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Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

USAF have F-16 then Why F-18?
They Have F-14 then Why F-15?

Russia Have SU 35 then why Mig 35.

Dear, every aircraft has its own worth, JFT is our backbone but for research and development to teach your Aeronautical students it is best policy to rebuild F-16.

Best example is China J11 J16 F7pg all are copy.
We can change little in canopy or wings this little change will allow us to rebuild according our needs.

1st of all we don’t have expertise in copying aircraft or rebuilding it. 2nd, We can’t modify anything in F-16 without approval of USA. Why can’t you understand that?
USA periodically sends their technical team to monitor our F-16s.

I have a friend who is ex-navy F-18 pilot. Another Friend is ex-Airforce pilot who tested F-35.
F-16 and F-18 are in different weight class and have different role. Same goes for Su-35 and Mig-35, different weight class and different role, SU-35 can carry advance radar and more weapons.

Russian and Chinese relationship is not the same as our with America.
Chinese bought F-7 and Su-27 with ToT and later modify them without approval. If Russia was supper Power, they could have taken China to international court or have imposed strong financial sanctions but Russia didn’t do that.
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What do you think?

Our relationship is not same as 10 years ago.
I don’t have my contact in Defense attaché in Pakistani Embbacy in DC but I know that we are getting the F-16 parts without any issue. We may not be able to get new aircrafts but USA will continue to support our current F-16s.fleet.
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This is only my views you can add your knowledge.
Is it possible for PAC to rebuild F-16 with Chinese engine and PAC made parts?

What will happen if we put WS 10 or WS 15 engine in F-16?


Is it rocket science to make F-16 body parts?
F-16 1.jpg

F-16 2.png

F-16 3.png

Can we fire PL-15 with F-16?
Chuck Yeager: 1971-73 was in Pakistan
He wrote in his book that PAF engineer are expert in fitting USA made bombs and rocket in Chinese jets F6 aircraft.
Same we can do with other Fighetr jets Buy from Jordan Qatar Egypt and KSA and totly rebuild all these aircraft.
Iran has upgraded its fleet of F-14.
Buy compunents from open Market and give a new life to our Jets.

View attachment 784486
This F-14 is the combination of Russian and Chinese parts.

F-2 Japan
View attachment 784491
View attachment 784492

U r comparing 1950s technology with 2000s.... things have changed technologically and politically for pakistan.
As Turkey requested new block 70 and V upgrades kits, if this deal materialized. It will positive step and then chances of PAF going for few new block 70/72 and upgrades v standard kits will also increase
As Turkey requested new block 70 and V upgrades kits, if this deal materialized. It will positive step and then chances of PAF going for few new block 70/72 and upgrades v standard kits will also increase
Turkey and Pakistan's dynamics vis a vis US are different. Turkey is still a NATO partner although it has not seen eye to eye with USA over a couple of issues recently. Pakistan is openly being blamed for US exit from Afghanistan by US officials. Pakistan also is at loggerheads with the US over the coalition support fund money and other moneys which it expects the US to pay and US is openly opposing this. Pakistan's finances will not allow it to get the 5-7 billion dollars it requires to get the 16s and upgrade kits. Lastly the ever present risk of sanctions will not allow PAF to invest that money. So who will give PAakistan th3 interim bridg8ng loan? Please also look at the possible time line for delivery considering 18 months to 2 years for negotiations 3years for delivery plus time for upgrades (another 2-3 years given PAF will not be allowed to upgrade its 16s in house.) Potentially all the C&Ds along with the OCU A and Bs could be upgraded(18 +?14). I think PAF would require 36 new 72s and possibly get some old ones to upgrade(18 more block 42-52)???Overall it could be an ideal solution but the timelines make me think PAF might consider it a bridge too far.
Turkey and Pakistan's dynamics vis a vis US are different. Turkey is still a NATO partner although it has not seen eye to eye with USA over a couple of issues recently. Pakistan is openly being blamed for US exit from Afghanistan by US officials. Pakistan also is at loggerheads with the US over the coalition support fund money and other moneys which it expects the US to pay and US is openly opposing this. Pakistan's finances will not allow it to get the 5-7 billion dollars it requires to get the 16s and upgrade kits. Lastly the ever present risk of sanctions will not allow PAF to invest that money. So who will give PAakistan th3 interim bridg8ng loan? Please also look at the possible time line for delivery considering 18 months to 2 years for negotiations 3years for delivery plus time for upgrades (another 2-3 years given PAF will not be allowed to upgrade its 16s in house.) Potentially all the C&Ds along with the OCU A and Bs could be upgraded(18 +?14). I think PAF would require 36 new 72s and possibly get some old ones to upgrade(18 more block 42-52)???Overall it could be an ideal solution but the timelines make me think PAF might consider it a bridge too far.
You are totally right, but if Pakistan was able get some deal money during usa exit, that can lead conversion kits or few new jets .. if there was some deal otherwise just dreams ... about kits in updation TAI can be used..

We all know PAF babas love for F16 ... its not going away anywhere in near future
You are totally right, but if Pakistan was able get some deal money during usa exit, that can lead conversion kits or few new jets .. if there was some deal otherwise just dreams ... about kits in updation TAI can be used..

We all know PAF babas love for F16 ... its not going away anywhere in near future
Current US fiscal situation will not allow it to hand over the money it owes. US has a history of reneging on its word in any case and Pakistan is no exception to this habit. The more problematic situation is one of sanctions which will not allow us to buy newer planes. I seriously doubt the utility of the 16s in the 2026-28 bracket when they will be delivered if at all. Therein lies our dilemma. The US simply cannot be trusted to deliver on its promises. I think J10 route might be a more realistic one now.
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Most of you are unable to separate fact from fiction
PAF or for that matter any other branch of the Pakistan armed forces does not want to buy any military hardware from the u.s from its own pocket.
It wants it all under CSF or non nato allies head.

As every thing is avaliable to Pakistan as long as it pays from its own pocket.
Current US fiscal situation will not allow it to hand over the money it owes. US has a history of reneging on its word in any case and Pakistan is no exception to this habit. The more problematic situation is one of sanctions which will not allow us to buy newer planes. I seriously doubt the utility of the 16s in the 2026-28 bracket when they will be delivered if at all. Therein lies our dilemma. The US simply cannot be trusted to deliver on its promises. I think J10 route might be a more realistic one now.
Yes J10 is much better and reliable option ... American cannot be trusted they can impose sanctions anyway once there interest from Pakistan rolw in Afghanistan goes out.

But problem is that PAF Babas cant think other then F16 (there first love when they were once young) otherwise we should not have waiting for official news related to J10x till date..

They will not stop chasing there dream bird...
Yes J10 is much better and reliable option ... American cannot be trusted they can impose sanctions anyway once there interest from Pakistan rolw in Afghanistan goes out.

But problem is that PAF Babas cant think other then F16 (there first love when they were once young) otherwise we should not have waiting for official news related to J10x till date..

They will not stop chasing there dream bird...
it is a simple problem of a cash strapped force. When you dont have too much money you look to get the best out of the little that you have. PAF has 75 F16s and capacity to maintain 110-120(possibly up to150) platforms. Bang for buck it is the best fighter money can buy with mature weaponry and hardware. Reliability and MTBO are top notch. PAF Babas have gotten a few houses in USA courtesy of Lockmart so that angle is also top notch.:-):woot::yahoo::astagh:. So it is not impossible to see why they want to go for more in case these platforms are offered to them.
As to the J10 the Chinese are only just becoming mature in their technology so PAF is not hesitant in relying on them. We are getting some level of TOT and supply chain remains uninterrupted. PAF will increasingly be reliant on the Chinese for their tip of the spear platforms, while the runners are built in house till we get up to speed
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F-16 is a ground-based light-medium weight single-engine multirole fighter.
F-18 is a carrier-based platform
F-15 is a ground-based heavyweight air superiority fighter
F-14 was a carrier-based fighter that had been retired for decades and was replaced by F-18

Re-build F-16 with what? to rebuild you need to replace a whole bunch of parts, where do you get them from?

USAF have F-16 then Why F-18?
They Have F-14 then Why F-15?

Russia Have SU 35 then why Mig 35.

Dear, every aircraft has its own worth, JFT is our backbone but for research and development to teach your Aeronautical students it is best policy to rebuild F-16.

Best example is China J11 J16 F7pg all are copy.
We can change little in canopy or wings this little change will allow us to rebuild according our needs.
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