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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

Pakistan’s Infatuation with the F-16s: Dreams & Realities
July 6, 2010

By Raja Mujtaba

The 1971 Indo-Pak War was over and the Pakistan Air Force did not perform as well as in the 1965 war with India. The American technology which our brave pilots and engineers had absorbed and put to its maximum performance in the previous war let us down in the 71 War. The Korean vintage F-86 Sabers, F104 Star Fighters and B-57 Bombers along with their Missiles and Avionics Suites had out-stretched their operational lives and were now lingering along in our inventories to be counted in numbers. All the smart alecks on the payroll of the PAF in the mid 1970s were collected in the Operations Research Directorate at Air Headquarters to identify the needs of the PAF for the next 20 years. Some of us who were fairly impressed by the American technologies due to being exposed to it in the early part of our PAF careers in the American Aerospace Industry wondered at this new Engineering Genius which in its initial phase was known as Experimental-F16 (XF-16).While the USAF was pushing the American Aerospace Industry towards larger aircraft platforms with twin engines and high speeds as a replacement to the Work Horse aircraft of the Vietnam War: Phantoms, few innovative engineers at the General Dynamics Fort Worth Plant were putting their own money and time to develop their dream aircraft without any of their company executives’ support. There were no takers of their design of light weight, single engine, multi-purpose, loads of weapons carrying capability, medium range aircraft at that time and it remained an experimental toy of these handful of extra ordinary aerospace and avionics engineers who were working over time at their own cost and risk. Such was their innovative genius that within a few years of their first proto-type developed on self help basis, they converted the whole world towards their design which became one of the most sought after aircraft ever in the history of military aviation.

At the first glance of the XF-16 we were pleasantly shocked to see an aircraft which snugly fitted into our own ASR (Airstaff Service Requirement).It was as if these American Engineers had seriously read our ASR and fully implemented it even before the USAF had prepared one of their own .From that point onwards we were all hooked to acquire this sleek aircraft to meet our operational requirements for the foreseeable future. From then on, it was passed in the Political Domain to acquire this aircraft from our tax payers money for the first time as previously all American Acquisitions came under the MAP (Military Aid Programme).There were several restrictions put on us on the MAP equipment acquired earlier and therefore, we were now excited to have our own say as we were paying in our hard earned US Dollars. The occupation of Afghanistan by Soviet Union pushed our case forward and finally clearance came from the US Govt for us to negotiate with F-16 Manufacturers after years and years of waiting. Our Buyers’ euphoria came to an abrupt halt when the US offered us the watered down F-16 version known as the Exportable F-16.We flatly walked out from the deal and gained back our ground inch by inch by clearly defining our minimum requirements of the Airborne Radar, Avionics Suite, Missiles &Precision Guided Munitions, Aircraft Engine Configuration and the Electronic Warfare Pods. This itself was no mean task as on several occasions our President had to talk to the US President in the White House to break the stalement. Transfer of Technology was a no go area for us which was very disappointing but as engineers, we tried to fill up the gap, wherever possible, by continuously communicating with the General Dynamics engineering personnel at the personal and professional level. The best transfer of technology in time takes place not through the blue prints of paper drawings but thru the two legs and the right mind placed over it (Human Resource).The PAF Engineers never disappointed the Nation when the hard times came to keep the F-16s flying under a US sanctioned regime.

The year 1983 saw the Fighting Falcons (F-16 non de plume) flying over our skies for the first time. This was a record time for any F-16 user including Israel to adapt to this next generation Aircraft Technology .All thru the 1980s the Fighting Falcons made a big difference in the Air Battles over the Pak-Afghan border and over time the Soviet pilots started respecting its capabilities even though we did not have BVRs then. Not only did we openly engage with the Soviet Air Force and claimed several MIG-23 hits but we jealously protected our Strategic Infra-structure on 24/7 basis by our F-16 Fleet. The Soviets left Afghanistan in 1990 and its down side came with the Pressler Amendment from the US Govt which blocked all our ordered F-16 Aircraft in the pipe line. Not only that, Shahbaz which was an FOB (Forward Operating Base) was being up-graded at a heavy expense as an MOB (Main Operating Base) to house the next batch of the F-16s .Billions of US Dollars of our tax payers money got stuck up in this programme for several years. The PAF finally decided to give it up after waiting for 10 long years and preferred Co-Development of the Super-7 Aircraft with the Chinese. This joint venture is coming to maturity with these aircraft being mass produced at Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), Kamra.

Twenty seven years after that first flight of the F-16 As&Bs, the new version of F-16 Cs&Ds have now landed at Shahbaz (Jacobabad).The major difference in them being the BVR (Beyond Visual Range) Missile and additional night flying and targeting capability. In the gap of almost three decades between the two F-16 versions, Pakistan has built up a huge technology base at the cost of billions of tax payers’ money which can easily adopt the new technologies inherent in this new version. Our past experience has shown us that for long term sustainability of Aircraft support, we have to harness the new technologies and exert our sovereign rights more vigorously. For this purpose, closely monitoring of Shahbaz by our political leaders and parliament may be required in order to stop repeating our past mistakes. While all the important US players i.e. Pentagon, Senate and the private sector manufacturers are on the same page, we in Pakistan need to emulate the same. Their complete operations and engineering support have to be carried out on a self reliance basis. After all the F-16 technology is more than 30 years old and can be fully absorbed within our Primary Public Sector Aerospace Industry and our Secondary Private Sector Downstream Vendor Industry for long term sustainability of this system on which more than US Dollars Five Billion would be ultimately spent.

Pakistan is fortunate to have hundreds of F-16s flying in its region and several times in the past, studies were carried out to look at the joint facilities of Turkey and Pakistan for supporting these multiple users. Looking at our past experience, the Americans would not easily let go and therefore, combined political pressure from UAE, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan may have to be applied to achieve this end. Barring this combined pressure, we would remain dependent on the largesse of US to sustain our F-16 operations .We have to be very pragmatic about it as the F-16 technology may not be the state-of-the-art any more, and therefore, with a little push and pull we may strike a good deal not only for ourselves but other friendly users in our close vicinity. Our Aerospace and Avionics Industrial Infra-structure is now matured enough to take on this challenge and put Pakistan in a vantage position in our region. We also have to closely monitor the American Proposals to sell newer Aerospace systems to our Eastern neighbor and closely scrutinize their terms and conditions. Our Parliamentary Committee on Defense should become pro-active now instead of reacting on the likely Indo-American Deal of the Century thru the Indian acquisition of more than 125 State-of-the-Art Aircraft from the USA.

Pakistan?s Infatuation with the F-16s: Dreams & Realities : Veterans Today


New F-16s touch down in Pakistan

By Craig Hoyle

Pakistan’s first batch of three new Lockheed Martin F-16C/D Block 52 fighters touched down at its air force’s Shahbaz (Jacobabad) air base on 26 June.

Ferried from the USA by Pakistan air force pilots, the trio included two twin-seat examples, registered 10804 and 10805. The other was a single-seat aircraft marked as 902.

They represent the first shipment from a 2006 contract for 12 C-model fighters and six F-16Ds.

“The delivery of all 18 aircraft will complete by the end of this year,” the air force says. “Pakistan attaches great significance to its air defence needs,” the service adds, while describing the new arrivals as “much superior” to its legacy fleet of F-16A/Bs.

Pakistan has 25 F-16As and 21 F-16Bs in active use, as listed in Flightglobal’s MiliCAS database. These were delivered between 1982 and 2008, it says.

Islamabad’s first Pratt & Whitney F100-229-engined F-16D, registered as 10801, was delivered in late 2009 to support development and training activities in the USA.

Links posted in this story: Lockheed Martin

Guy'z plz read this:

The fourth F16 bk52
The fourth f16 was with the batch but it got some problem so it stayed at Saudi Arab. That's why after three or four day's it recieved. GooD nEws!!!:pakistan::usflag:
if they are spending more then 6 billion on f16 they are stupid they could have bought large quantity of saab gripian for that price with tot

Realize that just the cost of 36 F-16s (of which we only bought 18) is $3 billion. So Pakistan has not spent $5.1 billion on the F-16 package as of yet. Our current bill stands at $3.6 billion USD.
I heard that we have got ALQ-211 (V) 4 AIDEWS with blk 52s but according to these sources, we received the (V) 9 variant. (V) 4 is specifically designed for blk 52s and 60s and the latter is for heavy duty jamming like what E-6 are equipped with. If this is true than its great news. Functions include:

(V 4)

1. Digital Radar Warning
2. Advanced Situation Awareness
3. High/Low Band Jamming Enhanced
for Air-to-Air Missions
4. Countermeasures Dispensing

(V 9)

1. Digital Radar Warning
2. High Power Jamming
3. Threat Geo-location
4. Situational Awareness Modular
5. Scalable

web sources.......

News, Magazines, Newspapers, Journals, Reference Articles and Classic Books - Free Online Library

Pakistan - AN/ALQ-211(V)9 AIDEWS Pods - ASDNews


Both are 21st century EW systems and do not have an equivalent in neighborhood so far.
Last edited:
I heard that we have got ALQ-211 (V) 4 AIDEWS with blk 52s but according to these sources, we received the (V) 9 variant. (V) 4 is specifically designed for blk 52s and 60s and the latter is for heavy duty jamming like what E-6 are equipped with. If this is true than its great news. Functions include:

(V 4)

1. Digital Radar Warning
2. Advanced Situation Awareness
3. High/Low Band Jamming Enhanced
for Air-to-Air Missions
4. Countermeasures Dispensing

(V 9)

1. Digital Radar
2. High Power Jamming
3. Threat Geo-location
4. Situational
5. Awareness Modular and Scalable

web sources.......

News, Magazines, Newspapers, Journals, Reference Articles and Classic Books - Free Online Library

Pakistan - AN/ALQ-211(V)9 AIDEWS Pods - ASDNews


Both are 21st century EW systems and do not have an equivalent in neighborhood so far.

Indeed v9 is one of the best if not the best ---- excellent capability to have. Coupled that with AIM120C5 -- its marriage made in heaven.

one question - Does it give 360 deg coverage ?

Congratulations !!

We certainly lack in EW department and i believe with blck 52 induction , pakistan has surpassed us in that department.

India on other hand is eagerly awaiting for Mayavi to take shape ...that is going to be the key for us.

In betn thanks for the info.
Indeed v9 is one of the best if not the best ---- excellent capability to have. Coupled that with AIM120C5 -- its marriage made in heaven.

one question - Does it give 360 deg coverage ?

Congratulations !!

We certainly lack in EW department and i believe with blck 52 induction , pakistan has surpassed us in that department.

India on other hand is eagerly awaiting for Mayavi to take shape ...that is going to be the key for us.

In betn thanks for the info.

Got my answer -- yes it does provide 360...has Pakistan opted for towed decoy ? If yes then it is extremely impressive.
Yes it has entire 360 deg coverage as it is among necessary requirements for a comprehensive AIDEWS system.
Nabil, could you expand on the capabilities of the D20's that are specifically designed for Electronic Warfare. I know that they spent some considerable time in France undergoing upgrade, also in PAC our engineers have spent a lot of time upgrading their hardware/software. It seems that PAF is diverting a lot of their resources towards Electronic Warfare.
Importance of EW warfare in modern combat has increased many folds, in fact, it has gone to an extent that i would call it "offensive measure" instead of defensive which was the case back in 90s. Falcon D20s have seen a thorough upgrade in France fairly recently and now possess increased jamming algorithm based sensors as well as ELINT systems that brought them close to current D20 variants in service with very few air forces in the world.

PAC is spending significant time and resources in developing sophisticated EW sensors which include our very own EW pod that will be mounted both internally and externally (JF-17s initially) and will be tested on Mirages and F-7s, along with our very own advanced avionics on board our existing and future fighter fleet especially JF-17s. So much development is going on that PAF and related organizations have their hands full at the moment.
This was posted on Pakdef forum by Mr. H Khan on 12-09-2009....

"PAF used to operate two DA-20 but I think March of 2008 added third DA-20 in the sqd. The first two Blinders went through are a very extensive upgrade program and each aircraft spend close to 16 months in France for structural overhaul and upgrade. They have become a very potent platform. This upgrade was performed starting late 2004 and ending middle of 2007. The VIP is still in service as a VIP but soon to be sold off as scrape. If someone can add the third name of the aircraft, first two are Haider & Iqbal.....anyone for the third name? "

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