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Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she's ready for war.

this policy of recruiting women as fighter pilots is nothing but to spread a culture of secularism and fahashi in Pakistan. women simply have no role in armed forces. its exclusive domain of men. this policy of recruiting women was actually started by Busharraf under his anti-islam agenda for Pakistan and now being continued by his successors.

Rasoolullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam cursed those men who imitate women and cursed those women who imitate men ( mafhoom of a hadith)

Okay Mr misogynist you can shut up now.
Because currently as we see it F-16's and JF-17's are reserved for men only, because they are more advanced platform. In future there will be greater uniformity in PAF fleet in which bulk of the fleet will consist of these two types of aircraft. That is the reason I asked.

When it comes to WVR A2A engagements, i would put her chances equal against the likes of F16 and JF17's. The F7PG pilots regularly go against the F16's in A2A combat and have hammered them out of the skies on many occasions. The plane the jocks of F16 fear the most in WVR combat is the F7PG, it is an excellent AD platform. The F7PG is not retiring anytime soon, the airframe is relatively young and will be in service till at least 2025.
So Muslim women in a war are supposed to be helpless and scream like little girls in case there is an enemy against them?

And what happened in the battle of Hunayn is fiction? Where women who had come to assist in nursing had to join the fight to defend against an enemy onslaught.. where the prophet permitted it due to the conditions prevailing.

There is no place for women in Combat.. yes.. Because even if they do fight.. and are captured.. they become a source of Fitnah.
However, most the transport pilots perform the same tasks as the women who bring food and water to the front..
And a pilot who is trained for combat may do well in helping train front line men... as may be demanded by the times.
Stop living in the 6th century.. Islam is religion of the times.. the prophet's example is there to follow.

Who made this mafhoom? You?

Brother the examples that you are quoting would first have to be confirmed with the scholars because the events of ghazwat are very famous and generally we have never listened to any women participating in ghazwat. Even if such examples did take place then they were only exceptions and not a rule. Moreover hazrat umar radiyallahu anhu had prohibited women from going to mosques so how come a question arises of women going into the battle field? Therefore all this military women phenomena is western and secular and has no basis in islam.

Moreover i just wrote it inadvertently as mafhoom its actually a saheeh hadith. u can confirm if u like.
male or female who cares?




So why do you care why do I interested in an indo-pak (Actually this threads is only Pakistan)
They call this "International Forum" not for nothing, if they only allow Pakistani and Indian to reply to certain thread, then they should limit to only Pakistani and Indian can join this forum and stop calling this an International Forum.

What I interested is hardly of anyone business
this vile comment very aptly reflects your hatred for islamic teachings.

That is great, implement those teachings on yourself first before making ignorant statements about our women. They are not your property and are as good as men.

So why do you care why do I interested in an indo-pak (Actually this threads is only Pakistan)
They call this "International Forum" not for nothing, if they only allow Pakistani and Indian to reply to certain thread, then they should limit to only Pakistani and Indian can join this forum and stop calling this an International Forum.

What I interested is hardly of anyone business

He's a temporary guest....ignore him ;)
All the best to the fighter, she must be supported at every step.

Thank you Pervez Musharraf, despite foreign pressure, politicians cannot undo your reforms.

Brother Busharraf introduced this military women phenomena in Pakistan under orders of US and west as part of their and his anti-islam agenda.
That is great, implement those teachings on yourself first before making ignorant statements about our women. They are not your property and are as good as men.

He's a temporary guest....ignore him ;)

lol I will :)
Brother Busharraf introduced this military women phenomena in Pakistan under orders of US and west as part of their and his anti-islam agenda.

Man what the hell is your problem?...Don't allow your women to join the forces, tie them up. Don't bother imposing your stupid misogynistic ignorance on others and hope that they will accept it.
@Hyperion What do you think about this?
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So Muslim women in a war are supposed to be helpless and scream like little girls in case there is an enemy against them?

And what happened in the battle of Hunayn is fiction? Where women who had come to assist in nursing had to join the fight to defend against an enemy onslaught.. where the prophet permitted it due to the conditions prevailing.

There is no place for women in Combat.. yes.. Because even if they do fight.. and are captured.. they become a source of Fitnah.
However, most the transport pilots perform the same tasks as the women who bring food and water to the front..
And a pilot who is trained for combat may do well in helping train front line men... as may be demanded by the times.
Stop living in the 6th century.. Islam is religion of the times.. the prophet's example is there to follow.

Apart from the rest which I agree with, I'd disagree with the bold part ! I can't recall a single instance when reading the Koran where I've come across any such injunction even if it were taken in an implicit meaning; I would assume that women can & should be allowed to fight ! :)

At any rate on my part I think that if Hazrat Ayesha (RA) can lead an Army of Muslim Men, than the women in my life sure as hell can fight & die for their Motherland if they so wish it !
Aur jeee @Rafi Bhai kaiseiii haiiin ? :azn:

Bhabi...bacheiii wagheraa theek thaaak hain naa ? :)
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Brother the examples that you are quoting would first have to be confirmed with the scholars because the events of ghazwat are very famous and generally we have never listened to any women participating in ghazwat. Even if such examples did take place then they were only exceptions and not a rule. Moreover hazrat umar radiyallahu anhu had prohibited women from going to mosques so how come a question arises of women going into the battle field? Therefore all this military women phenomena is western and secular and has no basis in islam.

Moreover i just wrote it inadvertently as mafhoom its actually a saheeh hadith. u can confirm if u like.

The hadiath's miskeeniat is not the issue.. you mafhoom is. How can you interpret the mafhoom that way? What context did the prophet say it in?

When you read the Quran , do you also read where the verse was revealed or just go ahead? Talawat of Quran is not parroting the words again and again.. but understanding what they mean and in what context were they revealed.
The same goes for the prophet's hadiath.. he said them for a reason.. in context.. which is why Sahih Bukhari(the complete textual book and not these internet quasi teachings) has a history of how the hadiath was collected, and the varying accounts.

There is no interpretation other than those who would be overly zealous in interpreting that defines this Hadiath as aimed at Crossdressers. It has NOTHING to do with women taking on roles or otherwise. If that was the case, then women would not be permitted to nurse men in battle either since that too is also performed by men.

Using Islamic teachings incorrectly is also a sin.. and you are doing just that.

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