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Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she's ready for war.

Very genuine reasons which often restricts women from active duty specially on offensive.These things are more to prove "We are no less than men" type tomboy girls and a gender war.:bounce:
This coming from secular Indian? Really? So....Indian women = to kitchen?!
Also Pakistan wants to show to the world about "Gender Equality". :cheesy:

Soooo...India has no gender equality thing? No idea how PDF Indians can yell secularism and democracy and what not and NOT HAVE any gender equality notion?! :unsure:
Does that mean I should never joke about her deliberations over going for ACCA if we ever meet ! :fie:

I wonder why @Spring Onion didn't join the Airforce....I would've been so proud to see my own baby sister flying an aircraft ! :cray:

i sat for an exame leading to a notorious org :P

dint have any apptitude for airforce.

wanted to peform an open heart surgery (seriously not joking) but seems it was too soft a profession :rolleyes:
or i wasnt fit for it
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I am not sure if you read Islamic history...There were a number of MUSLIM WOMEN who fought along side the Prophet SAW...when he said nothing....who are we to give such fatwah?! :undecided:

Well, American army system is not the same as that of a Muslim world...Plus, I doubt in Muslim countries, the women are trained with men...I thought we have separate academies! :unsure:
Its impossible that you have separate academy fo female pilots.. not that I think it will be put them in danger if they get trained in same staff college..
from the pics posted it seems so.
Good for her, I wish her the best- until that harsh day comes that she is ordered to fly against India in a war, in which case I wish her the worst!

Forumers may be interested to know that there have been two recorded instances of female fighter aces, both in in WWII, both Russian. Both died in combat. They were real badasses.

Lydia Litvyak. Link


Yekaterina Budanova - Link


There were other outstanding Russian women combat fighter pilots, but the two above were the most decorated. All in all the women fliers had a great record and were no less capable than the men.
This coming from secular Indian? Really? So....Indian women = to kitchen?!

Soooo...India has no gender equality thing? No idea how PDF Indians can yell secularism and democracy and what not and NOT HAVE any gender equality notion?! :unsure:

Keep this to "women" only and not Indian,Pakistani,American etc etc.

Women are better in non-offensive roles specially not for critical jobs like wars where few mins are given to get ready.

Stop comparing yourself with India on secularism/democracy stuff and derailing the thread.:coffee:
woman has no place within fighter pilots, our society and individual thinking far from appropriate bahaviour when a female inducted into business. SISTER/BROTHER CULTURE is very popular in every working fields in Pakistan so PAF should discourage any female training on this level as it may disturb pilots performance.

Congrats to her! Its a great achievement and had made Pakistan Proud! :pakistan:
Same on you who failed to pick my point.

If you ever know a pilot who was part of the batch that had these females.. you would realize HOW much the sister-brother culture exists.. to the extent these guy said " These girls are Mard"..
So there's no fraternizing here.. the girls arent there for it..

To add to this.. in all my years.. The most "loose" and dangerous girls Ive met.. are those from all girls colleges.. and especially the Hijab variety... Sure. early on raging hormones need to be controlled.. but through professional conduct . all of these can be.
just don't let this turned into another female service member fiasco we had a couple of years ago in Sweden.

Female Swedish Soldier say no to unisex underwear and demand the Swedish government design them some new undies just for hers.
Women should not be recruited in the army of any muslim country. This is serious violation of hijab. Women are by nature weak and are not supposed to fight. They are not able to protect themselves as well.

So Muslim women in a war are supposed to be helpless and scream like little girls in case there is an enemy against them?

And what happened in the battle of Hunayn is fiction? Where women who had come to assist in nursing had to join the fight to defend against an enemy onslaught.. where the prophet permitted it due to the conditions prevailing.

There is no place for women in Combat.. yes.. Because even if they do fight.. and are captured.. they become a source of Fitnah.
However, most the transport pilots perform the same tasks as the women who bring food and water to the front..
And a pilot who is trained for combat may do well in helping train front line men... as may be demanded by the times.
Stop living in the 6th century.. Islam is religion of the times.. the prophet's example is there to follow.

Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam cursed those men who imitate women and cursed those women who imitate men ( mafhoom of a hadith)

Who made this mafhoom? You?
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