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Pakistan Election Day: 11 May 2013, updates.

عمران نے ڈرون گرانے کا کہا تو امریکا نے عمران کو گرایا اور نواز شریف کو اٹها لیا

ا لیکشن سے پہلے ہر طرف عمران عمران ہی نظر آرہا تھا پھر نواز اور عمران کے ڈرون پر بیانات آئے جب عمران سے پوچھا گیا کہ اگر ڈرون حملہ ہوا تو آپ کیا کریں گے تو ان کا جواب تھا وہ آئندہ ڈرون گرادیں گے اور یہی سوال پوچھا گیا نواز شریف سے تو وہ چپ ہوگئے اس لئے الیکشن میں وہ اوپر آگئے

Siyasi muslihaton ko samajhna parta he wagarna sab daawey dharey ke dharey reh jatey hein
kyon benaga....

No more protests: Section 144 imposed in Sindh.

Politicians are scared of green revolution (Orange revolution like) in Pakistan by Pakistani youth. they should defy the rule.

If politicians and do anything against constitution and law and always do it why can't the youth do it this time for once and finish everything once and for all.

A big majority of eligible voters are 30 and below, they can surely choose the person they want easily through free and fair elections. Add to them a percentage from the older generation and it will be clean sweep in Pakistan.

All youth should come out t the street and show what the youth of Paksitan can do for freedom and justice and be an example for all developing countries having so called "democratic" elections.
اگر عمران خان خیبر پختون خواہ کے چیف منسٹر بن گئے تو ہم اس صوبے میں سرمایا لگائیں گے - بیرون ملک پاکستانی ممبرز کا عہد

THis is not possible since he didn't contest from PK seat.

IK should keep the Pindi seat, Mianwali say jeet hi jayen gay although Peshawar will be interesting, maybe Bilour will make a comeback.
Politicians are scared of green revolution (Orange revolution like) in Pakistan by Pakistani youth. they should defy the rule.

If politicians and do anything against constipation and law and always do it why can't the youth do it this time for once and finish everything once and for all.

A big majority of eligible voters are 30 and below, they can surely choose the person they want easily through free and fair elections. Add to them a percentage from the older generation and it will be clean sweep in Pakistan.

All youth should come out t the street and show what the youth of Paksitan can do for freedom and justice and be an example for all developing countries having so called "democratic" elections.

electronic voting system is the only answer to curb these irregularities - we need transparency.....

Exactly what i have been saying many times. We have the database ready to be used, no chances of any excuses.
Pakistan vote step forward, but irregularities: EU
May 13, 2013 - Updated 166 PKT
ISLAMABAD: High turnout in Pakistan's landmark election was a positive step for democracy despite the fact the campaign was marred by violence and irregularities, an EU observer mission said Monday.

Violence during the campaign and on election day had been "terrible, but must not overshadow the achievements of the process", MEP Richard Howitt told a news conference in Islamabad.

"The turnout in defiance of the threats against the process was an extraordinary vote of confidence in democracy itself.

"This election was a step forward, but one from which we call on all those elected to sustain their commitment to reforms, in the interests of good government for the people and governance for the state," he said.

Michael Gahler, chief of the mission, congratulated Pakistan's election commission for making improvements to its election law and improving its voter roll, as well as ordering re-polling in a contested seat in Karachi.

But the mission said "women and vulnerable groups" were persistently under-represented" despite nearly three times the number of women candidates and a higher women's turnout than at the last polls in 2008.

Observers said voting procedures were mostly followed and that in a "vast majority" of stations all essential material was present, but classified nine percent of stations visited as "poor or inadequate".

But the mission did not go at all to the southwestern, insurgency-torn province of Baluchistan or the semi-autonomous tribal belt on the Afghan border where the Taliban and Al-Qaeda have strongholds.

It also only "undertook limited observation" in Karachi, where the mission said observers saw "some serious problems in polling and were also restricted in their activities".

Karachi was the focus of most complaints reported by rival political parties.


Talk about a blind report!

Michael Gahler, chief of the mission, congratulated Pakistan's election commission for making improvements to its election law and improving its voter roll, as well as ordering re-polling in a contested seat in Karachi.

Observers said voting procedures were mostly followed and that in a "vast majority" of stations all essential material was present, but classified nine percent of stations visited as "poor or inadequate".

Andhoun ko injsutice kahan nazar ati hai....Agar aysa tamasha West mein hota...Every news paper would be crying it out + every other person on the planet shedding their tears for it! :blink:
"Handing" KPK to PTI? Are you serious?

Well thank us for "handing" punjab to you...LOL...

PTI legitimately WON Kyber Pakhtun Khawa...

No one has handed us anything...

If anything, they have taken away our legitimate mandate in Punjab on many constituencies...

PMLN can take back honour given to PTI & can form its own government. Don't forget it.
PTI won by dhandli/rigging in KPK elections and soon it will clear to all.

Politicians are scared of green revolution (Orange revolution like) in Pakistan by Pakistani youth. they should defy the rule.

If politicians and do anything against constipation and law and always do it why can't the youth do it this time for once and finish everything once and for all.

A big majority of eligible voters are 30 and below, they can surely choose the person they want easily through free and fair elections. Add to them a percentage from the older generation and it will be clean sweep in Pakistan.

All youth should come out t the street and show what the youth of Paksitan can do for freedom and justice and be an example for all developing countries having so called "democratic" elections.

Typical mind set of people who want to burn own house through own hands.
LAHORE: Nawaz Sharif on Monday said his government would establish friendly ties with India, adding that he would invite Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his oath-taking ceremony to Islamabad.

Speaking to foreign correspondents at his Raiwind residence, Sharif called upon Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf to respect the mandate of the people and accept the results of the elections.

He further said that his government would devise a national policy to tackle the problem of terrorism. Referring to the attack on PML-N leader Sanaullah Zehri in Balochistan, Sharif said it was not fair to say that terrorism had not affected PML-N.

We will contact every party for the purpose of forming our policy on terrorism, Sharif said, adding that the PML-N government would respect the mandate given to parties by the people from the areas where they have won.

He moreover said that economic revival was the PML-N’s top priority.

On a question pertaining to US drone attacks in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal areas, Sharif said his government would try to convince America to stop those. He said his government will help US forces withdrawing from Afghanistan.

He further said that the PML-N government in its first 100 days would come out with policies on all major issues confronting Pakistan, such as terorirsm, the economy et cetera.

Sharif said Pakistan will become the Asian tiger in his government.
this is height of stupidity..bander k haath chindiya lag gaey....miya sahab hosh mai ayein.......:blink:
for his oath taking ceremony ganja shareef is inviting manmohan..???patan ziyada aqalmund nikla tum se ganjay....
LAHORE: Nawaz Sharif on Monday said his government would establish friendly ties with India, adding that he would invite Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his oath-taking ceremony to Islamabad.

Speaking to foreign correspondents at his Raiwind residence, Sharif called upon Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf to respect the mandate of the people and accept the results of the elections.

He further said that his government would devise a national policy to tackle the problem of terrorism. Referring to the attack on PML-N leader Sanaullah Zehri in Balochistan, Sharif said it was not fair to say that terrorism had not affected PML-N.

We will contact every party for the purpose of forming our policy on terrorism, Sharif said, adding that the PML-N government would respect the mandate given to parties by the people from the areas where they have won.

He moreover said that economic revival was the PML-N’s top priority.

On a question pertaining to US drone attacks in Pakistan’s northwestern tribal areas, Sharif said his government would try to convince America to stop those. He said his government will help US forces withdrawing from Afghanistan.

He further said that the PML-N government in its first 100 days would come out with policies on all major issues confronting Pakistan, such as terorirsm, the economy et cetera.

Sharif said Pakistan will become the Asian tiger in his government.

That is good approach toward foreign relations and now there is need to calm down regional situation, enough terrorism, enough war hysteria within both countries, enough bad economy, make positive step so people will step in positive to you.
Typical mind set of people who want to burn own house through own hands.

Well, then enjoy the country ruining in every aspect. 1 in every 3 Pakistani wants to leave Pakistan. If the youth do not get their say then expect them to leave the nation for good and migrate to places where they can get education and have opportunities to develop their skills and excel in their career and in their lives. Pakistan will not give them anything.
That is good approach toward foreign relations and now there is need to calm down regional situation, enough terrorism, enough war hysteria within both countries, enough bad economy, make positive step so people will step in positive to you.

Inviting manmohan while taking oath is a good step..??does Obama invited ganja shereef or does Manmohan invited shareef while taking oath....??Is he taking oath with Pakistan or India..??:blink:
#NA52. #NA53, #PP6. #PP7, #PP10 have been snatched away from PTI after several recounting dramas. #NA54 counting has been on hold.
that part I agree with, that out of his score settling with the army and Musharraf he might say some stupid stuff in India that would bring shame to the entire nation. Whatever happened to him in 1999, it's time to let it go, it's been time to let it go. And it would be a positive sign if he goes easy on Musharraf now that he's in power. As a leader I hope he gets some sense to think many times before he opens his mouth.

exactly my thoughts, you said it so well that I dont feel the need to add anything

Now as far as terrorist links are concerened, once again, if Nawaz' party has links with terrorist outfits, and the army and ISI does, and Imran refuses to attack them, then why are you selective about ripping into Nawaz only? let's go down the list and rip into everyone who supports them, who created them and whoever becomes accessory to their survival.

I will explain why
1. I dont suggest that Malik Ishaq goes to Raiwand for regular meeting to discuss his next killing of Shia doctors and children or execute the shia passengers. there is a political alliance in the south because of a strong Deobandi group that has a very powerful political presence, it provides manpower to Punjabi taliban and also has strong following by the people and thats something no politically ambitious party can look away from (being politically correct hs higher opportunity costs here)
yes other parties also tried to vow the approval of Ahl Sunat wal Jamat (rebranded name of Sipah Sahabah) but Nawaz league has been more successful.

agree that ISI and military still has rats within them who actually tip off the terrorists and even have helped in those spectacular attacks on our bases. in one of operations against the Lashker Jhangvi in Jehlum which was headed by ISI, the operation was a big disaster because the terrorists were expecting them and killed almost the entire raiding team and escaped. that operation was top secret but it strongly suggested some informants who warned their "Islamic brothers" of incoming danger.

now why I am being selective in criticising Nawaz league?
well I am biased and opinionated (no excuses) they fanned the hatred towards army, they used to taunt and joke about the dead soldiers and repeatedly called the killers of 50K Pakistanis as their brothers. the worse part is that they decided to call the leader of BLA a shaheed who waged war with state of Pakistan and has killed equal number of Baloch & nonBaloch in the Baloch insurgency. whats more he made one of the known terrorists a leader of Baloch chapter. just to appease the extremists Baloch nationalist vote.

I called IK Taliban Khan when he was very crude and clueless in his criticism of army and used to start his rallies from Red Mosque , he changed and got very mature (those COAS and ISI chief briefings did wonders)

lets take this discussion to some other thread. I only pray for the sake of this country and its people that this government doesnt go at whole scale loot and plunder at the scale of the past,. because we are it ... yes we are gone as a country
all winning parties have styled themselves to be ethnic and regional. nawaz league will rule Pakistan on the bases of its popular vote of Punjab it has "representation" in other provinces and check out those people, they are basically from political dynasties, some are extremely xenophobes and racists towards the rest of Pakistanis and routinely change "parties" which ever throws the biggest bone.
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