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Pakistan first, Saudis tell India

The number of so called 'problems' that media creates and then 'solves' it for itself is only matched by the number of artificial excuses that Pakistan creates for itself to fail artificially, and then artificially succeed in avoiding such artificial failure.
And then you start acting like an artificial intelligence that you know well in advance, then your country comes up with artificial excuses to run away from the talks which mean to bring peace in the region but how artificial your intentions are.
So this article is claiming that they know whole conversation between india and UAE now that's pretty rich from a pakistani source.
1.Defence pact was signed in 2014
2. India and UAE agreed to held meetings of NSAs every 6 months (this was the the motive of India and not defence pact because it was signed in 2014)
3.Also India has a defence pact with Oman to protect them from enemies so that means India already is involved in defense of some Arab nations.

Now let the Pakistanis enjoy this feel good article.
So this article is claiming that they know whole conversation between india and UAE now that's pretty rich from a pakistani source.
1.Defence pact was signed in 2014
2. India and UAE agreed to held meetings of NSAs every 6 months (this was the the motive of India and not defence pact because it was signed in 2014)
3.Also India has a defence pact with Oman to protect them from enemies so that means India already is involved in defense of some Arab nations.

Now let the Pakistanis enjoy this feel good article.

Kid have u eva been into any arab state ? my whole family live in Arab countries. From Saudia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE you name it my entire family living in arab countries from past more than 50 years... I was also born in Kuwait... you have no idea how your entire media make you further shit nothing else more... the way Obama trip to current UAE trip hype created by Indian media is just air in the ballon... on ground zero reality its just a hi hello trip nothing lese more... the relation of Arab countries particularly Saudia and UAE with Pakistan.. Trust me if India will take further 200 years and visit UAE every day.... even after hardly India will success to dent in that relations...
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so converting to a specific religion means that your not free maybe our ancestors didn't like the hinduism and its slavery system and its caste system and its imaginary history ?? and by your logic ME was not free when they converted so let me tell you that after islam ME got freedom .... atleast think before you speak by what you say people who convert to islam in india nowadays or people in US UK FRANCE GERMANY CANADA CHINA and nearly every country in World who acepted ISLAM are not free i mean your talking about 1/4th population of the world .......

You really don't have to become defensive. The moment I mention conversion, why do so many of you just jump and start defending Islam and how it was spread? No need and not interested at the moment on that.

Somebody claimed that Indians were a ruled over lot and I simply pointed out that Pakistanis were as much and if not more ruled over a lot than Indians. And in that vein I pointed out a simple fact that while almost 100% of Pakistanis were so ruled over that they converted (or were converted) only about 20% of Indians or less, converted or were converted. It is simple arithmetic.
almost 100% current Pakistani population came from 'converted'
Good God, is that the bullshit they teach in Indian schools or is it all the handiwork of your propagandist media?

One hundred percent of Pakistan's population is Pakistani. We were not 'converted' by anyone. We chose to be separate from India back in the early 1900s.

If you're worried about the 'native Hindu lineage' that was historically disrupted by Mughals and Persians, there's a word for that. It's called racism.

Pakistanis are Pakistanis whether their lineage is Mughal, Rajput or whatever. We don't believe in racism, ''racial purity'' or any stories of how 'conversion' means we're actually Hindus, since it is clear what a load of bullshit that is .

As for our religion, most Pakistani Muslims believe in Islam. Therefore, it means nothing that our ancestors at some point were converted, since all religions spread by some sort of 'conversion'.

If we were to apply your logic to other religions in other places, it would seem that the Christians in Europe should go back to worshipping Zeus and those in South America should return to their Mayan, Aztec and Inca ''roots''.

You mean like arresting enemy spy pigeons, or non existent Chinese vetoes over FTFA money laundering claims, or fabricated dragging of Pakistan in front of the APG when the prior fabricated Chinese veto came about, or the disclosure of Dawood Ibrahim's addresses in Pakistan, with some based on non- existent neighborhoods, some belonging to Pakistan's UN Ambassador, and on and on and on .....

Oh, wait, that's India.

Compared to the Indian media the Pakistani media is a paragon of virtue, factual reporting and objectivity.

Were human beings created as Hindus? Every race and culture has seen religio-cultural conversion, evolution, conquest and migration over time. Hinduism isn't the result of the 'Big Bang'. Picking one arbitrary point in history to argue conversion is plain dishonest, and you know it.

I am dealing with simple facts and you are dragging in metaphysics. While on that topic, do you realize that the guy who ran the primary simulators to prove big bang has agreed that it may have been 1 or many big bangs? The implications of that run quite alike the Hindu view of creation. Anyway, that is a different topic for another day.

I am glad you like the Pakistani media. But to me most media is crap due to so much of it is artificial drama. And Pakistani military agencies aided by their government servants are giving media a hard run for the title of worst prevaricators. I am ofcourse basing this on the proven trend. For example, let's take some cross border terorrist act perpetrated against India. The mo is:

First Pakistani government will deny any involvement of Pakistan
Next India will produce some evidence that the jihadi nuts came from Pakistan
Third, 1/2 of Pakistani spokesmen will state that the nut indeed came from Pakistan while the 2nd 1/2 will deny
4th, India will produce even more damning evidence
5th, At that point Pak civilian govt will issue statement that it was non-state actor and not Pak govt
6th, India will then ask for Pak cooperation in capturing orchestrator
7th, Pak civilian govt will ask for details
8th, India will produce name, address etc
9th, At that point Pak military surrogate will step in and say it was false flag and Pak had nothing to do withit
9B - Pak civilian govt will take the military's 'strong' hint and go silent
10th - India will release tape or document or something even more solid and ask USA to step in
11th - Pakistan with no further resource for stone-walling will re-assert and now say 'so what! we want to discuss Kashmir'.
12th - Indians by this time would have gotten tired and unable to start a full0scale war against Pakistan, give up.

This is the dram queen m.o. Indians suffer the frustration of having to endure the paper cuts. Pakistan suffers the fate of letting terrorists freely roam in their country killing their own children, suffers the ignominy of the rest of the world further branding Pakistan as a rogue state and thus further play into the hands of military usurpers and jihadi nut groups.

The irony is there are many many Pakistanis learned enough to understand this. Yet they are silent because it is easier to adopt false bravado than to admit error of ways

Good God, is that the bullshit they teach in Indian schools or is it all the handiwork of your propagandist media?

One hundred percent of Pakistan's population is Pakistani. We were not 'converted' by anyone. We chose to be separate from India back in the early 1900s.

If you're worried about the 'native Hindu lineage' that was historically disrupted by Mughals and Persians, there's a word for that. It's called racism.

Pakistanis are Pakistanis whether their lineage is Mughal, Rajput or whatever. We don't believe in racism, ''racial purity'' or any stories of how 'conversion' means we're actually Hindus, since it is clear what a load of bullshit that is .

As for our religion, most Pakistani Muslims believe in Islam. Therefore, it means nothing that our ancestors at some point were converted, since all religions spread by some sort of 'conversion'.

If we were to apply your logic to other religions in other places, it would seem that the Christians in Europe should go back to worshipping Zeus and those in South America should return to their Mayan, Aztec and Inca ''roots''.


you completely missed the point made. Reset go back and start over if you like
you completely missed the point made. Reset go back and start over if you like
It's your point - it's your job to make it properly, and it's not my job to decipher it if you can't make it properly. If you couldn't make your point properly in your previous posts, you may repeat it in a concise and direct manner again. So, what is your point?
And then you start acting like an artificial intelligence that you know well in advance, then your country comes up with artificial excuses to run away from the talks which mean to bring peace in the region but how artificial your intentions are.

Nothing artificial about what India has done in the recent episode. Sarfras Aziz realized the weight of evidence against Pakistan in terms of the Pakistani terrorist caught alive and the Ibrahim phone bill etc are too much to wriggle out of, so took the only way out which is to run away from talks on terrorism. The moment Swaraj said 'you talk of dossiers we bring your live terrorist out' your guys realized the jig was up.
‎Reports in the international media said that some Indian fighter jets had landed at Taif airport to show New Delhi’s intentions of aiding the Saudi government in the war against Yemeni Houthis. However, diplomatic sources said that the Saudi royal family had chosen to stand by Pakistan in the evolving geo-strategic situation.

A paid article or written by some Al-Bakistani. Above lines are enough to prove that. Lol India wants to get involved in a Middle Eastern conflict. Right. How dumb do you think Indian establishment is?
It's your point - it's your job to make it properly, and it's not my job to decipher it if you can't make it properly. If you couldn't make your point properly in your previous posts, you may repeat it in a concise and direct manner again. So, what is your point?

really? I have made my point amply and if you want to jump into it at the middle and demand I make you understand, it is then up to me to either indulge you or not. My be I will if you ask nicely and when I have the time and inclination to repeat what I have already said, for your benefit. Hopefully you will have the decency to go back and read the beginning of the argument so you have a chance t comprehend.
really? I have made my point amply and if you want to jump into it at the middle and demand I make you understand, it is then up to me to either indulge you or not. My be I will if you ask nicely and when I have the time and inclination to repeat what I have already said, for your benefit. Hopefully you will have the decency to go back and read the beginning of the argument so you have a chance t comprehend.
I have read the beginning of the argument and it is about someone taunting India for having being ruled historically. How is that relevant to the national, ethnic or religious identity of Pakistan? You made no point, you simply tried to take a jab at Pakistanis and failed in doing so.

Modern-day Pakistan includes both the descendants of those who were ruled and the descendants of those who were ruling. Like I said, someone with a Mughal lineage, for example, equally Pakistani as any other Pakistani.

Your point falls flat on its face because you have assumed that Pakistan does not contain the descendants of historical rulers. It does.
Nothing artificial about what India has done in the recent episode. Sarfras Aziz realized the weight of evidence against Pakistan in terms of the Pakistani terrorist caught alive and the Ibrahim phone bill etc are too much to wriggle out of, so took the only way out which is to run away from talks on terrorism. The moment Swaraj said 'you talk of dossiers we bring your live terrorist out' your guys realized the jig was up.
Asusual the artificial reasons with artificial proves.
I am dealing with simple facts and you are dragging in metaphysics.
I gave you 'simple facts', by narrating a handful of nonsensical stories run by the Indian media, which are verifiable, while in return you gave a list of steps that are essentially opinion and speculation about how the Pakistani government, various institutions and their alleged 'surrogates' supposedly act.

You were pointing to this particular story in the OP as somehow being representative of 'Pakistan being a drama queen and having a sensationalist media' - I gave you specific and verifiable examples of how Pakistan doesn't even come close to India on that count.

Nothing artificial about what India has done in the recent episode. Sarfras Aziz realized the weight of evidence against Pakistan in terms of the Pakistani terrorist caught alive and the Ibrahim phone bill etc are too much to wriggle out of, so took the only way out which is to run away from talks on terrorism. The moment Swaraj said 'you talk of dossiers we bring your live terrorist out' your guys realized the jig was up.
Weight of evidence for a phone bill in the name of Mehrabeen Shaikh? Google that name in the US yellow/white pages and you'll get dozens of listings with various different spellings. Now does that mean Dawood Ibrahim and his wife live in the US?

The height of absurdity is the fact that there are Indians that actually believe this nonsense spouted by the Indian Establishment actually passes for 'evidence'. With those kinds of 'mental block's, it's no wonder the Indian Establishment has little to worry about when it comes to fabricating credible allegations against Pakistan in order to continue indoctrinating the Indian public with an irrational hatred of Pakistan.
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