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Pakistan fighter pilot wins battle of sexes, now she's ready for war.

Congrats to the lady!

Hope India takes a cue. Though female pilots at this point remains not financially feasible. Least we can do is allow them to take up combat roles.
Congrats to her
and the part i like most is that she has a Hijab always

and hopefully one day we will see someone is flying the JF17 J19 or the F16 :)

and any way best or work and good luck
what would be amazing if she qualifies for the F-16. anyway its a great achievement for her to be cleared for war-fighting!:pakistan:

there can be great opportunity for women pilots in the PAA flying helos - does the army allow such?
As reported by JewishNewsOne.

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To be perfectly honest, considering the economic disparity and even societal advances India has made over Pakistan, India should have been the first one to let women into the air force.

It's one small consolation for us, I guess.
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well, i found a lot of abuse from Indian side regarding the lady, Ayesha! Our pride! Why you are so afraid of her? she is just amongs thousands who oath to destroy your pits, as she also participated and badged Saffron Bandit warrior! she is expert fighter as all others in PAF, kyaa kisi nay aurat kee tameez karnaa nahe sikhaya tum logo ko...?
I am so astonished to see various people saying this attempt as unislamic and blind adaptation of values of West.
Although for the spread of Islam both Men and women has given up their lives in past history.
Adding to this, i believe that as driving a car is safer and more Islamic to women compared to driving a bike, similar is case with Pakistan airforce. I read a post in which some of my brother said that if she caught up in enemy land and ejected from her fighter plane, then you know what happen next? My friend, PAF is a pride of nation, ejecting plane or retreating back from cause, is not given in our dictionary. our fight is a bit different than other combating ground soldiers. definitly PAF high commands know very well whom they have to send in combat field, at which fighter plane, and with what instructions.... MOMIN MOUT SAY DARTAA NAHEE....
This one looks like an F-7P

other than that.....
Your navy has got some of the Hottest chicks in any armed forces...
Saw them myself on USS Independence
(Yesh sounds sexist but cant forget that after so many years)

Its an F-7PG. Notice the one piece, front wind shield.
Congratulations to Ayesha Farooq. Apparently she got married about three or so weeks ago: According to Rob Crilly of Daily Telegraph. I hope she makes her marriage a success like her career so far.

" Fl Lt Farooq remains a traditional Pakistani woman in some ways. Three weeks ago she was married to her cousin, in a match arranged for her by the two families.
"We played together when we were children so I think he always knew I would not be a traditional woman," she said."

Pakistan's only female fighter pilot becomes role model for millions of girls - Telegraph

Pakistan's only female fighter pilot becomes role model for millions of girls
If border sniping should ever descend into all-out war between India and Pakistan, Ayesha Farooq will be one of the first pilots into the air.

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