.
It isn't a reliable source and sounds like someone regurgitating the original op-ed from another trashy paper. As I pointed out in the other duplicate thread created earlier, there is absolutely nothing the Saudi's need India for on the defence side (in terms of tangible military support, troops or equipment, from India) unless they think the Indian's are going to sabotage their relationship with Iran by taking sides in Yemen or support the Saudis militarily against Iran.

Who else are the Saudi's looking to fight with or 'defend against' with a 'defence pact'? They are not about to go to war with Pakistan over staying neutral in Yemen, since the main issue there is a perceived Pakistani diplomatic balance between Saudi Arabia and Iran. If they really wanted to hurt Pakistan, their main leverage is economic, via restrictions on the Pakistani workforce.

This 'news' hasn't made it into any of the major, reputable media outlets in Pakistan like Dawn or Tribune.
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