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Pakistan Failed state?

You have world bank for that, to tell you how good and developed you are as per your criteria of economy, you have WHO to explain about health facilities and assist you in establishing good health institutions. The poverty line is decided by US which does not suit Pakistan's economy, the poverty line in India, or Australia is according to their economic standard.. How the hell you will compare who is developed?
You've confused yourself, which is not surprising since your psyche is wrestling with maintaining the charade of an Indian pretending to be a Pakistani. A proper attempts at calculating something like poverty rates etc would take into account the local dynamics and adjust for that, which is something I mentioned in my post above
The criteria of being happy may vary in different countries accordingly. In south Asia, even those who enjoy all the luxuries are not happy with the life , they want more. Will you call them Happy or Unhappy
At the end of the day, happiness is the true human goal. So if people in India are far less happy than people in Pakistan, India, relative to Pakistan, is failing her people and failing as a State.
Hey, at least Pakistanis go abroad for better employment opportunities vs Indians (men and women) trying to escape being raped by by their fellow countrymen.

Therefore, the hierarchy of needs theory would suggest that Pakistan is better at meeting the basic needs of her citizens than India.

Yes, we go abroad to 'escape being raped' and manage to earn the highest among all groups. :lol:
5 facts about Indian Americans | Pew Research Center
You've confused yourself, which is not surprising since your psyche is wrestling with maintaining the charade of an Indian pretending to be a Pakistani. A proper attempts at calculating something like poverty rates etc would take into account the local dynamics and adjust for that, which is something I mentioned in my post above

At the end of the day, happiness is the true human goal. So if people in India are far less happy than people in Pakistan, India, relative to Pakistan, is failing her people and failing as a State.

different things make different people happy. Let's not go into that discussion.

I already agree with you that, criteria should be domestic.
Hey, at least Pakistanis go abroad for better employment opportunities vs Indians (men and women) trying to escape being raped by by their fellow countrymen.

Therefore, the hierarchy of needs theory would suggest that Pakistan is better at meeting the basic needs of her citizens than India.

wow.. where did you pick that up ? Last night, in one of your wet dreams ? Did you know number of rapes happening per-capita is 15 times more in Pakistan than in India ? At least Indian citizens come out on the street and social media and protest against such issues, highlight them which brings about change in the society.

What do you do ? Going by the logic, there should be 15 times more such protest in Pakistan. No, you just take pleasure in criticizing others but can't do a damn thing yourself. Such are the indicators of failed state.
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I don't know which country you are in , as per the flags you are in Pak, and hence I wrote about managing own statistics, with you. :) But I am against those who leave country and then blabber all sort of fancy arguments on Pakistan.
Yep, you continue to display typical Indian pisscological issues with these comments about 'overseas Pakistanis commenting on Pakistan'. Don't worry, you have plenty of Indian company. Many of you lot who troll online drag this up when faced with the inability to actually argue on a particular subject.

Here's why your argument is nothing more than a pisskologically damaged Indian canard - the discussion on this thread relates to the BISP, The OP provided statistics on the BISP from Pakistan. The OP and others made arguments on the effectiveness of the BISP based on information from, and observations in, Pakistan. So please explain how exactly being an overseas Pakistani invalidates the argument? Did the OP pass off US social security statistics in the guise of the BISP?

wow.. where did you pick that up ?
Back off - I'm dealing with a pisskologically damaged Indian troll aka Shan-e-BS - try to comprehend the context before shooting off.

different things make different people happy. Let's not go into that discussion.
And apparently whatever India is doing as a State is not making her people happy, hence, relative to Pakistan and other States ranked above her, India is failing her people and failing as a State.
Yep, you continue to display typical Indian pisscological issues with these comments about 'overseas Pakistanis commenting on Pakistan'. Don't worry, you have plenty of Indian company. Many of you lot who troll online drag this up when faced with the inability to actually argue on a particular subject.

Here's why your argument is nothing more than a pisskologically damaged Indian canard - the discussion on this thread relates to the BISP, The OP provided statistics on the BISP from Pakistan. The OP and others made arguments on the effectiveness of the BISP based on information from, and observations in, Pakistan. So please explain how exactly being an overseas Pakistani invalidates the argument? Did the OP pass off US social security statistics in the guise of the BISP?

Domestic Criteria or Foreign Criteria of measuring happiness or development index. But those who have left Pakistan, when they say, OMG Pakistan has not failed. It sounds funny. There was no reason to leave the nation for ' better life 'if everything was successful, or not failing.

Let's not go into technical debate, because that will not prove any thing. And will NOT convince Pakistanis to come back or stop them going abroad. Unless until some miracle happens and Pakistan becomes a two trillion dollar economy.

And apparently whatever India is doing as a State is not making her people happy, hence, relative to Pakistan and other States ranked above her, India is failing her people and failing as a State.

Bhai jan India se hat kar bhi dunia hai. Compare the happiness Index with Finland, Denmark or Bhutan. India itself is in doldrums.
Back off - I'm dealing with a pisskologically damaged Indian troll aka Shan-e-BS - try to comprehend the context before shooting off.
You better be ready to back up you claims in an open forum. Otherwise don't open your mouth about stuff you have little idea.
Indians were expecting from you to admit your country as failed country but now Indians are coming in this thread to defend when someone talk about social ills in their country but they all would love the self-hating rants of people like Hasan nisar who is their fav as long as he bash/insult Pakistan, its ideolog/ existence and talk BS about Pakistani, Islam, muslim ummah lol No Indian will ever praise her

You better be ready to back up you claims in an open forum. Otherwise don't open your mouth about stuff you have little idea.
I have no need to back up any claim of mine when made in response to an Indian troll posting trash about 'failed state' and the invalidity of the arguments of 'overseas Pakistanis'.

As I said, try to comprehend the context that comments and arguments are made in.
Indians were expecting from you to admit your country as failed country but now Indians are coming in this thread to defend when someone talk about social ills in their country but they all would love the self-hating rants of people like Hasan nisar who is their fav as long as he bash/insult Pakistan, its ideolog/ existence and talk BS about Pakistani, Islam, muslim ummah lol No Indian will ever praise her


My dear friend.
Some Indian members responded when some one talks ill of India because social issues of India has got nothing to do with Pakistan being a failed state or not in the first place. Where is your focus ?

I have no need to back up any claim of mine when made in response to an Indian troll posting trash about 'failed state' and the invalidity of the arguments of 'overseas Pakistanis'.

As I said, try to comprehend the context that comments and arguments are made in.

I very well understand the context and I will not stand for any kind of fabricated and skewed representation of my society for your purposes. Do I make myself clear ? You want to give examples of rape and violence etc etc.. you give example of your own society. Statistics say, those problems are 15 times more in Pakistan..
"Indians leaving their country to avoid violence and rape!"- That's what you said ? You better delete that.
My dear friend.
Some Indian members responded when some one talks ill of India because social issues of India has got nothing to do with Pakistan being a failed state or not in the first place. Where is your focus ?
If someone insult/bash your enemy country he become intellectual for you because all he talk is what you want to hear
If someone bash and insult your own country then he become sickular Indian who is not patriot
Domestic Criteria or Foreign Criteria of measuring happiness or development index. But those who have left Pakistan, when they say, OMG Pakistan has not failed. It sounds funny. There was no reason to leave the nation for ' better life 'if everything was successful, or not failing.
It only sounds funny when you're a pisskologically damaged Indian troll. The argument being made on this thread about the BISP and its effect on Pakistanis is based on statistics from Pakistan, not statistics from the US, so how exactly does the the place of residence of someone discussing these statistics matter?
Let's not go into technical debate, because that will not prove any thing. And will NOT convince Pakistanis to come back or stop them going abroad. Unless until some miracle happens and Pakistan becomes a two trillion dollar economy.
Wow, I knew I was embarrassing you by taking apart your ridiculous charade, but I didn't expect you to just come out and accept that you really are incapable of arguing the merits of the topic, and therefore resort to nonsense like 'overseas Pakistanis should not argue the positive aspects of Pakistan'. The question I raised proves everything - if the statistics related to a particular subject are obtained from Pakistan, then how does the place of residence of the individuals discussing said statistics impact the validity of the arguments being made, based on said statistics?
Bhai jan India se hat kar bhi dunia hai. Compare the happiness Index with Finland, Denmark or Bhutan. India itself is in doldrums.
Of course, compared to Sweden Pakistan is a 'failed State', there is always room for improvement, but that is why I made the argument earlier that without some kind of a reference point (comparison to other countries if you will) these numbers trying to make sense of the state of a people are somewhat meaningless. So you contrast the data against similar systems to get a sense of the state of your particular system. This particular set of data (Happiness index) suggests that Pakistan is 'successful' in contrast to India, but 'failing' relative to Western European nations.
If someone insult/bash your enemy country he become intellectual for you because all he talk is what you want to hear
If someone bash and insult your own country then he become sickular Indian who is not patriot

You can believe if you want to believe that, it's not my job to make you think any different.
However, I don't subscribe to that thought process.
If Pakistanis don't think that its a failed state, then its not a failed, as simple as that.
You can believe if you want to believe that, it's not my job to make you think any different.
However, I don't subscribe to that thought process.
it was not for you but overall mentality. we love all sort of insult/criticism/bashing as long as its directed toward our enemy. we dont like to see the mirrors
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